
Dealing With Nazis and Paperwork

Entry 16:

Linus Ozias POV:

After creating more plans for future events, I return to bed as even though I don't need sleep, it's nice to do, and hopefully, I won't have nightmares because even with the essences, it's hard.

I then return to my room and nearly fall asleep on my bed as soon as my body hits the bed, as I know that this week, the grind begins with dealing with investors and consumers. That is the business grind.

"Let the games begin," I say to myself before falling asleep.

(For reference, it's nighttime, the day of the PRT deal, so he has six days until his next tech tree.)

Timeskip No Justu (Five Days Later)

I return to keep writing in my journal as I haven't been able to do that. This past week has been nonstop business meetings, renovations, and meetings with investors and inventing. I've barely slept a wink.

But by midnight tomorrow, I'll have a new tech tree to work with, and we'll see what that is. I hope for the tech trees mentioned in the last entry or from games like Destiny with their paracausal nonsense or shows like Rick and Morty or Futurama, as their tech is ridiculous.

For now, I have to coast on, and you may be thinking, but Linus, you have access to DC Comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and you would be right. I could create many things that could destroy the universe.

I could make an AMAZO that could copy para-human powers and fight for me, but I don't because I fear losing control of my machinery, like what happened in the DC animated universe.

In addition, my creation magic has only improved slightly as it's getting harder and harder to increase my magic without exhausting it, and I've had little time to do so, which, to be honest, makes me wish I had shadow clones.

While my tinker of fiction power allows my creations to be loyal to me, I do not know if it is absolute, and I'm not willing to test it out, at least while I'm not weak like this.

"Wow, I'm beginning to sound like Batman," I begin to say to myself, and I've also been acting like Batman as I've been creating countermeasures to certain para humans.

But I will leave those countermeasures to your imagination because now I have to focus on creating advertisements for my new products.

I haven't been lazy this past week As I have created a couple of household items: nothing insane, just some essential quality-of-life items like advanced Roombas, coffee makers, and other devices.

I also donated to specific charities dealing with end-bringer attack victims and schools, as some of them seem significantly underfunded, like Winslow.

But it's not all smiles and Roses as Brockton Bay will be Brockton Bay sometimes, and I have been nearly mugged while walking down the street over a dozen times already.

One such encounter went like this as it usually starts with either a merchant drug addict trying to mug me, thinking I'm an easy mark, or a member of the ABB trying to mug me because I'm not Asian.

(Third Day 3:00 p.m.)

"Well, that meeting went well," I mutter to myself as I take a small break outside our building, and as I lean my back against the building and close my eyes to focus my thoughts, I feel metal against my head.

I turn around and see an older man, a bit messy and most pronounced his Japanese heritage, and he says with an even tone albeit shakingly, "I want you to empty your pockets and give me all the money you're holding, and I walk away."

A member of the ABB, no doubt about that, although it's surprising that he's willing to do this in the commercial district that the Empire owns, but he might not know the territory lines.

But there's one problem: he's holding the gun sideways and close enough to grab.

" You know you really shouldn't hold a gun like that," I say to the man in a calm tone.

"Shut Up and empty your pockets!" The man says angrily

"Because the way you hold it, the shell will eject into your face," I continue.

"EMPTY THE POCKETS NOW!" He practically yells.

"Like this," I say, grabbing the gun, which he then fires as the shell casing hits his eye, and I soon disarm him.

I then used my enhanced strength to knock him out for a couple of minutes with a couple of blows to the head, and luckily, this can be explained by my body enhancement.

I call the police, and they soon arrive and give me the usual spiel of having to go to court to testify, but it's pretty open and shut.

But what I said next surprised the officer. "I'm not going to press charges, officer, because honestly, no harm was done. He's just a man making a stupid decision."

That was correct, as Dread could do some facial recognition and find out that this man was essentially press-ganged into the ABB, or else his family would be targeted.

I'm not doing this because I'm a hero; I am doing this to improve my image further because it takes much more than busting gang members to take down these organizations. It takes trust, and it takes time.

Most of these organizations have parahumans that only number within the single digits, with the rest of the gangs being filled by non-powered humans, and all the gangs know this.

