
Ch 30 The Hunger Of A Princess

Rhaella walked towards me as I handed a black hooded robe to her, they covered every inch of our bodies and only left our glowing eyes and shining fangs visible for anyone who looked upon us.

She quickly Changed into the Robes then I took her by the hand and walked towards the balcony of her room.

We were situated hundreds of feet in the air overlooking the ocean and the city.

Then I extended my Vampiric wings which were as black as night and extended twenty five feet to either side of me.

This was the first time Rhaella saw my wings in person so she instantly reached out and touched them gently in fascination.

"Will you carry me down in your big strong arms by flying with these~." She asked while stroking my wings.

"You will use your own." I responded and kissed her forehead.

Rhaella looked at me in disbelief for a second before I tapped her head with my finger and transferred the knowledge on how to use them.

In an instant a happy grin appeared on her face.

Rhaellas' long silvery Dark Gray wings spread out from her back, they were slightly smaller and slimmer than my wings but looked perfect In proportion to my Gorgeous Wife.

She flapped them meekly a few times as she hovered a few feet above the balcony.

I rose alongside her as she maintained herself in the air and got a better understanding of her new wings.

After a few moments she landed back down and began laughing excitedly at her new ability.

I showed her how to extend her claws and fangs.

After she got it down I showed her how to grow all her teeth razor sharp for when she needed to rip someone open.

Now that she was also a Vampire I hoped she wouldn't shy away from tearing into her victims.

I led her to the edge of the balcony and we climbed on the ledge.

I gave her one final kiss before we both dropped off of the edge.

We were in free fall for a few seconds until her dark silvery wings extended and caught the wind.

We both soared over the dark night sky over the rocky cliffs next to the ocean for a while before turning towards the city.

There were many drinks out since I had paid for wine and food to be distributed in celebration of my wedding, it should make the smallfolk easy pickings for Rhaella.

As we soared over the top I spotted a man and a woman walking hand in hand while stumbling over themselves...they seemed to be piss drunk.

Me and Rhaella silently landed a few meters behind them, I instructed her of the plan and she hesitated for a moment before speeding towards with her razor sharp claws extended.

The couple were laughing and joking about something when suddenly the man dropped like a sack of potatoes and began to gurgle mouthfuls of blood.

Rhaella had swiped her claws at the man's head and ripped off the back of his skull as brains spattered over the cobblestone streets and his lifeblood leaked from him.

The drunken woman turned towards him in a drunken stupor and got on her knees to check on her lover....it was too dark for her to see clearly but when she smelled and felt the blood, then saw the outline of Rhaella standing menacingly above her she screamed loudly for a split second before Rhaella launched herself onto the woman's throat and bit into it madly.

The blood flowed out of the drunken woman's throat and into Rhaella's mouth as she savored the crimson liquid.

I could hear the audible gulps Rhaella was taking as the woman gave the last of her life force in an attempt to push my Vampiric Wife away...it was of no use.

In no time at all the woman became limp as Rhaella sucked her dry to the last drop.

She then looked at me with a happy smile as her mouth was smothered in fresh blood.

I brought her into a kiss and our tongues battled for a minute before she separated and began to speak.

"You were right....It's So Delicious!!!" She squealed happily and gave me a big hug.

"There's one more, do you want a drink?" I asked her while gesturing to the man that she ripped with her claws.

"No....I don't want to drink from a man....I will drink from you though." She said mischievously as her two fangs lightly pricked into my neck but instead of drinking she decided to give me a hickey.

"Tasty~." was all Rhaella said before she separated with a giggle as I spanked her ass playfully.

I just laughed at her antics before I picked up the man's fresh corpse and drank deeply, his blood was not the best but it was very refreshing.

We both have each other 'the look' as if to agree to search for more food.

We flew into the air again to look for more victims for us to drink from.

As we soared over the dark foggy city we spotted a group of twenty peasants walking through the dark dingy backalleys.

Fifteen of them were dirty men dressed in rags with clubs or daggers in their waistbands.

Five in the group were drunk women with their hands bound, being dragged deep into the depths of fleabottom on this nearly moonless night.

Rhaella and I could hear the pleading of the women to be let go but the men would laugh and tell them to shut up with a slap to the face.

They seemed to be human traffickers that managed to catch some drunk women since a large portion of the city was eating and drinking for free due to my wedding.

Tonight was a human traffickers dream and a feast for my wife and I.

We both swords down near the group and a more perceptive one among them shouted that he heard something behind them.

Their leader began to chastise the young man.

"It's probably a rat ya' dunce, keep on mov...."

Rhaella dashed forwards at superhuman speed and cut the leaders words short by swiping her long sharp claws at his throat.

Blood spattered on the other men in the group who drew their weapons in a nervous panic.

"What the fuck was that!!!" A fat one yelled before I dug my claws into his back and ripped out a piece of his lung.

He collapsed on the floor and began to cough and choke on his own blood as his comrades were ripped to shreds around them.

With every swipe of our Vampiric claws a man would have his arm severed or his face ripped off his head in a bloody mess.

We did nothing to ensure their silence as most of them were left screaming on the floor in anguish while begging or trying to crawl away...it was a useless endeavor since blood loss would kill them before they ever got far.

In no time at all the group of fifteen men was slaughtered by Rhaella and I while the women who the men had bound up shivered in fear as they tried to stay as still as possible and make themselves invisible.

Rhaella had no mercy on them as she slowly walked up to them while covered in gore and picked them up one by one by the neck before sinking her razor sharp teeth into their exposed throats and drinking all the fresh crimson blood that flowed out of them.

The women were in shock at what they were seeing so none of them even tried to escape, they would just tremble and sweat In fear as Rhaella would eat their friends one by one.

While Rhaella was feasting on those poor women I was using hematomancy to gather all the blood from the men and float into my mouth in a constant crimson stream.

I truly needed this, I could go centuries without blood but drinking it frequently was always a wonderful experience as their refreshing blood flowed down my throat, and into my fangs.

When Rhaella was drinking and tossed the lady dead woman into the street like a piece of trash I walked up to her and kissed her cheek while telling her how wonderful she did.

She mewled like a kitten at my affections while her face and entire body was covered in mostly innocent human blood.

It was quite the dichotomy which put a smile on my face


Rhaella and I flew in search of more victims until just a few hours before sunrise.

By the end of the night we had harvested the blood from hundreds of smallfolk in the streets.

Their bodies were strewn throughout the dark alleys in the slums of Kingslanding as packs of cereal dogs tore their drained carcasses to pieces.

But morning many of the bodies would be either completely eaten or shredded into unrecognizable chunks.

Rhaella had become more and more ruthless and efficient as time progressed and slaughtered more and more residents of Kingslanding.

She was now efficient enough to kill hundreds of men at arms by her self. . . . I would try to never put Rhaella into that position but it was a good safeguard in addition to her enchanted necklace.

(who should survive the rebellion when it happens, Elia or Rhaenys)

(we have a long way to go until then)


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