
Ch 14 Birth Of A Dragon

[this is a very mild chapter, it'll get more exciting soon]

Well all made our way to the cellars underneath the throne room.

on our way we passed through the throne room and I laid my eyes on the throne For the first time.

It was large and imposing, nothing like what I had seen on the television show.

It was a tall, jagged and crooked mass of metal, the steel of the swords was as black as night and bent into a post apocalyptic horror.

Strangely I felt no desire to become king. . . there was no need, and it seemed a stupid waste of effort.

I also thought about what I would like in the future, and a castle would surely be a wonderful thing so I can live with my wives in peace, hopefully a Castle in the north close to the wall and near the sea so ironborn would deliver themselves into my waiting claws.

If I managed to get a castle in the north west of westeros I could constantly take ironborn or wildlings as sacrifices and not deal with a bad reputation from eating all of my subjects.

Before we reached The stairwell to descend we heard the rattling of chained and in front of us was an angry looking Pycelle.

He pretended to look old and withered but he had a fire in his eyes.

"Your Grace I beg you not to entertain this foreigner and his vile bloodmagic....it will bring misfortune upon Westeros if you deal with false foreign gods and their evil magics."

I found the old goat quite funny so I decided to play a small prank. I knew from the show that he was partaking in whores we'll into his mid 80s right now he was 65 and must be as sprung as a young buck...I cast an impotence curse on him so he would never be able to become hard no matter what he did or what drugs he took, I took twenty years off of his sex career. I wonder how many whores and various other women would thank me in retrospect hehe.


Pycelle mumbled and grumbled before reluctantly moving aside.

"King Ares, if that old goat hinders me again I will most certainly skin him from the waist down... he'll still live of course, I know good medics are hard to come by."

"Very well, you have my blessing... but if you do I would like for my royal torturers to watch, gods know that they need more creativity." Ares said with a sadistic smile.

This sent a chill down Pycelles' back and he quickly scurried away like the gray rest that he is.

As we descended down the stairwell into the large cellars I could hear the Scab King cackling madly which scared the bound up prisoners.

I could hear them begging for mercy and pleading to take the wall.

They didn't know what awaited them but they knew it wouldn't have a happy ending.

We entered the designated area that was lit with large oil lamps all around, their flickering orange hue colored the entire room.

The Royal family quickly took seats on benches at the edge of the room and stared with bated breath.

I approached the Middle of the room and withdrew A Large Statue of Fortuna from my dimensional store and set it in the middle of the room.

I heard the royal family and their household guards gasp at my display of dimensional magic.

I took the dull gray dragon egg and kneeled in front of the statue with it in my hands.

"Guards remove the prisoners tunics then lay them down around The Goddess."

I commanded and soon the guards cut off the clothing from the men and marched them around the statue and laid them down.

If I hadn't cast magic on them I'm sure the prisoners would fight back with all they could, but now all they could do was tremble, scream, and cry without any way to resist.

Even the guards looked confused at how little resistance the men put up, then they quickly retreated to the edge of the room as if not wanting to take any part in what would happen.

I Withdrew my ceremonial dagger and said a small prayer before I raised my hand and caused one hundred daggers made of darkness to appear out of thin air above the chests of the victims.

As soon as those daggers appeared the oil lamps dimmed to almost emit almost no light.

I could smell the fear in almost everyone in the room.

Elia, and Rhaenys had been protected from the effects of my shadow magic and I cast an illusion on Rhaenys so she could only see me holding the egg and not the sacrificed men around me.

Ares was full of awe and excitement at the sight of real magic and his gibbering reached an extreme.

A majority of the household guards, Rhaegar and Viserys trembled in fear, I could even sense the uneasiness In the Kingsguard.

One of the younger household guards screamed and ran out of the room in fright while praying to the seven which caused me to break a small smile.

I could even sense Varys The Spider In one of the secret passageways staring at the ritual In horror with sweat dropping off of his fat bald head.

I then began to chant aloud as all the blades lowered themselves to the chests of the victims. I didn't desire to be neat or clean today so there would be no clean cuts.

