
Ch 66 Queen Of Blue Roses

All eyes were on the final challengers as everyone held their breaths....

""~~~TOOOOOOOOOOOOT~~~"" The buckle sounded and both riders spurred their horses onwards.

The Black and White stallions kicked off as their large hooves trampled the earth and charged forwards.

Six long seconds passed as both Men aimed their lances at the other and leaned forwards in the saddle in anticipation of the clash.

The impact was felt by everyone as they made contact with each other, both lances shattered as the armored men rode past and picked up another lance.

dozens of servant boys ran into the lists and pulled away as the knights prepared to charge again.

After a few moments the field was cleared and the Bugle sounded once more.


it sounded and Both Rhaegar and Barristan charged once more with tilted lances.

. . . .. . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . .

They charged each other relentlessly for the past fifteen minutes but now it was all over.

Barristan was thrown from his white steed as he tumbled onto the soft earth below.

He rolled a few times before coming to a complete stop as The crowd erupted into cheers for their Silver Prince.

He trotted around the lists triumphantly as the crowd excitedly cheered him on and the Lords clapped respectfully.

Some Noble Lords even cheered loudly at the massive amounts of coin they won in bets.

Barristan stood and walked back to the Royal stands with the help of Targeryen servants.....

After a few minutes of parading around a Whent servant walked out with the crown of love and beauty on a velvet Pillow.

Rhaegar in his Black and Red winged armor rode to his squire Richard Lonmouth who carried his hooked Lance.

Rhaegar grabbed the lance and rode to the Royal Servant at the edge of the lists.

He Picked up the Blue Rose Crown and all cheered on happily as Rhaegar slowly rode down to crown his Queen.....all eyes and minds expected him to Crown Elia....his wife and mother of his child.....but when Rhaegar came to the Royal Booths his horse kept walking as the cheers of the spectators lowered a bit but they still clapped and awaited his choice.

He then Came to a stop in front of the Northern Lords and looked at Lyanna, Her beauty seemed to glow in the evening light and her blue dress reflected beautifully against her milky white skin.

Rhaegar lowered the Crown onto Lyanna's lap and immediately the entire crowd went dead silent....only breathing was heard for a moment as Lyanna placed the crown on her head then I saw Brandon stand out of his chair as he tried to charge the Prince in anger.

Benjen, Jorah, and Jeor rushed to hold back Brandon as he attempted to draw his sword from his belt with a red face as he shouted at the Prince.

He shouted about the dishonor and what he meant by such an action.

Robert who was sitting with the Stormlander Lords didn't stand or shout but the Fury present in his face was evident for all to see....he wanted to rip Rhaegar's head from his shoulders but he was miraculously level headed at this moment....he knew doing so was suicide, and his marriage to Lyanna was already set in stone.

The crowd did not cheer, they just looked on in shock at the Prince's actions.

Love is the death of duty....or so said Aemon

And Rhaegar failed in his duty at this moment, All the careful politicing and diplomacy to get the Lord's of Westeros to back a him in the coup were lost in that very moment.....

The time when he was supposed to be the most powerful with the most influence saw him destroy any confidence that he had built up with the Lord's of Westeros.

The moderates saw that he lost the backing of Three major houses at that moment.

House Baratheon had the betrothed of their Lord Paramount disrespected....by their own Prince.

House Stark had their daughter be dishonored the moment that crown of love and beauty touched her lap.

Worst of all, The Prince had spit in the face of Elia, The Princess of Dorne....and the next Queen of the Seven kingdoms.... disrespect like this would be remembered for centuries.

I could see Oberyn's rage at the sight he too wanted to cut the Prince down, The shame thrown on house Martell would be long lasting.

Rhaegar then opened his visor and smiled at Lyanna before riding off.

Everyone was disturbed by today's events....what happened there would reverberate through time for years to come.

There was another feast but few Lords attended, Rhaegar's actions soured the mood for the day.

As we neared my tent a Lannister messenger boy called out to me from horseback. "Lord Tywin Lannister requests your presence for dinner Lord Cathicus...and to discuss important matters, your Fiancées are welcome to attend." The Young messenger spoke.

"Ladies do you want to attend?" I asked both of them.

"No, I'd rather watch the magic 'TV' that Ashara said was in your tent." Allyria answered.

"Alright, Both of you stay here while I go dine with the Lion...Goodbye my Loves" I told them and leaned in to kiss them both as I left for dinner.

