
Chapter 14 - Punishments to come, and a wager repaid!

The next day…

Gohan sighed as the bell rang within his homeroom, signifying the end of his last class for the day. As he rose from his seat, his eyes met those of his homeroom. Tomiko Amado's brown eyes staring right back at him just as she bid the other students goodbye when they got up and proceeded to shuffle out of the room. The woman was smiling kindly at him, but there was an undertone to the look she gave him. One that most wouldn't be able to put their finger on given how good the woman could be at hiding her real emotions. Even more so than her little sister.

"Don't forget now, Gohan-kun! You'll be staying behind tomorrow for your punishment~." Even the way in which the beautiful auburn haired woman said this came off as a caring and sweet maternal figure who had to show some discipline to an unruly student for their own sake. Yet again however, there was a hidden undertone to it. One that was far darker than what her current tone would lead one to believe when it came to her intentions.

The spawn of Son Goku couldn't help but look away in embarrassment as the memory of yesterday came to the forefront of both his and her minds at her reminder.

Yesterday… in the pool area…

For a little while, all the young demi-saiyan could do was stare out in increasingly high dismay at Tomiko. The woman staring right back at him with a bemused smile, arms crossed under her impressive F-cup bust.

"Ara ara~, don't you have anything to say for yourself young man?" She asked with amusement, giggling to herself a little at the boy having become like a statue before her within the cum filled pool. She knew there wasn't much the boy could say right now, given he'd been 'caught' red handed.

Being somewhat snapped out of his stupor by her words, the boy gulped down quite the sizeable glob of spit in his throat. There was absolutely no excuse he could come up with for this, and boy did it look really bad…

"M-Miss Amado-san… I-I uhh… uhm…" Stumbling over himself, the boy's brain failed to come up with anything to say to her, as his voice teetered off.

"Cat got your tongue?" Tomiko almost snickered as she saw the boy fail to come up with anything to say to her. She had expected the boy in his shock to possibly ask her why she was still here, in some sort of vain attempt perhaps to understand how he was now in his current predicament. It would appear though that he didn't have the wherewithal at this time to ask it. "You know, when I was made aware that the real 'saviour of earth' would be with us here in Tenbi for the next few years, I can't say that I saw this sort of behaviour coming~." She almost rolled her eyes as she was given a brief reminder of that foolish afro wearing moron that had claimed such a title, and was so easily believed by the public.

Guess the public really could be made up of gullible sheep at times, if they were so easily duped by a bumbling buffoon of a man…

The boy stiffened at her words for an instant, before his mind seemed to recall that she wasn't just a member of the staff, but was close to Minori as well, making it not so surprising that she would know about that too. Although, the boy failed to notice the steady stream of liquid trailing down her legs from her crotch as she mentioned his behaviour, nor smell the potent arousal coming off her, given the stench of the cum pool was too strong and blocked his nose from doing so.

"Ah well, guess it can't be helped now. I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you for this Gohan-" Her lips quirked up further at this. Oh, there'd be a 'punishment' alright… one that he'd never forget. "-but before that, I think we should do something about the mess you've made, no?"

Back to the present…

Following that, since the buxom teacher knew who he was, it had at least made the clean up of the pool rather easy. Once he'd gotten out of the pool with Inaho in his arms, she had instructed him to essentially get rid of the cum mixed liquid of the pool, and she would go about replacing it with regular water again. Just before she'd made her leave, she'd told him to get Inaho and himself cleaned up and out of there, as well as to stay behind with her in the classroom following classes the day after tomorrow, since she knew he'd already be preoccupied today with paying back a certain wager he'd made.

At first, he'd had no clue how he would go about doing that. A ki blast wouldn't have done much other than blast the whole thing and get the sticky white fluid to splash out everywhere, same with a kiai wave. So the boy was left to try something a little different, as he'd basically plugged his hands into the water after placing Inaho down near the wall, and spread his energy out through the whole pool, and in what some might call solid quick thinking, he used his energy to heat it up to the point where it was vaporised. Thankfully his own ki also protecting him from being burnt by said heat.

With that out of the way, he left the rest to the woman for when she came back, as he dealt with himself and Inaho. Making sure they both had the cum washed off them, before he managed to wrap her voluptuous body up in one of the towels she'd brought with her in her duffel bag, throw his uniform pants back on to cover up his member that had become fully erect again unfortunately due to him having to gander at her naked body multiple times as he covered her. The girl hadn't woken up at all, left far too exhausted and spent after the monstrous fucking she'd been dealt by him, which meant he'd had to carry her bridal style back to the apartment. Making sure that no one saw them as he did so by flying there, with all of their stuff in her duffel bag wrapped around from his left shoulder to his side for convenience.

"I won't, miss Amado-san." Gohan replied back curtly, giving a quick nod of his head as he left his seat and made his way out of the room without another word.

"Ara ara…" Watching his back as he left, the woman couldn't help but giggle at him once more. The smile on her face turning salacious in the blink of an eye as she propped up an elbow on her desk and rested her left cheek upon her palm. "I certainly hope not. It'll be quite the experience for both of us~."

Not seeing nor hearing the woman's façade eroding away as he'd just left the classroom and was out of earshot, Gohan trekked down the hallway, and around a few corners before making his way to the entrance. Once he'd made his way out, he made to trek along the pathway to the school gate, which from there he'd be waiting for a certain red head to show up.

As the gate came into his vision just a short distance away after a few minutes of walking, he spotted a familiar head of magenta hair waiting by said gate. Garbed in her trademark orange jumpsuit was none other than Minori herself.

Gohan didn't even get the time to wonder why she'd been standing there as he came closer, her head turning as she met his gaze with an odd smirk. "Ah Gohan-kun! Just the man I've been waiting for!" She remarked in her typical enthusiastic and confident tone, placing her hands on her shapely hips.

