

A new hope arrived with a new day.

[Host, I reanalyzed the situation and came up with alternative ways to complete the mission,] 520 informed as soon as Yu Qingyu opened up his eyes.


Yu Qingyu sat up on the bed, stretching his waist, as he rubbed off the sleepiness still clinging to his eyes. The room was flooded with bright sunlight. As he didn't pull over the canopy the night before, unused to such beds, the sun also fell right on him, warming his skin. He actually liked it much better than waking up in darkness.

'Alright. So, what are your new recommendations?' he asked 520, as he refreshed himself in the bathroom.

[If Host doesn't want to use Lady Elowen, then the next option would be to go straight after Duke Sethor himself.]

Yu Qingyu couldn't help but frown. 'And how am I supposed to do that?'

From what Yu Qingyu was able to observe so far, the Duke was… not the easiest person to have a conversation with. To say he was taciturn would be a huge understatement. He always liked to get straight to the point, and expected the same from others. He wouldn't tolerate senseless chatter, which made him a difficult person to get close to.

But it's not like Yu Qingyu could just go over to him and say, 'Your Grace, could you please give up on expanding your territory and help us end the war?'

Of course, 520 was aware of it as well. So instead, it suggested, [Host should investigate the Duke. His businesses, his connections. Try to find any dirt on him, such as abuse of power, tax evasion, use of slaves, underground deals, bribery, and so on. It can be then used to lessen his power, or even threaten him into submission.]

That was even worse!

Yu Qingyu splashed his face with cold water. 'Are you saying I should spy on him?' he asked, brushing back his dampened hair.

[Yes, that should work. Host can also try searching his chambers. Although any important documents must be at the Duchy, the Duke has been staying at the castle for a month now, so there might at least be some recent correspondence hidden there. ]

'Searching his chambers? As in, breaking in to do it in secret?' Yu Qingyu paused, looking blindly at his reflection, lost in thought. A few droplets of water dripped from his hair which got wet as he was washing up.

Soon, a smile slowly blossomed on his face. 'Alright. That's much better.'

The idea of spying on the proud and aloof Duke was somewhat scary. But at the same time, also exciting. Acting as a spy could be fun!

Of course, if he ended up being caught, it could have serious consequences… But he'd be gone in two months anyway. And as the second prince, he shouldn't suffer any particularly harsh or painful punishment… Right?

Having a new, better plan of action lifted Yu Qingyu's spirits. He finished getting dressed, and left his chamber to go get something to eat. It was past breakfast time, but there was still a while until lunch… So he wanted to make a quick stop by the kitchen and grab a snack.

As soon as he walked out of the door though, his steps faltered.

He seemed to have forgotten about something.

That is that he had a shadow, following him all day, from when he left the chambers in the morning, until he returned to rest in the evening.

Even now, although Yu Qingyu had just woken up, Liu Wei was already standing in the hallway, right outside his door, waiting for him.

But Yu Qingyu was used to it by now, more or less, at least to a certain degree. So he recovered himself quickly, lightly nodded at Liu Wei as a greeting, and just carried on, going to the kitchen as if there was nothing wrong.

Inwardly though, he immediately consulted the problem with his system. '520, how can I dismiss him? Any ideas?'

[Host can use any argument you'd like to dismiss him. In fact, Host doesn't even need to give any argument at all.]

'Is that so?' Yu Qingyu smiled, relieved. Before he was able to fully relax, though, 520 continued,

[However, if Liu Wei is dismissed, another guard will always replace him. It is customary for the second prince to be always escorted by a guard, even within the castle. After all, he was the second in line for the throne. And this rule has to be observed, especially right now, when the envoys from a hostile country are around. I'm afraid that Host has to accept it, even if it might hinder spying on the Duke.]

'Is that so…' Yu Qingyu repeated, but this time with a long sigh.

He cast a quick glance back at Liu Wei, walking two steps behind him. 

Seeing Yu Qingyu turn around, Liu Wei lifted his brows questioningly. "Your Highness, is something the matter?"

"Ah… Not really. When will the lunch be served?" Yu Qingyu quickly asked the first thing that came to his mind, trying to cover up his actions.

"In two hours." Liu Wei's answer sounded perfectly normal and polite.

Yu Qingyu nodded lightly, and turned his eyes away, satisfied. It seemed that Liu Wei was still staying in character. There was not even a hint of hostility on his face. Which meant, that he didn't have him figured out yet, at least not completely.

After giving it some thought, he decided not to dismiss Liu Wei. Although they were enemies, somehow Yu Qingyu felt more comfortable with him than with any other guard. Perhaps because they had known each other for a while now, and they spent so much time traveling together in the previous world. It could be said they went through life and death together…

But also, Liu Wei was a stranger in this world, just like him. In a sense, that also meant that he could trust him more than any other guard. Because who's to say that there were no spies among the castle's staff?

Of course, Liu Wei was also spying on him. But at least he was spying for his own sake, and not reporting to the Duke or the envoys.

If Yu Qingyu had to have someone around at all times, then Liu Wei was, ironically, the safest choice.

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