We Trotted towards the Westerlander section to a massive Tent, it was a vibrant red and adorned beautifully....worthy of a Lannister.

I walked inside and was led to a large table which sat Tywin, Cersei, Kevan, Dorna, Gerion, and some other nameless blonde cunts.

Greetings to everyone, my Fiancées were too exhausted from the events at the tourney so they couldn't make it."I told them then greeted all of them.

When I sat down Tywin asked if I wished for a servant girl to feed me but was cut short by Cersei who stood up and rushed into my lap and sat down as her plump ass dug into my cock.

"No need to bother the servant's father, I'll be more than happy to serve Lord Alucard..... unless you don't want me to serve you My Lord~"

She spoke while rubbing her soft ass into my hardening cock, she brought over hand on my lap and started squeezing my meat as her family watched on awkwardly.

"Only if your Lord father permits My Lady."I told Cersei as she leaned into my body.

"I'll allow it, but not a word from any of you!" Tywin spoke harshly while looking at the other Lannisters who meekly nodded.

We conversed about smalltalk for an hour as Cersei rocked back and forth on my cock as her family started on in shock at her brazenness.....

a few times she even filled her pretty little mouth with wine before connecting her lips to mine and pouring it in.

when her father scolded her she just said in a playful voice that she saw Lady Ashara doing the same and wanted to try....she did it a few times and eventually Tywin stopped scolding her.

No one mentioned how she was rocking her hips back and forth on my meat since it was just too Scandalous.

Cersei would feed me something with her fingers and purposely get my spit on them before licking my spit off seductively.

She would get a bit of food to stain the corners of my mouth and lick it off slowly as and her tongue would sneakily enter my mouth as her family was shocked that Tywin was just ignoring her antics by the end of it.

I did not love Cersei like I did Rhaella, Lily, Melisandre, or Ashara but I had to admit that she was a grade A crazy slut..... and crazy pussy is good pussy....

After an hour of eating and Cersei making sexual advances dinner had come to an end and Tywin called me to a different room so we could discuss business.

We both sat down and I brought out more bottles of the wine he loved the last time we met.

He nearly smiled as he poured us both glasses of the good stuff.

"War is coming...." Tywin said as he looked at his wine.

"Aye....coming soon...." I responded.

"What side will you take?" He asked.

"I will be in Volantis when it occurs, By the time I come back the winning side will become apparent.....I will simply threaten them with dragonfire if I don't get the concessions I want.....after that I'll ride their wagon to the victory line." I told him and he nodded as if agreeing.

"Aye...I'll do much the same I think, it's the only right thing to do....what concessions are you after, I may be able to help you gain them." He asked

"I want Elia for my own, her daughter Rhaenys as well....if I don't get them then I'll make Old Wyk look like a campfire." I told him as my eyes narrowed into slits.

"What of the Dragon Maelys?" He asked

"I don't give a damn about some baby dragon, it's little better than a man at arms for the next year after all." I told him and he seemed to agree.

"Then I wish you good fortune in the war to come Lord Cathicus....I will attend yet another of your weddings...a toast...to many more." He spoke and raised a glass.

We drank and chatted for another hour as he asked about Tysha the servant girl.

When I told him the full story of how I was only going to borrow her for a night but decided to keep her, he laughed at his son's suffering....the imp brought sixteen years of pain and suffering to his beloved wife after all.

We then invited Kevan and we talked and joked while the wine flowed, Tywin was never an objectively bad man....just too much of a pragmatist who didn't let his emotions cloud his judgment except for when It came to his beloved wife.

Kevan was very straight laces but was a great conversationalist once you got to know him however.

After we were finished we walked out to exit the huge tent when Cersei stood in our way.

"Father I need to speak with Lord Cathicus....In private~" She spoke while looking at me and licking her lips.

Tywin sighed heavily before speaking. "Go on with it before I change my mind.....not like you haven't done so already..." He then walked away with Kevan so they could talk elsewhere.

Cersei looked at me with hearts in her eyes as she grabbed my hand and led me to her chambers.

The obsession in her eyes was clearly evident.

I connected with Ashara though her amulet and sent her a mental message.

'The crazy lion bitch wants to be mounted, I'll be late My Love.' I told her and she responded.

'Okay, but fuck her so hard that she can't walk for days....I don't want that crazy slut at our wedding after all.' She responded and I just agreed.

I looked at Cersei who was seductively removing her clothing piece by piece as love juice dripped down her thighs.

This would be a long night.....


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