To end the gangs, you have to end the stigma and the causes that lead to people becoming part of the gangs, and with the merchants, that's their drug addictions with the ABB. It's a defense mechanism against a racist world that never really got past the stigma of World War 2.

In the case of the Empire, they're just narcissistic Nazis, and their organization will fall apart once their leaders are taken out.

What I said even surprises the guy they're arresting as his eyes widen, and I almost see tears in his eyes because while he's going to have to end up paying some fines, he won't have to go to prison.

But I am not naive enough to think that all gang members are just victims of fate and circumstance. Some join the gang just because they want to live without rules or they want power or money.

Soon enough, that man will find enough money to move out of Brockton Bay to somewhere safer, most likely Canada, and it's barely a cent out of my pocket.

Most of the other encounters, though, are less than ideal as they either come at me with knives, drugs, or more guns, and I'm usually able to disable them, with some of them being disabled for life.

I usually give that punishment to the worst offenders because while I am willing to kill people, I'm not going go full xianxia Protagonist and go complete murder hobo, at least not yet.

Because, hey, while I'm not completely fine with killing people, I am OK with traumatic brain injury.

And while it is annoying to have to deal with lawyers trying to pin the attacks on me, I almost always record everything that's being heard, and I have cameras on my body, so they're all left as self-defense cases.

But other than some legal annoyances, there have been improvements on many different fronts as the protectorate in the FDA has approved my cures for the various drugs being introduced on the streets.

But as my hospital is still under renovation near the docks, I meet with the director of the MedHall, Max Anders or, as most worm readers know him, Kaiser Leader of the Empire 88.

But while his ability lies in controlling metals he can create from thin air, he can't control metals he doesn't create such as those within one's body due to the Manton effect and his own limits, which explains why specific para humans cannot control elements within other parahumans.

I pulled the same shtick that I pulled with the PRT that was placing invisible nanobots within his brain, which he can't detect or manipulate the metals within the nanobots due to them being made of nth metal from the DC universe.

Now I have eyes and ears on the Empire from the leader himself. He really should feel honored, but that's just my pride talking.

The wiki described the man to a T. As you can see, his movements and words were scripted and planned, so I decided to keep the conversation brief.

We shake hands and discuss the contract with him having access to my cures for a share of the profits, and because Panacea is not healing every person for free, the hospital is very well off.

Although, honestly, because the man seemed so scripted and ruthless, he was very dull. While he was very manipulative, he was very manipulative in a boring way.

Sometimes, it felt like I was talking to a robot at some points, but I guess that's what it's like being a pseudo-high-functioning sociopath.

The conversation barely lasted five minutes as we had already agreed on the contract, with Chloe leading the negotiations as I was more of the ideas guy and development guy.

Soon enough, the hospital will be finished, thus leading to the beginning of a renovation of the entire city, but they don't need to know that.

Regarding the shards, Dread has been combing through the research data from various superhumans and has been able to track the signals to their source: Scion, Eden, and some from Ziz(Simurgh).

I'm still looking for Abaddon, but I will find him later as I have to figure out how to disrupt the shards without killing the host or damaging their brains.

The great news is that I've found Flechette, and while she hasn't become a registered para human yet, I have been able to get some scans on when she uses her powers.

Even with my enhanced brain, this math and the variable physics and quantum theory surrounding the how and why is hurting my head.

But the headaches are necessary as she is one of the few people on this planet who barely number in the double digits with powers that can even affect an end-bringer and an entity.

I plan to recreate her power and place orbital platforms that will fire on each endbringer and entity simultaneously, with the end bringers dying, but Scion will be the most difficult one to deal with.

He can constantly detect and dodge threats using his powers. Still, his weakness is his emotional state, which I plan to take advantage of using the holographic drones from Spiderman far from home, which will place fake Edens around him, thus distracting him, which will allow my orbital platforms to punch right through his body into his core and his main body.

(If anyone is confused, the reason why Scion will be distracted by Eden is because Eden is his literal other half or "wife" because the original entity that went to Earth to disperse their shards and begin the cycle was Scion and Eden combined, but they ended up splitting with Eden being taken out by Contessa)

The end bringers will be much easier because they are just giant monsters with cores that are connected to the original shard network.

Then, once the end bringers and Scion are dealt with, I will use Scion's connection to the other entities to track them down and eliminate them one by one.

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