The boy ignored the use of the very affectionate suffix, along with missing the undertone that there was much more to that statement than he knew of. "You were waiting for me? Why…?" The boy did his best to hide the unsettled feeling he was experiencing right now from showing on his face.

The woman's smirk only deepened, as she gave him a knowing look. "Just wanted to catch you before you went off to play butler for Azuki, and tell you that I expect you to come to my office early tomorrow morning."

Come to her office early morning tomorrow? "What for?" he couldn't stop himself from asking perplexedly.

"Your punishment, Gohan-kun." Taking a step forward, the fiery spirited principal placed one of her hands on his shoulders, as he looked at her in surprise. The unsettled feeling he had being warranted. "It's come to my attention recently that you've been violating Tenbi's rules, so I'll be dealing with you personally."

"V-violating Tenbi's rules…?" There was only one way he knew he'd done that…

"Yep! I'll see you in the morning at six, big boy. Don't be late!" Was all she said, giving him a wink before strutting away back to the school building. The boy never noticing the look of unadulterated sexual desire in her eyes as she glanced back at him.

"Damn… now I've got two punishments to deal with tomorrow…" Sighing to himself, the boy became quickly resigned to his fate as his surprise faded away. He only had himself to blame really, for being discovered by Tomiko, and now having been somehow found out by Minori. Whatever way she'd found out didn't matter, all that did matter was that she had, and he was in trouble. "Oh well, whatever they are I'll deal with them tomorrow. I've earned them by this point for what I've been unable to stop…"

Oh, he had no idea how right that line of thought was… just not in the way he was thinking…

"Oi Gohan!" called out a familiar feminine voice no less than a minute later. The boy turning back in the direction of the school as he saw the person he'd been waiting for walking up to him by herself. The short red locks of the passionate tomboy Azuki Shinatsu twirling in the small wind of the sunny day as she made her way up to him with a duffel bag in hand. "Ready for work?" She asked rhetorically, knowing the answer already. Her usual smirk plastered on her tomboyish features.

Admittedly, the half-breed did find it a little odd that she seemed to be perfectly normal after what had happened to her yesterday with Yan Min. His mind only just managing to block off the image that tried to surface and remind him of what was quite possibly the most humiliating and embarrassing moment of the red head's life, along with being what had driven him over the edge yesterday. If there was one thing he'd come to know about her, it's that she could definitely hold a grudge. Yet she didn't seem to look perturbed over what had happened. Call it him playing it safe, but he honestly didn't want to prod her on it though. Something just told him that if he did, it wouldn't end well…

Regardless, he pushed that thought to the back of his mind with yet another sigh, before nodding his head affirmatively at her words.

"Good. Let's not waste any more time then!" She exclaimed, walking past him and through the open gateway. Gohan left to stare at her retreating back for a second before following behind by a couple feet away.

The trek itself lasted little more than ten minutes, which flew by like a breeze. The apartment complexes coming into view, they headed towards a three story complex that wasn't too far south of the complex that the young demi-saiyan was lodged in. The two being little more than a brisk three minute walk away from the other.

Once they reached it, Azuki led him up a familiar set of winding stairs that all of the apartment buildings seemed to have, bringing them to the second floor quite like his own apartment. They walked along until they were a few doors down before stopping at the middle one of seven.

Zipping the duffel bag open, she reached inside with her hand and pulled out the key for the green door, placed it inside the keyhole and turned it clockwise before placing her hand on the handle and pulling it downwards. The door swung open as Azuki strutted inside, with Gohan following behind her.

As soon as they were both inside, Azuki swivelled around to face him as she chucked her duffel bag at him, the boy letting out a slightly surprised grunt at the action as he caught the bag right in his arms just after it landed against his chest.

"Your suit is in there. Now get into the changing room and get dressed!" She commanded with a gleam in her eye, as she pointed to her left, where a closed door stood much like how there was in his own apartment as his eyes followed her pointed finger. "You need to look the part, after all."

"O-oh, alright then…" Guess she really was going to have him in butler attire, instead of him just acting as one in his Tenbi uniform. That much was fair play he supposed, given that that when she'd had to be his- or, more like Kodama-chan's maid, she had shown up in dressed in the maid she used for her work at the café. It would only stand to reason when she got him in a similar position, she'd have him wear a male equivalent.

Reaching for the door, he opened it and walked inside before closing it behind him for privacy sake. The changing room was, as he expected, identical to his own apartment's, which likely meant that the entire layout of Azuki's apartment would be the same as his too, barring what hers and her roommates rooms would look like.

Crouching down, the boy placed the duffel bag on the ground and opened it up wide as he looked down inside at the contents remaining within. A neatly folded black jacket with a tie of the same colour, a greyish white blazer, dark grey pants and black dress shoes.

A part of him did wonder for a moment where she'd gotten it from, but he quickly concluded that it didn't really matter. Raising himself back up to his feet, the boy began to undress. Stripping down until only his white underpants and black socks remained on his person, placing the parts of his school uniform off to the side near the duffel bag. With all of it off, exposing his perfectly toned, muscular physique, he crouched down again and took out the butler outfit piece by piece. Pulling on the blazer fist over his ripped upper body, the article of clothing fitting tightly around him and doing nothing to hide his impressive muscles, particularly his broad shoulders and bulging biceps with the sleeves that reached down to his wrists. The jacket went on next, followed by the pants which fit even more tightly around him than the blazer did! "Holy crap this is tight…! It feels like they're trying to squeeze my legs like a vice… I really hope they don't rip!" The pants having obviously been tailored more for someone with slimmer legs as opposed to his which were packed with dense muscle like a pair of tree trunks. Thus, it actually took him a few solid minutes to carefully put them on and not accidently rip them with his tree trunk-like legs. It did manage to do a swell job at hiding his large bulge surprisingly enough despite how tight it was, which he supposed was a silver lining.

