
Ch 62 Resounding Pain

(Run Horse....Run)

I made it just in time for the last joust of the day between Rhaegar and Arthur Dayne.

Usually the Kingsguard would drop out in front of the Prince but this was a Tourney held to show Rhaegar as a great warrior, a noble knight, and a good leader..... to unhorse the best knights in the land was the P.R he needed.

In hindsight, Rhaegar secretly funded the tourney to foment a coup d'etat against the Scab King

King Aerys showing up was a surprise but he could deal with it as all the Lords saw just how far gone into madness the King really was.....

soon They'd come out onto the field and joust Arthur Dayne.

If all went well He would unhorse Barristan tomorrow and become the champion.

The crowning of Lyanna as the queen of Love and Beauty would also happen..... to the fury of Robert and dismay of The Lord's.....The Prince of the Kingdom professing his love for the betrothed of a young Lord Paramount was Beyond Scandalous.

Elia was dismayed and heartbroken in the normal timeline but now her heart was mine and it'd be the final Severing of their ties together with her cuck husband.

Once Rhaegar steals Lyanna away I'd be in Volantis and the rebellion would start.....

Lyanna's Amulet would cast illusions to make Rhaegar believe he was making love to her.....I just had to wait for the right time to swoop in and make deals from a position of power and steal her away while replacing her.

When I was only a few meters away from Ashara and Lyanna I spotted someone in fine Dornish attire approach Ashara, the man wore colors of black and red with scorpions on his livery.

He wore a Long thin sabre of black steel tied to his waist on a belt of fine silk.

A styled and Oiled beard was on his face and he smelled like expensive Myrish perfume.....I stood back to see what he would do.

Two household guards followed him with long sharp bardiches at their waists, they wore heavy mirror armor with many shiny brass fittings.

The man walked up to Ashara and instantly she spoke. "Go away Qorgyle you know I don't like talking to you, I have a fiancée and my father has always rejected your offers for my hand." Ashara spoke dismissively to the man.

"I told you to call me Gulian, and I don't see your fiancee around, why don't you come sit on my lap like you do his..... I'm sure he won't mind." The slimy man said.

Many Lords and smallfolk had brought their attention to the idiot who dared to talk to Lord Alucard's new Fiancée... it was not helped by the fact that they saw me standing menacingly a few meters behind the man with fire in my eyes.

Gulian Qorgyle reached to grab Ashara's hand for a kiss but before he could even touch it a kick to the chest sent him barreling to the soft earth in front of the noble stands.

His two heavily armored guards moved to swing their polearms but I drew my Estoc and swung high and then low, the men fell and began screaming.

I had cleanly sliced off their feet and hands, the heavy bracers did nothing in the face of wickedly sharp Valyrian steel.

All the lords and people were watching intently at what was happening and I heard the smallfolk making bets as soon as Gulian flew onto the dirt.

I stepped down onto the soft earth and approached Gulian who was just now standing I pointed my sword at him as my eyes narrowed into slits he drew his long black Shamshir and pointed it at me as he stepped back in fear.

The Angry roar of Ancalagon was heard as he was woken up by the angry signals from my mind and he was making his way over to see the shithead that made him wake up from a wonderful dream.

Usually Ancalagons roar was regal and merely presented us to a new city but this time the Wrath was heard in his frantic vocalizations.

Everyone saw him flapping quickly then landing at one end of the pitch, it was a good thing that the Northern Booths were at the end of the Lists or he would have crushed many while landing in his anger.

He looked down at the waste of sperm that was Gulian Qorgyle and hissed at him as his thick saliva drooled from his giant Razor sharp teeth.

at this point Gulian Dropped his sword and dropped to his knees as he screamed for a trial by combat... we weren't even at trial but the Mad King alerted his signalman and the Royal bugle was sounded.

~TOOOOOOOOOT~ The bugle sounded and I told Ancalagon to pull back a bit.

