
Its Free Real Estate *Wink*

Entry 67:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I enter Kuoh town, I realize that I have no place to live, but then I feel a communication circle forming next to me, and from the circle, I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey, Anakim! It's Sandalphon. How are you doing?" I hear the chipper angel say.

I respond  while leaning against a large tree in the park, "I am doing well, commander, as I have gained permission to enter Kuoh and Kytoto indefinitely."

"What! How did you do that?" Sandalphon asks, surprised.

I then begin explaining the events that had occurred while excluding some details like my conversation with the leader's daughter, and my info leaves the commander utterly shocked.

"Anakim, are you sure you can handle this mission? You may have beat Uriel, but those sacred gears could overwhelm you along with all of those magicians." Sandalphon asks concerned.

I think it over but immediately conclude: "I am ready, Commander Sandalphon, as I know my limits, and I will not be alone as I will have the Yokai and Shinto Gods backing me up."

In addition to the fact that due to my scans of the Sacred Gears I've been around, I am currently working on upgrading my spear and sword to act as sacred gear canceler emitters.

Their structure is rather simple as they are mostly just alchemical metals programmed with various Angelic and divine runes to act as both a prison for powerful beings while also directing the energy so that they don't overload.

All that needs to be done is interfere with the energy flow in the sacred gears in order to destabilize them while also sealing any being from increasing or decreasing the Sacred Gear wielder's power.

The best thing I could compare them to are old computers that have not been updated for hundreds of years now, and while they are old brick computers, my technology is like comparing a flip phone to my omni tool.

Also, since my Essences keep my powers from being suppressed, I cannot be affected by abilities such as divide or malevolent boosts. 

While I would like to see the divide and boost in action so that I may replicate them, I am not holding out hopes, as the butterfly effect has been running rampant.

The Iscariots have been sending me reports from across the world, and it seems like the Khaos Brigade is starting their plans early as it looks like they have learned of the precognition blind.

This is somewhat concerning as this may cause a change in events, but I have long since accepted that changes will occur unless one is a master manipulator or can keep the story going as it should, which is almost impossible; variances will appear.

But it does not matter, as I already have some members sneaking into the Khaos Brigade organization.

If found, the Iscariots that are not my Androids will self-destruct, but even then, that is an intentional chance as they have all been programmed to be master spies. With the Brigade being separated into various groups, it's easier to sneak in when you know what you're looking for.

"I will be fine, Commander Sandalphon, but I appreciate the concern. I will keep you updated as I need to find a place of residence." As I am about to close the connection, the angel blurts something else.

"Oh, Right! We already have a residence for you given by Serafall at this location."

Sandalphon then gives me an address and after promising that I will be fine and if not I have to call her senpai. I then fly to the address and find a rather large mansion similar to Issei's when they rebuilt his house.

The flex is real, and I do not need this space. But I really can't say no to a free house, but first, secure the building as I spread my magic senses across the entire structure, and I can sense multiple magic circles as well as recording devices with my limited technopathy.

After spending a couple of hours combing the entire residence for various spyware and magic circles, I am safely assuming that I have gotten all of them.

And anyone listening to these spy circles will just hear a vocoded version of Gangster's Paradise. 

The image does send a small chuckle down my throat but I immediately begin doing my own renovations as if this is going to be my base it is going to be secure and it is going to be another one of my labs.

( Also, if you guys are wondering  why he does not spend any charges on his technopathy, it's because he gets it from his machines, and since it does not count as an ability or power, he can't upgrade it but only upgrade the device.)

Timeskip No Justu (4 Hours Later)

Finally, I have finished as I now stand in my new and improved lab, created entirely by various materials and hidden in a pocket dimension within the basement of the house that can only be accessed by myself.

It is entirely cutting-edge tech from various Kryptonian technology made from sunstone and quantum computers, along with various testing rooms everywhere, and since this will be my place of residence for a couple of weeks, this is a requirement.

"It's all coming together, and I just love it when the plan comes together," I say as I survey my hard work.

Now, I send out a nanite swarm toward the abandoned church to set up surveillance equipment that shall go undetected as I gather evidence and more data.

Since I have also been neglecting to mention since it has been two weeks since I have gone to this world I have earned two new tech trees from my Tinker of Fiction ability with the first being surprisingly The Legend of Zelda, the other being from Sonic the Hedgehog which really only includes Eggman's tech but hey more tech is more tech.

But the benefit from Eggman's Tech is the ability to create robots that can run at a similar speed to Sonic as well as some various time travel technology that Silver uses.

And since it is now a new day, I have gained five new charges, which I then spend to increase my analysis magic to the planetary level, which only takes two charges, with the other three increasing my stamina.

Now, I can maintain my magics for days, if not weeks, while also remaining in combat for much longer, so if I meet any sacred gear wielders, I can simply outlast them.

I have also been simultaneously practicing my magic sense as I have been upgrading my tech as I am now, so finally in tune with magic, I can sense the most minuscule usage of it from miles away.

Speaking of which, the two devil heiresses are not trying to hide their magic. It isn't pronounced like most fanfics would make it out to believe it can be sent by anyone above mid-class.

I would only assume this is due to their overall confidence in both themselves and their families to keep them out of trouble, as well as that they have been lulled into a false sense of security and are waiting for the events of the story to begin to be proverbially kicked out of the bed and then thrown into a volcano.

Sadly, it is required that I greet them so that they know of my presence in the territory, as I do not want to ruffle any feathers, especially the devils. I know it's hard to believe, but they greatly support protocol.

I debated whether or not I should increase my contact with the main cast. Still, while I view it as inevitable for small amounts of contact, I would instead not be forced into the cliche events like the marriage with Riser Phenex that leads into the holy sword arc. 

The only reason I would really have to help them is to help Koneko, specifically mostly just so I can impress her sister, as she is one of my favorites.

She just has that aura of an experienced woman who will break down at any exposure to actual perverse acts.

Also, Kuroka's knowledge of senjustu would help with future endeavors, but I must avoid any scientific language with her to avoid triggering her PTSD.

In regards to the other members of the main cast, Akeno, while beautiful, does not appeal to me due to her sadomasochism, her ridiculous daddy issues, and casual racism, which I don't even want to start on how ridiculous they are.

Gasper is an enigma to me as well. He has severe anxiety issues. He has a potent sacred gear, and his being a dhampir would offer some unique variances for his sacred gear.

Kiba has one of the most unique sacred gears and uses it to only create elemental ice and fire swords in my opinion, he is just a failed version of Archer from the Fate universe.

I am analyzing his demonic swords' creation because that would help improve my current weaponry.

Sona's peerage is the definition of forgettable, with only Saji and Tsubaki being unique with his Vijtra sacred gears and her Mirror Alice and actual decent looks.

While Sona's dream is admirable, it would be impossible without Serafall's influence, as the devils are the definition of conservative.

But I would rather not spend all day talking about my opinions of the various cast members, for I need to continue my training.

While I may be in Peak Ultimate Class, I still need to ascend to Monarch class to become as powerful as archangels like Gabriel and Michael.

But, every day, I grow stronger, even if by only small increments.

"Let the games begin," I think as I see the cameras go live across the town.

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