Once everything else was fit around him snugly… well, more like a tad bit uncomfortably, he brought out the tie and found himself fiddling around with it for a moment before he finally was able to put it on right… or at least he thought he did anyway as it coiled around the collar of his blazer within the jacket, and dangled down by his chest. The shoes being the only item he slipped into without a problem, and thankfully weren't in anyway uncomfortable to be in.

With that out of the way, he let out a breath before putting his own clothes into the duffel bag and zipping it up, before picking it up and walking over a little stiffly to the wall near the door he'd come through, and placing it down next to it. Turning to the door then, he made his way over to it and opened it wide as he walked through back into the hallway, before closing the door behind him.

"Heh, not looking too bad there bucko." Remarked Azuki, craning her head towards him and leaning her back against the wall, with her arms crossed under her chest, with one of her toned, curvy legs bent so the sole of her foot was placed on the bottom side of the wall, while the other was flat on the ground with the leg slightly slanted forwards. "It's a nice fit for you." She complimented, unashamedly running her eyes over his well-built form. Taking a small moment to check him out in the suit.

"Uhh thanks…?" Not sure what else to say to that, Gohan just awkwardly accepted the compliment.

Azuki's eyes narrowed slightly when she saw the way he wore the tie, as she came off the wall and stood before him with a quirked eye brow. "Wait a sec, why's your tie out like that?"

"Huh? Isn't this how it's supposed to be worn?" He asked somewhat confusedly whilst pointing at it with one of his index fingers. The last time he'd worn something similar to this, his mom had had him dress up a suit for Bulma's birthday six months ago, and his mother had had him put it on like this for the occasion.

"No, it's supposed to be worn underneath the blazer. It looks stupid when you wear it like that." She remarked with a matter of fact tone, coming off a slight bit rude with the way she phrased it.

"Oh…" Lightly grabbing on to the tie, Gohan proceeded to lift it up and stuff it down his blazer, which took him a little longer than he would've liked given how much of a tight fit the blazer was. The sight of him fiddling it down quickly yet cautiously so as not to accidently tear something being almost comical to the waiting tomboy who watched him shoddily stuffing it down there from the small opening in the collar at the front with a small bit of bemusement.

"Ehehe, sorry about that…" The boy chuckled nervously, bringing his left hand behind his head as he started rubbing it bashfully after he successfully managed to place the tie inside the blazer with a little more effort than he would've liked.

"Sorry about what, huh?" Gohan blinked at the newer voice behind him, turning to look around his eyes spotted none other than Chacha and Kimi standing just outside the entrance. The petite, short black haired girl looking over at him in that moment somewhat shyly with a light blush sporting on her face, whereas the tall, extremely well endowed, white-haired girl just gazed over at him with a big smile brimming with amusement.

"Heh, nice of you to show up girls. Thought you'd be here before me though?" Azuki prodded, looking over Gohan's shoulder at the new arrivals with a friendly grin.

"W-well, we would've been… but I left my latest issue of Shonen Jump in the clubroom this morning by mistake, so I went back to get it. Chacha-san simply followed along…" Kimi replied impishly, coming across a tad bit embarrassed over the ordeal. In the girl's left hand by her side, said magazine was held, the cover obscured mostly due to the door frame.

"Yep! That's the story!" Chacha confirmed with a care free tone, looking down to her close friend for a split second with one hand on her hip and a laid back grin now on her face, before she turned back to Gohan and Azuki.

Well, it was mostly Gohan actually, as she whistled at what her childish mind would now dub as 'butler Gohan', giving the boy a once over. Checking out how the outfit fit super snug along his muscle-bound figure, and did little, if anything at all to hide his more than plentiful muscle mass. "But who really cares about that now, anyway?" She dismissed without a care, as she strode inside the apartment and made her way up to Gohan. Her enormous breasts that were bigger than Gohan's head jiggling around even within the confines of her uniform with each step taken until she was less than a few inches away from the boy. Cocking an eyebrow, she bent forward a little, placing both hands on her hips this time as she appraised him further with a cheeky smile. "I'm more interested in a certain someone standing in front of me." Even more so, she took some appreciation in how the outfit fit on him. She was liking what she was seeing… That butler uniform absolutely fit him to a tee.

"I-It looks good on you, Gohan-san…" Kimi complimented genuinely with a light stutter as she walked inside herself, and closed the door behind her. The girl taking her own little bit of time to admire the teen's muscles showing through the tight-fitting clothing. Something she'd failed to do when they'd been mostly exposed during the cavalry as she was more focused on Azuki at the time.

"Damn right it does!" Chacha exclaimed excitedly in agreement, standing back up to her full height as she playfully slapped the boy's left shoulder. "It's a perfect fit! You should wear it more often Gohan, it does a way better job showing off what you've got than your uniform does!"

"Uhh, thanks…?" Given what he'd gone through by this point in Tenbi, Gohan almost immediately knew what she meant by 'showing off what you got'. Never the less, he took the compliment, as well as Kimi's for what they were worth.

"Hehe, wouldn't you agree Azuki?" Chacha asked, looking over Gohan towards her scarlet haired friend. Wiggling her eye brows suggestively at the girl. "Admit it, he looks quite fetching in it, doesn't he?"

Catching on to her darker skinned pal's insinuation, Azuki managed to stop herself from blushing this time and roll her eyes at her friend's obvious bait. She'd been caught off guard by her yesterday with a similar, yet even more embarrassing comment, but not this time. She'd have to do better if she wanted a rise out of her involving him. "Well, now that that's out of the way, I think it's time I put you to work Gohan."

"Uhm, okay… what do you want me to do first?" The boy replied, looking back at her as he asked this.

Chacha felt her lips tug just a little more at her friend's blatant dodging of the question entirely. She let it slide for the moment though as Azuki made to respond to the spiky haired teen's question.