"Fortuna Vide Hic i Alucard Von Cathicus Hoc Tibi Offerat Ut Te In Perpetuum Regnes!!!!"

I repeated the chant thrice.

The shadow blades ripped across the ribcages of the victims as they screamed in agony.

After their sternums we're bisected I used magic to rend their ribs open and reveal their entire chest cavity with their beating hearts and lungs In full view.

Then the shadow blades stabbed into the hearts and blood began to flow upwards into mid air and circled around me while I held the egg.

The gallons of blood slowly flowed around me and the egg as the crimson liquid blocked the view of me from everyone else.

Then I felt a powerful force around me and I looked up to see the most beautiful woman that has ever existed.

"It's good to see you again my love" I told Fortuna with pure love and dedication in my heart.

She responded with a deep tongue kiss and a hug before she dematerialized and returned to the spirit realm.

For those few seconds we were in contact I was in pure bliss.

Then I opened my maw to absorb all the blood and channeled my magic into this egg while simultaneously linking the eggs magic to Rhaenys.

When all of the floating blood disappeared I was left kneeling in the center of the room with one hundred mangled corpses and a large egg in my hands. . .

There was nothing but absolute silence for a few seconds, as If everyone was holding their breath. I could hear all of their heartbeats and the small scratching Inside of the egg shell.

"Come, all of you." I calmly called out

Ares walked over with his cane and Rhaegar rushed over greedily as if believing that him being first would bond the dragon to him.

Elia held little Rhaenys's hand and slowly walked up beside Rhaegar.

as I held the egg in my hands it fell quiet for a moment...

"Are you sure it's...." Rhaegar began to speak before he was cut off by a loud cracking noise from the egg after which everyone had their eyes glued to the egg.


Then another, and then another, soon the whole top of the egg was cracked open and a small reptilian head slowly emerged from the egg and looked at the royal family.

The cat sized Gray Dragon slowly crawled out of the egg and stretched its wings before unleashing a cute roar at everyone in front of it.

The King with sparkling eyes reached out to take the dragon and was quickly bitten by the baby dragon, his hand began bleeding but he didn't seem to mind he just smiled and laughed

"What a feisty little dragon, worthy of our house..... you will burn all our enemies little one. HaahHahahahahah!!!!!"

Then Rhaegar attempted to reach for the dragon but it ran around him and hopped onto Rhaenys then crawled onto her shoulder. Rhaegar tried to pet the dragon again but was hissed at by the gray lizard Which left a jealous look in his eyes.

"Well guess the dragon has it's rider good work girl" I said and rubbed Rhaenys's head.

Everyone looked at the Mad King next, I could tell the thoughts running through their minds.

I'm sure they all thought the mad king would try and dispose of Rhaenys so he could become bonded to the dragon but instead he got on one knee with a smile and spoke to the girl.

"You truly are my granddaughter, I can't believe I didn't see it sooner....I always thought you were too Dornish but I was mistaken....the blood of the dragon is strong In you girl, don't let our house down."

"Y...Yes Grandfather." little Rhaenys said with as serious of a voice as she could manage.

"So will I be a Dragonrider like Uncle Alucard?"

Rhaenys asked

"Yes you will my love" Elia said and hugged her daughter tightly.

"I want two....I want a two Kingsguard on her and her dragon at all times, she is our future and must be protected."

"Yes your Grace." Gerold Hightower the commander of the white cloaks said.

"I recommend we move to a more private area and I can relay to you all the intricacies in raising a dragon properly." I said to The Royal Family.

"Of course, let's make our way to the maidenvault, it's the most private place in the castle." said Rhaegar.

"GUARDS!!!! BURN THESE BODIES!!! AND NOT A WORD TO ANYONE OR YOULL END UP THE SAME AS THOSE WRETCHES!!!! Come on Goodbrother Let's go...we also have to discuss your upcoming Marriage and the new lands I'll bestow you...." King Ares spoke with a demented smile.

I knew he was no threat to me and he meant me no I'll will, but such crazy eyes still creeped me out.

I noticed Varys was still eyeing us from one of the secret passages, I would have a conversation with him later.....

[Next episode will have a small maid scene and some other stuff]


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