He did then the voice of the Kings Cryer was heard. "King Aerys of House Targeryen accepts Gulian Qorgyle's call for Trial by combat... Accuser and accused please step forwards!!!!"

I Grabbed Gulian and dragged him by his greasy hair to the front of the Kings booth, he didn't even try and resist as his fine silk clothes and expensive velvet pants were dragged through the field and smeared in days of the finest and highest grade shit from Noble Warhorses.

The Mad King laughed loudly I approached while dragging the greasy Dornish cunt.

"HAHAHAHAH Goodbrother!!! More Entertainment for me I see!!!! HAHA.... So....What is his crime????" The King asked.

"He asked my betrothed to sit on his lap.....I overheard the entire thing." I spoke to the King.

"Very well, I'm sure that's a crime HaHhaha!!!...Whose your Champion then Lord....Gulian is it???" The King asked The shit smeared cunt that was still on his knees.

"I OFFER A HUNDRED THOUSAND GOLD DRAGONS FOR A CHAMPION!!!!" Greasy Cunt yelled aloud after a moment to think.

The entire Tourney was dead silent and the giggles of some drunk commoners were heard.

Then one drunk fat peasant in the stands yelled out.

"Ya' stupid Dornish twat!!! nun' would do it' fah' a Million!!!!"

And thousands of people in the stands started to laugh out loud and call more insults at the shit stained Dornish man whore.

"SILENCE!!!" The King yelled as his high pitched and raspy rat like voice cut through the laughter.....

All quieted down "Lord Cathicus would you like to name a champion although we all know you won't need it HAHAHAH!!!!." The Scab King Cackled.


I yelled out...As Everyone heard the haunting Neighing of an angry warhorse and heavy hoofbeats approaching from the end of the field.

Shadowmare came charging into the field while frothing at the mouth, his black steel armor had materialized but his cock was still glistening from the Dozens of Mares he was mounting during his free time....

I called him and he had to pull out mid thrust to make his way over and I felt his rage which was even worse than Ancalagon getting his sleep interrupted.

He came to a sliding stop next to Gulian and neighed angrily as he eyed him down and stomped his front hooves.

"Shadowmare do you accept to be Champion? Hahahah!!!!" The King asked aloud, Shadowmare neighed loudly and nodded as he looked at the King.

"HAHHAHA!!!! I HOPE YOU DON'T DIE TO A HORSE HAHAHA!!!!" The Scab King cackled madly as he smacked his cane onto the wooden floorboards.

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(Fifteen minutes later.)

The last joust was put on hold because the King wanted the Duel done now.

Gulian had spent the time armoring up and Wielded a Long Bardiche coated in poison.

Even if he cut the Black Stallion, poison is useless against a Vampiric Horse....

He stood opposite the huge black horse and seemed confident in winning, He went from about to be eaten by a dragon to fighting against the scariest man who beat the mountain, to now a Horse....it was armored, big, and acted mean but surely a poison Bardiche would make quick work of it...or so he thought.

I Had Spent the Time with Ashara on my lap as she fed me wine from her sweet mouth....she told me that Gulian had always wanted her but she always thought he was a slimy cunt so she always avoided him.....he saw me being gone as an opportunity to flirt.....big mistake.

Shadowmare already stood at the center of the makeshift arena with Ashara's Favour, a Pale Lilac Handkerchief tied to his thick Front Leg as he eyed the greasy haired Dornishman with anger in his glowing red eyes.

"In the sights of God's and Men we stand here for the trial of the Accused....Gulian of House Qorgyle.... He is accused by Alucard Von Cathicus of insulting his betrothed with vile remarks..... The Horse Shadowmare is standing in as champion for Lord Cathicus.... Let the Gods grant strength to the Just..... BEGIN!!!!" The Royal Cryer spoke aloud so everyone could hear.

As soon as the battle started Shadowmare charged directly at Qorgyle and into the Bardiche, the Dornishman didn't even have time to aim for swing at Shadowmares' legs before the massive horse impacted him and sent him rolling into the soft earth.