"Follow me." The tomboy started as she turned around and walked up the hall, Gohan following in tow with Chacha and Kimi coming in from behind him. Azuki took a left turn into an open pathway that led to the kitchen and living room area, which was also identical as Gohan had suspected to his own apartment's too as he walked in after her and looked around.

"To start off, you'll be cleaning this whole room top to bottom." She began as she stopped just two steps in front of him and turned around to look at him, splaying her arms out on either side to emphasise her first order. He halted as well she made to continue, as did Chacha and Kimi who just walked through too. The former with a toothy grin, and the other small, shy smile that looked adorable on her. "Then, once that's done, you'll be doing our laundry-"

"Well, this doesn't sound so bad. It isn't anything I've already done before when my mom gave me chores to do around the house." Gohan thought to himself evenly.

"-But here's the catch. Instead of using the washing machine to wash them, you'll be washing them by hand, the old fashioned way."

"Wait, did she just say by hand?" The boy blinked in surprise. Why did he have to do it by hand? That was an odd request given the washing machine would be easier and likely quicker.

"There's a water basin over near the washing machine. Be sure to fill it up about halfway so the water doesn't splash all over the place when you're rinsing the clothes off. There should be a spare bit of soap along with a sponge for you to use on top of the washing machine too, you're gonna need them." Azuki continued, ignoring the look that passed over his face when she mentioned he'd be doing the job by hand. "Once that's done, you can clean our rooms as well. Dust em' up real good, because if I see a single speck of dust left when you're done in any of them, I'll have you clean every nook and cranie of them all over again until I'm satisfied."

"Jeez… Azuki-san isn't holding back, is she?" Kimi whispered over to Chacha with a small bit of concern. Her face sporting an even bigger blush at him now apparently having to wash her clothes with his hands.

"hehe, Nope! She's definitely gonna milk this for all its worth." Chacha whispered back with a bemused giggle. She could understand where her mindset was at, given that a predicament like this where Gohan had to obey her commands would most likely never crop up again. Still though, she had to laugh inwardly at her making him wash their clothes by hand. She couldn't imagine how awkward that would be for him. Though who knows? He might get a kick out of it for all she knew.

"When you've finished that, I'll give you instruction on what you'll be doing next, understand?" She asked him with a pointed look, placing her hands on her hips with a posture that held an authoritative edge to it.

"Uhm… I guess so?" Gohan replied back with a sweat drop. Sounding a little unsure at this point.

"Good enough for me. Everything you need to clean the room, and the others too, you can find in the cabinets furthest from the fridge. Any questions?"

"Uhm, why do I have to wash the clothes with my hands?" Gohan couldn't help but ask when given the chance for such an odd stipulation.

"Because I said so genius." Azuki shot back with a sassy tone, and a look on her face that left no room for argument. Her eyes giving him a look that said all it needed to about how silly she thought such a question was. All that mattered was that this was she'd told him to do. Why she asked him to do it like that didn't matter in the slightest. "Anything else?"

"No…" Gohan sighed, slagging a little as his face fell. He was hoping for a better answer than that, but in hindsight he should've seen a response like that coming. Azuki clearly just wanted him to work his ass off and gleam everything she could out of her victory. Unlike him, who'd just delegated it essentially to Himegami when he'd won the first time. Hell, she was probably also using this as a way to make herself feel better after Yan Min humiliated her like that the other day, even if she didn't show it. He'd just have to deal with this as it came…

"Good. Better get started then." She smirked with a glint in her eyes as she walked by him, looking over at her two friends. "Chacha, Kimi, be sure to place whatever needs washing inside a basket for him."

"Hehe, you got it chief!" Replied Chacha enthusiastically with a huge grin, giving her red headed friend a playful salute as though she were an army sergeant.

"O-Okay then…" Kimi nodded her head timidly, hesitant and embarrassed inwardly at the prospect of Gohan washing their clothes, particularly certain articles of clothing by hand.

"Right! Let's leave him to it then." Walking towards the entranceway, the two girls stepped to the side to allow her through, both of them striking a quick glance back at Gohan before turning away and walking out with the tomboyish girl to leave him to it for the moment.

Left by himself, Gohan just stood there looking over where they'd left, more particularly where Azuki had gone. "Well, I suppose I should just get to it then…" He thought, shrugging to himself over the whole thing, before he made his way into the kitchen area and knelt down by the cabinets she'd mentioned, and opened them up. The fairly spacious inside of the cabinets showed a hoover laid out on the left side at the far end, red in colour and oval shaped, surrounded by multiple cleaning sprays and what looked like a box of yellow cloths for the sprays. On the right hand side, there was a couple of detergents that were obviously meant for the washing machine which he wouldn't be using, along with a broomstick.

He didn't need anything on the right so he left that stuff remaining there and reached inside to bring out what he'd need. After a moment, he had the hoover out and plugged it in to a switch close to the washing machine, the wire it was attached to having enough length to it that he could cover the entire area plugged in from here. The sprays and the cloths were placed atop the cabinets for later.

Pushing the activation button on the top left of the oval-shaped contraption, it whizzed to life as Gohan picked up the pump with a rectangular shaped head as it started sucking in air. He wasted little time getting to it, sweeping back and forth across the floor for a quick test run, siphoning the light amount of dirt and dust on the floor before he settled into a groove. Pulling the vacuum cleaner with him across both the kitchen area and living room area, the boy quickly and dexterously hoovered up all the dust and dirt he could see in the room off the floor in a brisk pace. The first task taking him little more than five minutes to accomplish even when he was slowed down.

Once he saw he was done, he turned the hoover off and was about to bring it back to the cabinets from his place near the centre of the living area, until he heard a voice behind him.

