
Making Assumptions And New Alliances

Entry 132:

Linus Ozias POV:

"Fou! Fou!" I agree, buddy, as the beast essentially describes the situation as rather dire. He's also complaining about the lack of food from me, but I'm going to have to get back to the facility to do that.

" Can you understand him? The Director asked, "Kind of, you see, I am a very in-tune with nature kind of guy, so while I can't linguistically understand him, I can get what he's saying based on his aura."

The Director ponders this information as we continue on through the city as we are met with a new shadow servant who looks rather armed, to say the least.

The shadow begins to laugh insanely as he says, " HAHAHAHAH! Let's finish this! I don't know what servant you are, girl, but I will have your heads!"

As the man launched himself at Mash, she was able to catch the halberd strike on her Shield I used this chance to launch a couple of blasts of holy power right at the servant, which hit center mass and launched him backward as he screamed in pain due to the holy nature of my power.

"AHHHHH! You utter cowards! A two-on-one battle, how laughable." I snort in derision as I state "You should understand the best that in battle there is no honor, especially with a being like yourself as you're even less than a servant now be gone."

I look to Mash, and she nods as we both rush the warrior in tandem as she swings her shield, the servant is forced to block with a couple of his blades. I use this chance to stab him in the leg and knock him to the ground I then grab his other leg and toss him straight through a couple of buildings.

The servant is unable to get back up due to the damage in his legs as we approach him and I take out my Crucible and say  "If we do meet again and you are uncorrupted we may truly have an honor-bound duel now rest Warrior."

I then stabbed the shadow servant and broke the blade allowing the purifying Crucible to do its work and disintegrate the shadow.

Has the battle ends, I shout out " I know you are there Caster reveal yourself now!"

I then hear him say " Whoa young man hold your horses one should never feel should never feel so rushed you know?"

I narrow my eyes that's a mage who looks similar to Lancer from Fate Stay Night I ask, " Are you Cú Chulainn, the child of light?" He seems shocked as he says, "I'm surprised you were able to figure out my identity so quickly am I wearing a piece of paper on my back that says my name or something?"

I chuckle at the men's attempt at humor as I state, " I can sense the primordial runes emanating from you, Caster, and since you do not look like a woman nor are the Queen of Shadows I took a guess."

The mention of his teacher sends a shiver down the man, which is understandable based on her reputation, but he says, "Well, see me as you both are able to take down the shadow servants, which is very surprising young man but I must ask if you are willing to come into a contract with me as in a couple of minutes I'm going to disappear due to lack of magic."

I look to the director and she nods her head, giving me the go-ahead. I grip the man's hand and allow the contract to form as he says, "Whoa whoa whoa what is this you have enough magic to power cities!"

This sends a shock through the group as the Director continues to give me a very interested look, although not in a way that actually seems friendly, as Caster says, " With this amount of power, I could spam my Noble Phantasm to infinity."

I smiled as I stated, "Well, I'm happy you are satisfied but now we should be planning our next move."

Cu simply says "Well, based on the current progress of your group, I believe we should take a second to rest as other than my new master, you all seem exhausted, and one of you has seemingly not identified your Noble Phantasm."

Mesh nods as the Director agrees with the Caster servant. "Well, then, allow me to set something up one minute, please."

I then focus my creation magic to create the tent from Harry Potter, specifically the one from the Goblet of Fire. Even with my limitations, it's easy to create now that I know about the Harry Potter universe and how spatial magic works.

Soon enough, a tent forms out of nothing and as I bid them to enter, they are left in all out of the fact it looks so much bigger on the inside.

As Ritsuka takes up a place on the couch the director sits at the table with Cu and Mash remaining outside as he tries to explain how to summon her Noble Phantasm.

As I sit down at the table next to the director she looks me in the eye and asks me word "How?"

I smile and say, " That is a mystery you are going to have to find out yourself, director, as I do not wish to give all of the answers, but know that I am on your side and the side of humanity. It's the reason I joined the project after all."

She is definitely not satisfied with that answer but I do not wish to explain all of my abilities just yet as I want to return to the facility as I fear that the presence I have felt in the singularity may hear of my abilities and use it against us.

Any of the powers I've already shown either cannot be analyzed or can be attributed to mystic codes and as we sat and relaxed for a couple of minutes, I prepared some coffee for all of us, which the director definitely appreciated as I can tell she was definitely a coffee over tea type of person.

I can hear the conversation between Mash and Cu outside but It mostly just revolves around how a Noble Phantasm is not something that can be created by trying to think about it too hard but by understanding the heroic spirit and its legend on a more fundamental level.

They also get some training in as the caster uses some of his primordial runes during battle in order to bring out more of Mash's potential.  I then hear Romani over the comms "Hello all just checking to see how you all are doing as I've noticed that there have been a decent number of serving signals that have just disappeared what happened?"

Marie says, " Well Romani, it's rather simple as it seems like our friend Oz here was hiding a lot of his potential, which we are going to ask about Plenty when we return to the facility, although we have managed to gain a new ally in the form of the Caster servant Cu Chulainin ."

Romani simply remains silent at the news and after a minute he adds " Wait so Oz alone was able to eliminate three servants?" The news of three servants sends Mari e into a deep thought and she looks at me with a rather dangerous look "Oz I've seen you kill two servants where was the third one?"

I primarily just whistle and say in passing "Oh it was the Assassin servant that attacked me when I first arrived in all honesty the only thing that was keeping him alive was his presence concealment skill and once I was able to get a beat on him it was over."

The look on the director's face makes me afraid she's going to eventually become an alcoholic when we get back as I really should learn to not make people feel stressed.

The director then adds It seems that the rule of the Holy Grail war was broken here as servants are not meant to last once the war is over."

The caster then comes into the tent and says "Yes this ruined land is the result of the saber servant as instead of disappearing any servant she killed became corrupted by some black mud but on another note Master you must teach me how you created this tent because this is amazing." 

Romani then adds "So if you eliminate the saber, it should end the singularity thank you caster, for the information." Cu just scoffs and says, " There's no need for the empty platitudes weakling, and the only reason I've even joined up with your group was because I felt that we could end this war together."

At that comment, I hear Romani chuckle at being called a weakling for some reason.

Marie then says " I see you wish to eliminate the saber as well but you cannot do it alone so you need us and that's why you've been following us?"

The Caster does not deny it as he nods his head and says in response "You would be correct silver-haired woman but the deal itself is not bad as we both get what we want in the end but at any rate, it seems we have company."

I snapped my fingers, making the tent disappear, which caused Ritsuka to land on the ground with a yelp of surprise as more skeletons and hooded figures appeared.

Cu then says " Well Master do you wish to see your servant in action? I nod as I stand next to him "There will be no one in the back line here, Child of Light we fight together."

The Irish caster then laughs " Oh I feel like we are going to have a very in-depth friendship but for now, let's take care of these cretins and young servant use this time to try to figure out your Noble Phantasm."

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