Before Qorgyle could stand Shadowmare rushed to him and stomped down hard on The Dornishmans ankles as a sickening crunch was heard and followed by an ear piercing scream is agony.

As Qorgyle writhed in pain Shadowmare began to bite at the man's chest and rip off his beautifully crafted Dornish Armor piece by piece as The man tried in vain to push the fervent horse away.

Before long All of Qorgyle's armor was torn apart and his bare torso was exposed to the world as Shadowmare eyed the man's belly for his favorite food.....fresh intestines from living men.

The crowd watched in horror as Shadowmares' sharp and jagged teeth

tore into The man's soft belly and pulled out a mouthful of intestines then pulled away as he began to relish in their delicious flavor and soft texture.

At this point I checked into Shadowmares' thoughts through our connection and he wasn't even mad at being interrupted during his barnyard fuck fest, he was entranced by this man's spicy flavored intestines and was wondering why they tasted so good.

Shadowmare kept chomping and swallowing his guts as I sneakily cast healing spells on Qorgyle to keep him alive.... his guts were not growing back it just kept him alive as Shadowmare digged into his supper.

After shadowmare was done with the delicious Guts he remembered that this greasy Cunt had cockblocked him so he neighed angrily as he was also upset that the man ran out of intestines so fast.

Shadowmare looked at the man's crotch and began to tear at his waist armor until Qorgyle's finger sized cock was in full view of the crowds.

His sickening screams still Resounded as he lay there with smashed ankles, his intestines all viciously eaten and his tiny pecker being laughed at by drunk peasants.

Shadowmare looked to the King as if asking permission and the King nodded his head while laughing madly at the sight.

Shadowmare launched his teeth at Qorgyle's tiny cock and balls and tore through his flesh with a disgusting sound as the Dornishman screamed for mercy and wished for death..... but my magic kept this scumbag alive for a while longer.

Noble Ladies screamed at the barbarity and sickening gore, Noble Lords smiled winced at the sight of someone being so viciously castrated, The Maester of Harrenhal wondered at just how Qorgyle hadn't died, and the Smallfolk laughed and japed at the screaming man.

"The Duel for the honor of Lady Dayne has been decided!!!! Shadowmare, Horse of Lord Cathicus has won!!!!" The Royal Cryer announced and Shadowmare walked towards Ashara to return the bloodied Handkerchief now that he was victorious.

Ashara thanked the horse and promised to get him a fine Dornish mare, Shadowmare nearly lost his shit when he heard there were more types of Mares and ran off to find the Dornish stables as he neighed happily at the new knowledge.

Ancalagon then slowly walked towards the still screaming Gulian as his long claws dug into the earth...he stared at the screaming cunt before snatching up his mangled body and chewing on him while the Qorgyle family watched on in horror.

Then Ancalagon gurgled at me and Ashara before flying off in search of food....having that snack made him hungry after all.

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Soon after the Jousting recommenced as Prince Rhaegar and Arthur Dayne clashed repeatedly and on the ninth lance Arthur was dehorsed.

Rhaegar paraded around the field with his dragon winged helmet and Ruby encrusted black Armor as the crowd cheered....

But honestly what fun is it when you already know who is going to win.....and when your vision is good enough to see that Arthur Threw the match so his silver Cuck Prince could win.

I was just here for Ashara and her sweet lips which fed me wine, and soft ass on my crotch as I fondled her body.

Soon after we headed back to my tent and changed into fresh clothes after a quick bath where Ashara practiced more on my cock and I tasted her delicious slit for the first time as she squirted her Dornish love into my waiting mouth.

We changed and headed over to the Feasting hall once more.....Rhaegar's performance was remembered by many so I didn't want to miss it.

Even if I didn't like the Cuck Prince I always did love live music.

Shadowmare walked with pep in his step towards the Feasting hall with Ashara and I on his back after he successfully broke into the Dornish stables and mounted a new type of mare...mabey I'd order a zorse from essos to reward him one day.....


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