"Finished hoovering already? Not bad I guess." Turning to look behind him as he heard Azuki's amused snort directed at him, his eyes spotting the red head as she placed a basket with her clothes that needed washing down near the wall. The boy felt himself swallow hard, his cheeks tinting red, along with a stir from his erect manhood as he noticed she was no longer in her school uniform. Instead, she was decked out in tight fitting red short shorts that barely reached past her upper thighs, leaving the rest of slim, toned, creamy white legs bare, with her also going bare foot. A white sleeveless top accompanying it, with the hem only reaching down to the top of her rib cage, leaving her midriff bare as well. Showing off her taut belly and cute belly button. The small white fabric seemed to hug her chest, emphasizing her borderline F-cup rack beneath it's thin layer as both of the large breasts pushed out, small tents forming at the top of where they were inside the top, formed by her semi-erect nipples, which tipped Gohan off that she wasn't wearing a bra at present.

She wasn't the only one though, as Chacha and Kimi came back in shortly thereafter, Azuki stepping to the side to allow the two of them to place down their baskets of clothes too.

Neither of them were dressed in their uniform either, now clad in more 'casual' clothing. Chacha in a similar pair of short shorts to Azuki, only hers were leopard print instead of red. Doing a phenomenal job of bringing extra attention to her thicc, curvy, chocolate-skinned legs. A snug fitting green tube top worn over her upper body. Covering up her midriff unlike Azuki's top, but more than making up for it by exposing plenty of her delicious, chocolaty cleavage from where the top cut off two thirds of the way up her humongous H-cup mounds, leaving the final third fully visible to him as the copious amount of mouth watering boob flesh bubbled up over the top. The sight only making his manhood stir even more within his pants as this also made it pretty clear to him that that was all she was wearing to cover those colossal coconuts of hers.

Kimi by contrast, wore dark bloomers that did a decent job accentuating the lower half of her petite body, but to a considerably less extent than her two friends. A simple sleeveless black top being worn over her upper body to match. The shirt clinging loosely enough over her to where one couldn't really make out the small budding breasts beneath it.

"Heh, see something you like Gohan?" Chacha asked teasingly, having noticed the way his eyes went over them, and the way his cheeks reddened. The boy's full attention being drawn to her when she spoke to him, and she took the opportunity to have a little fun at his expense this time instead of Azuki's. Giving him a broad, slightly flirtatious smile as she bent her upper body forward just enough to give the spiky haired teen's wandering eyes a perfect view into the more than bountiful sea of her tantalising olive-skinned cleavage.

Oh he liked it alright. His libido that is…

After a couple seconds, the young half-breed managed to wrench his vision away from the sight that got a good rise from his hormones as he shook his head of the lewd thoughts that were about to crop up. The act of him doing so looking rather comedic to the white-haired babe teasing him, as she gave a humoured giggle at his reaction before standing up straight again.

"I-I think I should get back to work." He stuttered, not being able to fully banish the amazing image of the voluptuous girl's boob valley. Turning to where the side of his body faced the trio of girls.

"Damn right you will." Azuki quipped with narrowed eyes having noticed his little eye wander session as well. The smirk still etched over her face as she found that it didn't really annoy her like it usually did when the other boys did something similar. Honestly, she found his reaction more amusing than anything else. "Just so you know, the baskets with the clothes you're washing are here. You're lucky that the only things that need a wash are our uniforms. Once they're washed, be sure to put them out on the line outside to dry off. Oh, and try not to get any funny ideas…"

"O-Okay. Got ya." Gohan replied, sparing her a brief sideways glance to nod affirmatively. Inwardly though, he did wonder what she meant by that, and why she was giving him a knowing look, as if she knew he might do something questionable. As to what, he didn't know.

"Oh, and one last thing. From now until the day is over, you'll refer to me as mistress-sama. Is that understood?"

"Oh yeah, she's absolutely milking this for all that it's worth." Thought Chacha with a snicker at her friend's next order. She really was going all in with this. Her previous statement to Kimi on the matter mere minutes ago already enforced with that command.

"I-I think Azuki-san might be enjoying this a little too much…" Thought Kimi with a sweat drop at her roommate's latest order.

"Understood… Mistress-sama…" Gohan affirmed as he fully turned away and gave them his back. Almost groaning to himself at having to call her that. Though it did remind him of how she'd had to call him master under Kodama's instruction when she was their maid. Turnabout was fair play, he'd have to concede.

Preening inwardly at him referring to her like that far more than she'd willingly admit, Azuki bid him adieu for now, and made her leave out of the area to head back to her room for the moment. Chacha and Kimi doing the same right after her, the petite raven haired girl's gaze lingering on his back a little longer before she made her way back out last.

Once again left on his own, the demi-saiyan grabbed on to the vacuum cleaner, lifting it off the ground and carrying it by his side back to the kitchen area before unplugging it from the wall. He quickly pressed another button on the machine right next to the button that turned it on, which caused the long cable that connected to the plug to retract inside the small opening for it at the back. He then left it close to the washing machine for later use in the other rooms.

Standing back up to full height, he reached for the spray and cloths, getting to work cleaning the places he couldn't really use the vacuum for. Sufficed to say, it took him even less time to finish that off, accomplishing it in barely two minutes, speeding his movement up since no one was watching him at the moment.

With that done and dusted, he placed them back on the top left side of the cabinets for later, getting rid of the dust covered cloths he'd gone through by putting them in a bin that was thankfully placed near the washing machine as well for convenience.

Grabbing the basin shortly after, he brought it to the sink and filled it up with hot tap water. Not too hot though, as soon as he saw steam begin to rise up from the basin he quickly turned the tap back off, having more than enough water.

Placing it back down on the ground near the cabinets, he made his way over to the three baskets left for him. True to Azuki's word, there only seemed to be their uniforms in there, which meant he could get through this relatively quick too. All his eyes could make out was the uniform top and a small section of their skirt hems peaking out from the side beneath it along with what he'd assume to be their socks. Grabbing on to all three of them, two with his left hand's fingers and the other with his right, he brought them over and placed them down a short foot away from the basin on the opposite side from it.

