
A New Adventure Prelude

Entry 113:

Linus Ozias POV:

I reenter Heaven to find that very little time has passed as I set the time ratio from what I shall call  New Cadia to match High School DXD or Dragonic Deus.

I then summon my archangels as Gabriel, Mael, Mathael, Uriel, Metatron, Raphael, Jibril, and Sandalphon.

" My friends, I know each and every one of you desires to spread the will of Heaven and grant others the same salvation we have given others." I then beckoned toward a portal I created to New Cadia.

As they enter, fully trusting me, they are left in awe of what should be considered impossible. " This is a project I have been working on so that we may travel not just to alternate timelines but entirely new dimensions, and while all of them may not require our services, there are some that require our aid."

"I have seen many worlds suffering under chaos and oppression, even if they may not realize it yet. It is our duty to uplift them from their suffering."

Mael is the first to respond, " We will follow you anywhere, creator, for we all understand the beauty of your creation as well as your desire to give others the same opportunity."

I then smile and say, " Not every world will require our assistance as I do not want to overextend nor overwork any of you, but when I call upon you, know that I do it in the case of extreme emergency."

I then look toward the endless sea of stars above. " I plan to take a short vacation to explore some of these worlds as I have developed such an innate connection to the god system that even from beyond this dimension, I will spread its influence."

I can physically feel Michael from where he is currently, sighing in relief. 

I then return us to Heaven as I sit upon my throne. " I will never wish to impose on any of you, and if you do not wish to travel to other worlds, please let me know."

They all bow and return to their duties, awaiting my call as I can feel Mathael excited to rend the chaos of other worlds. 

After speaking of my plans to the archangels, I returned to Earth and began meditating, and soon, I returned to the Mindscape and found the primordial of the Earth waiting for me. 

Immediately upon entry, the primordial proceeds to give me a very tight hug and asks excitedly, "Anakim, you're here! Have you found a way to have me come with you?"

I nod, but I state, " Gaea, I have discovered a way for you to leave this world, but it will require binding yourself to me forever."

She then sighs and says, " My foolish angel, I have been willing to do that for a long time. But I expected a ring."

My eye twitched at her demeanor as I said, "Maybe in the future, Gaea, but for now, I ask again, will you accept binding yourself to me forever?"

Gaea then nods as I grip her hand and send the binding upon her, with her accepting it almost too willingly. In a millisecond, a mark appears upon her back that resembles a tear of blood with angel wings. 

As the connection forms between her and me, she falls into my arms as I look worried, but then she moans in pleasure, and I am assured she is okay.

"Oh, Anakim, if I knew you wanted to mark me like this, we could have gone to the bedroom." Earth Chan confirmed pervert.

I sigh while smiling as I ask, " Are you alright, Gaea?"

She stands back up and nods while saying, "I am alright, my perverted angel, as I can feel our connection now, and it makes me feel invincible."

She better feel that way as thanks to the essence of the binder, I have shared two essences with them, those being a diluted form of the broken limiter but a full version of the ROB Insurance essence.

(I apologize if you all disagree with these choices, but I felt them necessary for their individual growth without diluting my own character's uniqueness. But before you all say they could betray him, the binding makes them physically unable to betray him.)

As I leave the Mindscape, I find a figure before me in the physical form of Gaea as she runs around the large plain of grass I contacted her from.

As I watch her run and enjoy her time in the sun, I simply sit down and enjoy her happiness. Thanks to the broken limiter essence, she is able to grow stronger even when separated from the Earth.

In addition to the fact that while their potential is worlds behind me they still will have a large amount of potential.

Soon after, Gaea lies down on the field as I sit next to her, and we then teleport to Kyoto to let the others know of this development.

As soon as I teleport in, I am barraged by Kunou and Ophis as they climb Mount Anakim and ask, "Hey Anakim, welcome back. Have you brought the goods?"

I sigh as Kunou has gotten addicted to crime dramas while Ophis has developed a hobby of parroting Kunou, and as I walk toward Yasaka's office, I say, "No, my little fox, but I do have a surprise to show all of you."

I can feel the fox vibrating with excitement as she loves surprises. While Ophis just stares with her empty eyes, now filled with childish curiosity.

I am proud of the girl as I no longer need to worry for her in case we are separated.

I soon reach the office door and knock with my code, which Yasaka states from inside, " Come in, Anakim." I then do so as I see her doing paperwork, which she can do easily, thanks to my tech.

Let's just say I was rewarded quite well that day.

I sit down and say, "My love, I have finished "that" project." Her ears perk up along with Kunou's as she says, "Yay! It's time to explore!" Somehow, while saying this, she switched to an Indiana Jones outfit.

Yasaka and I chuckled at this as I continued, "I have created both a space and a binding that will connect all of us together, so we need never fear losing one another."

As I say this, I teleport all of us to New Cadia, with Ophis being the most surprised as she says, "This is outside the Gap, and it's so quiet."

Kunou runs around like a road runner exploring the surrounding area while Yasaka is left flabbergasted.

After half an hour, Kunou zoomed around the place as I explained the binding to Yasaka.

"I accept my precious angel even though you have another woman that you never told me about," Yasaka says with faux sadness as Gaea smirks at this while I sigh at their antics.

I then connect Yasaka to me as she develops the binding mark on her upper body, but she does not make it disappear as he says, "This just proves our relationship. Why should I make it disappear."

The comment annoys Gaea as she makes her binding appear as well in response.

I then do the same for Kunou as hers appears on her wrist.

But what surprised me the most was Ophis as she then stated with confidence, "Will you bind me as well, New Light?"

I look at her as I say, " Ophis, this is no trifling manner as this will bind you to me forever and cannot be removed."

But she then places her hand on me and transforms into her adult form and says with a smile on her face.

"You have shown me so much and given me so much. It is time I give something to you, my New Light." The binding takes effect as hers manifests on her back.

She then kisses me, and the others pull us into a group hug. While I will have to explain this to Rose and Ingvild, for now, we enjoy the moment.

The silence of the void acts as a comfort in the warm moment.

The side quest will begin soon, but for now, I will enjoy this moment.

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