Looking up above the washing machine, he had to thank god somewhat that the soap was in liquidised form within a bottle rather than a bar of it. If it had been, it would've made things more of a nuisance.

Rolling his suits sleeves up as much as he could up to his elbows, he grabbed it and the yellow sponge next to it. "Okay, this shouldn't be too bad…" He thought, glancing over at the baskets, before dipping the sponge into the water to make it more malleable as it the warm liquid seeped into it. Pulling it back up just above the water, e flicked the top of the soap bottle open, turned it upside down, and poured a couple strings onto the dripping wet sponge.

Placing the bottle back down beside him, he reached a hand out to one of the baskets randomly, taking the one on the far right and pulling up a crinkled sailor uniform top. He promptly pushed it down into the water, stirring it around inside the basin two or three times before pulling it up close to the edge of the basin. Squeezing the sponge held in his other hand to make sure the soap seeped in with the water, which caused suds to form over the squishy material.

Bringing it down to the sailor top, he gave it a good scrubbing around as much of it as he could, on the inside and out, before plunging it back in to the water and stirring it around once again, before pulling it out once more. His eyes briefly appraising the article of clothing, he gave a quick nod of his head as it held a sort of sweet scent to it after. Reaching up, he placed the washed fabric up on top of the cabinets, before pulling back and reaching inside another basket. This one in the middle as he pulled out yet another sailor shirt, which he promptly gave the same treatment to. Having it quickly washed before placing it on top of the first one.

His hand then came in to the final basket on the left, pulling out a third sailor shirt, which also got the same treatment. This process repeating itself with the short skirts that had been under the shirts before in each basket, taking less than half the time to wash given there was much less to the fabric.

"Shouldn't take much longer to get this done now." The boy thought with a small smile, having just placed the last skirt atop the small pile above the over the cabinets. His hand then reaching back inside the basket on the right.

Once he grabbed on to the next item however, he blinked in confusion at the weird feel to it as his hand raised it out of the basket. "Wait a sec… that doesn't feel like any socks that I've-" Turning his head, he found whatever semblance of a smile had been forming for nearing this menial task's completion wiped from his face. Replaced by his mouth falling open, eyes widening, and cheeks flushing red in a mixture of embarrassment and shock as he laid eyes on a dark red bra with cups made to handle large E-cup breasts. "Is this…" The boy swallowed audibly. For some reason, he could tell just from looking at it that it was Azuki's.

Clutching the more than sizeable bra in his hand, the boy felt a sinking feeling in his gut as a few beads of nervous sweat formed on his temple. The young demi-saiyan shakily nudged his head to look down into the basket he'd just pulled this from as the hand holding the bra reached in, pulling out something close to his face that only made his cheeks turn a darker shade of red.

Panties. A pure white pair of panties were now dangling before his eyes. The expression on Gohan's face couldn't have been any more comical even if he tried. Another large gulp going down his suddenly dry throat as Azuki's words, 'try not to get any funny ideas' re-entered his mind.

"A-ah crab baskets… th-this is what she meant by that…" He whispered to himself in dismay, the boy starting to damn his incredible sense of smell kicking in right there suddenly, as his nose took in the scent of said panties without meaning to. Depraved thoughts beginning to scrap harshly into his mind as the sexual animal within him that he was trying to keep buried noted that they must've been taken off very recently, as it could easily pick up the lingering aroma of the buxom tomboy's nether regions. A lovely smell that it had smelt similarly a few times before, a rising feeling coming over the dragon inside the teen's pants as it somehow hardened further.

Shaking his head rapidly as he did his best to push the encroaching salacious thoughts away after zoning out for a solid minute or two, the boy quickly splashed them both into the water with an exhale. Face turning as red as a tomato as he reigned in his hormones as best he could.

Thank god no one was watching him currently… if any of them had seen him there… damn it all, was the universe having a laugh at him or something? There was no way at this point there couldn't be some sort of force out there that kept putting him in these kinds of situations to erode his sanity ever more, and get a good kick out of watching fall time and again to his depraved instincts.

Wordlessly, and a bit more tepidly than before, he pulled up both garments, and proceeded to give them a quick scrub with the sponge in spite of how uncomfortable he felt right now. Most notably down by his crotch. Once he felt he'd done enough for them, he dipped them back in to the water, before pulling them out and placing them precariously on top of the small pile.

He dared to look down at the other two and felt himself groan again as he saw a super large, frilly white bra and a flimsy pair of pearly white panties in the middle one, and a tiny pink bra with a small pair of light yellow panties in the left one.

It really wasn't hard to tell which belonged to who, but that didn't matter. Not to his rational mind at least.

Steeling himself with fiercely rosy cheeks, and ignoring the slightly painful erection in his pants, the boy quickly did the same with them. First with Chacha's, then Kimi's. Scrubbing them so quick you'd swear he was going for a world record no one could beat. Having them both placed atop the rest of the clothes.

Taking one more look inside the baskets, he saw all that was left were a pair of white socks in each one. Within less than twenty seconds he soaped them up and washed them off in the water, before pulling them out, placing them over the pile as he stood up and snaked his other hand beneath the bottom side of the clothing pile and lifted it up as he made his way over to the glass pane door that led out to the balcony.

Sliding the door open as soon as he reached it, he wasted little time placing them all down near him before getting the pegs off the line one by one and hanging each fabric up on the line. Once it was all up on the line, he let out a breath to calm himself before moving back inside, closing the door behind him. The whole task having been completed in about ten minutes thanks to him faltering earlier with those damn panties.

As if on que, that was when Azuki herself chose to walk back into the room again. Her fat globes wobbling within her small white top as she came to a stop. Her face showing a small bit of surprise seeing hers and her friends laundry out on the line behind him. "Well I'll be, didn't think you'd have that done this quick." She commented with a tad bit impressed tone. "those are washed properly, right?"

"Yes, they are…" He replied as evenly as possible. Doing everything he could to stop his eyes from wandering like they had before. Keeping them level with hers.

Azuki quirked a brow, but nonetheless gave him the usual smirk he often saw on her face. "Alright then-" She started, as she made her way over to the kitchen area for a drink. "-The other rooms are next. Better get to them." She waved her hand at him as she got over to the fridge and opened it, bending over and peering inside for what she was looking for.

Nodding at this, Gohan was about halfway over to the entrance leading back to the hallway before he realised he'd need the hoover, the spray and the cleaning cloths to clean up the rooms. Taking a swift left, he came over to the cloths and spray first atop the cabinets.

He found himself pausing to pick them up however, as where he stood now gave him a perfect view over the cabinets table to witness the fiery scarlet haired girl's plump ass jutting up in the air as she sifted through the fridge for whatever she was looking for. Those red short shorts hugging her like a second skin from the back side, fully accentuating the more than impressive round swell of her butt cheeks. A crack of her ass so clearly defined that the shorts might as well have not even been there for the little that was being left to the imagination.

Another stir within his pants alerted the half-breed to his increasing arousal, as the desire from his instinctual side to hop over there, pull those shorts down and slam his cock into that full, juicy ass of hers rose up quite quick, only for him to resist it just as fast for his own sanity.

Shaking his head again, the boy picked up the cloths and spray in one hand, before moving around the table toward the hoover which he picked up in his other hand and swiftly made his way out of the room.

Azuki being left none the wiser to Gohan's slip up as she pursed her lips in minor annoyance. "Oh come on, it has to be in here somewhere…"

Meanwhile, Gohan walked back out into the hallway with cleaning equipment in hand as he spotted one of the door down a short way from him open ajar. Choosing to do that room first, the boy immediately made his way over, pulled the door open and walked inside.

This was most likely Azuki's room given she'd just come out to him and the door had been open. He payed no mind to how the room looked though and simply got to work cleaning it, finding somewhere to plug the vacuum in as he hoovered the floor before dusting the other places like shelves and so forth with the spray and cloths. It took him about five minutes to get that room done and place the dirty cloths inside a small garbage can that was placed close to the bottom of the bed, unplugging the hoover and bringing the cleaning items out with him from the room, walking up to, and opening a door directly opposite of it. Once again, he paid no mind to the room's interior and simply cleaned it in what took another five minutes to do given he was pretty much on auto-pilot really.

With equipment in hand and the yet more dirty cloths disposed of in another small garbage can present near the bed of the room, he made his way out and turned to his right as he made his way a little further down, coming near the end of the hall where what he assumed to be the final room's door stood on his right.

Opening the door and entering without a second thought, his vision almost instantly met that of Kimi and Chacha who looked over at his entrance. Both being on the bed of the room, laying out front first side by side with one another, Kimi's elbows placed down evenly on the mattress to prop her upper body up a little, whereas Chacha had folded her arms just over her chin. Her enormous tits squished down beneath her prone form, but still managed to prop her up a little simply due to how huge they were. What appeared to be a book of some sort opened up midway just below their heads.

"Heh, would you look at that! Room-service has arrived Kimi-chan!" Chacha quipped and giggled, her words not even being a joke really. More a statement of fact for the most part, which just made it more humourful for her.

Even Kimi couldn't help the small giggle that escaped her lips at her best friend's words. Her timid nature still sort of present though as she addressed. "D-don't mind us Gohan-san. J-just pretend we aren't here."

"Aww, where's the fun in that?" Chacha remarked with an almost childish pout, before a teasing smile came to her face as she got off the bed, those colossal coconuts of hers jostling around in her tube top excitedly, boob flesh bulging up further from the top before falling back down again with a few lovable jiggles as she swiftly appeared at his side, bringing his gaze to her. "Why don't you join us for a minute? Could be fun~."

"Ah, no. That's fine. I'll just clean the room and take my leave if that's okay with you…" He turned down, just wanting to get this finished quick, but not wanting to come off rude at the same time, as he did kind of appreciate the offer.

"Oh come on, don't be such a stiff!" the girl laughed, wrapping her left arm around the back of his neck, and pulling his down into the side of her left tit, which was larger than his own head! The boy's eyes widening to comical proportions as nearly half his face was pressed into her spongy globe, squishing into it as the malleable flesh and tube top fabric pooled out further across his face, covering one of his eyes and half his nose. "You're here with us until night-time, after all."

Her words barely registered with him. The boy's mind started swimming again, as his instincts went on the attack again, loving the feel of his face mashed into her massive fun bag. His pants by his crotch growing ever tighter and more uncomfortable. His face a pure shade of scarlet once more as his breathing became a little more erratic.

With how close he was now, it would be so easy for him to just bring his hand up and pull this nuisance of a tube top down, and give him a real sight to behold! Eyeing the top of the fabric where it cut off two thirds of the way up her gigantic tatas, he felt one of his hands instinctually twitch in anticipation to tear it off. Expose the rest of bubbling up, olive-tanned boob flesh.

Kimi herself was also blushing at the sight from her friend's antics. "Ch-Chacha, if he doesn't want to, that's fine. J-just leave him be…"

Looking back over at her petite pal, Chacha pouted childishly again as she released him from her hold, freeing his face from her H-cup hooter in the process. His face rearing back as it popped back into its complete shape with an eye catching jiggle fit, as if it were made from jelly. "Fine, I'll let him off for now…" she replied with an air of disappointment, going back over to the bed.

Gohan's coal black pools followed her, getting a magnificent view of her tasty apple bottom wiggling a little as she crawled back on to the bed. The girl packing her own full, round swell that rivalled Azuki's own and was just as clearly defined and pronounced as the tomboyish lass's had been.

"Dende give me strength…" Swallowing a lump in his throat audibly for about the third time today, the boy wrenched his eyes away from that glorious sight, just as the girl turned her body around to get back in the position she'd been in when he entered. Pushing that away from his mind, or trying to at least, the boy plugged in the vacuum in the left hand corner of the room and got to work. His pace slowed down from before as he expended even more mental faculty to keep his hormones in their cage.

The two young women went back to reading, Chacha herself only paying him a glance every minute or so as he hoovered up the floor.

After a little bit, he finished hoovering and got on to use the cloths and spray, getting through the shelves first, before he started on one of the multiple six foot tall and four feet wide bookcases located by the left-side wall of the room. Two on this end, and two on the other side.

Being a bit of a bookworm himself thanks to his mother practically shoving piles of educational books down his throat when he was younger, as a way to ensure he was more than just a fighter like his dad, he couldn't help but eye the covers of the books as he brushed along the edges, wiping off dust.

"These don't look like any books I've ever seen…" The boy thought aloud by mistake with a perplexed look at their odd design.

"Hmm? Oh that's because they're manga." Kimi spoke up, her attention drawn back to him, as was Chacha's with his comment.

Almost flinching as he only just realised he'd said that loud enough for them to hear, Gohan gave a glance back at them looking only further confused by the short girl's statement. "Manga? What's that?"

Silence. Silence filled the room for a solid minute. Both girl's eyes widening as they openly stared at him. Neither believing the question that had just come out of his mouth.

"You're joking, right…?" Chacha blinked, her facial expression turning into one of dumbfounded-ness as she stared at him.

Kimi doing the same, only she seemed to look even more shocked than Chacha did. "G-Gohan-san, are you serious?"

Now it was Gohan's turn to look surprised, having not expected a reaction like that from either, especially from Chacha. The feeling of awkwardness mounting inside him in that instant overwhelming even his growing tension bubbling up from his hormones. "Uhm… yeah?"

"You really don't know what manga is?" Chacha asked, hoping that he'd reveal he was just pulling their legs or something, and wasn't being serious.

Alas, she was let down quite quick as he answered back hesitantly. "No. I don't. Is it something I should know about?"

"G-Gohan-san, do you at least know what anime is?" Kimi asked this time, her tone leaking some trepidation for his reply. Hoping that he was aware of what that was…

"Anime?" He mouthed, mulling it over in his head for a minute. A light bulb flickering on in his head as recognition of the word dawned on him. "Oh, yeah I know what that is. I think I watched few a couple years back at my friend's house." His 'friend' being Bulma of course, who'd had him watch some of them on her TV whilst he and his mom had visited back when his little brother could barely speak. Delving a little further into his memories, he even recollected what the name of one of them was. "One of them was a show called Gundam I think. It was pretty entertaining, from what I remember." It would certainly have had to be, considering it involved giant mechs fighting each other.

Just like that, both ladies dropped the stare and exhaled a breath of relief, only confounding Gohan more.

"Well, at least he knew that…" Chacha said with a small, cheesy grin forming on her face.

Kimi nodded her head at this, before answering the boy's question with a small smile that still held a hint of disbelief in it. "Manga are comics that most anime are based off of. They are basically written works, only instead of relying solely on words, they rely mainly on drawings to convey a story." She demonstrated this by pulling up the thick looking manga she'd been reading before to show him the pages they were on. "There are many types of manga, like an action manga, a comedy, a romance-"

"A hentai~." Chacha cut in with quite possibly the cheekiest grin imaginable. Her addition making Kimi's face turn red again.

"A-Anyways, there's a tonne of variety with manga. You're bound to find something you'd like." She continued, doing her best to ignore the white-haired babe's add-on.

For once since getting here, Gohan didn't feel awkward and was able to reasonably level out his hormones as a friendly smile graced his features. "That actually sounds pretty interesting. Can't believe I never knew about that before." He actually could if he was being truthful. His upbringing had been sheltered for the most part, and the only books his mom allowed into the home when she was home-schooling him were of course educational ones. "I'll be sure to read one of them when I get the chance."

"You could do it right now. We don't mind giving you a small break to read this with us." Chacha cut in, pointing her thumb towards the manga they'd been reading. "You could lay down right here and read along with us!" She exclaimed enthusiastically, patting the far end of Kimi's bed that had just enough room for him to fit on.

The offer was a little tempting for a second, until Gohan felt a pang down by his crotch once more, reminding him that his arousal hadn't dissipated one bit, and was as strong as ever. Only waiting for him to slip up again and allow it's influence over him to grow. While there may have been a chance he could've done that with them and get away without anything happening that would trigger his hormones further to action, he didn't want to take it. Experience over the last number of days, and hell, even in the last half hour alone had proven that something whether visual, or by touch could easily occur whenever it damn well pleased, and stimulate his organ even more.

And he knew already what that led to…

"M-Maybe some other time…" Turning halfway back to his first of four bookcases to be cleaned before he was finished here, Gohan slowly went back to his cleaning.

Chacha rolled her eyes at him, before letting out a bemused sigh at his second refusal. "If you say so." She shrugged, before moving her head back down to look at the manga once more.

Kimi did the same. Respecting his decision to refuse as she went back to reading the manga below her. One of the genre's she'd mentioned to the boy before just so happening to be what this story fell under. A romance, funnily enough. One that starred a male lead fairly similar in appearance to the demi-saiyan, whilst the female lead, even more hilariously, bared a similar appearance to her, though both Kimi and Chacha failed to make that connection.

Whilst they went back to reading, Gohan got to finishing up his cleaning. Knowing that this day of servitude was far from over…


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