
Democracy of August(us) (July-September, 1910

Politics: Candidates of August]

As indicated by the reform of June 30, 1910, in the month of August the candidates for Premier of the Duma of the Russian Empire began to be announced.

Those closest to victory were obviously those of the largest parties, but it did not prevent minor parties from selecting their own candidates (although some regional parties preferred to endorse certain candidates rather than electing their own).

Among the great parties were:

* Pan-Russian National Union (Всероссийский национальный союз / Vserossiyskiy Natsional'nyy Soyuz). Abbreviated as VNS, actually a party formed from the union of various groups such as the Black Hundreds, the Greens, Pan-Slavists, etc.

* Constitutional Democratic Party (Конституционно-демократическая партия, Konstitutsionno-demokraticheskaya partiya). Abbreviated as K-D and known as Kadets.

* Union of September (Союз сентября, Soyuz sentyabrya) or Septembrist Party (Сентябрьская партия, Sentyabr'skaya partiya). Known as Septembrists.

* Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (Российская социал-демократическая рабочая партия, Rossiyskaya sotsial-demokraticheskaya rabochaya partiya). Abbreviated as RSDLP.

* Trudoviks (Трудова́я гру́ппа, Trudovaya gruppa). The "Labour Group".

Premier Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin (48 years old for the elections) was actually more of an independent politician, who was endorsed (and had accepted support) from the Union of September, progressive-liberals, moderate, non-partisan and independent leftists. .

What was called at that time the "Progressive Block".

Stolypin proposed to continue his current policies and to continue reforms of various kinds (especially in the economy).

* Stolypin's Deputy Premier candidate in 1910 was Septembrist leader Alexander Ivanovich Guchkov (also 48 at the time of the election).

The VNS (Pan-Russian National Union) obviously elected its unifier as a candidate for Premier, the general and minister of war, Mikhail Dmitriyevich Skobelev (67 years old for the time of elections).

Skobelev was the leading right-wing candidate, although he was not opposed to Stolypin's reformist proposals, he had his own ideologies and opinions about important developments in Russia.

Especially in the military and foreign policy aspect.

* The VNS candidate for Deputy Premier was Pyotr Nikolaevich Balashov (39, his birthday is on Election Day).

During the 1910 elections there was a major reorganization, the Constitutional Democratic Party realigning itself towards center-right politics.

Led by Pavel Nikolayevich Milyukov as a candidate for Premier of the Russian Empire, but eventually the Kadets would align themselves with Skobelev's Pan-Russian National Union.

The RSDLP voted as a candidate for Premier Grigory Yevseyevich Zinoviev (27 years old at the time of the elections), actually born Hirsch Apfelbaum, being at that time the main leader of the socialist troika.

Obviously Zinoviev offered leftist politics, perhaps too radical and young for some, but he was popular and an excellent speaker.

Which gave him certain points in the 1910 elections.

* The RSDLP Deputy Premier candidate was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (31 years old at the time of the elections), the second most popular leader of the RSDLP political Troika.

The Trudoviks were the secondary left group among the major parties, so they could either try to form a bloc with the RSDLP or their own candidate.

Finally after voting, the Trudoviks elected speaker, deputy and politician Alexei Fyodorovich Aladin (aged 37 at the time of elections) as their candidate for Premier.

Currently even though the Trudoviks were from the extreme left, the effective Aladin was a moderate who sometimes agreed with the center and center-right.

* The Trudoviks' Deputy Premier candidate would be Alexander Fyodorovich Kerensky (29).

The Pan-Russian National Union was investigated due to the election of the candidate Pyotr Nikolaevich Balashov, a young man from the Balavhov family, an extremely wealthy family of the nobility.

Despite this, investigations determined that there were no cases of lobbying or corruption regarding possible relations between the party and the Balashovs.

Premier Pyotr Stolypin was even on good terms with Balashov and considered it true that Pyotr Nikolaevich's candidacy as Deputy Premier was legal.

Another dozen parties elected or endorsed a variety of candidates.


[Polictics: September Campaigns]


After the month of August, where the newspapers throughout the empire announced various candidates throughout the month, on September 1 the electoral campaign period finally began.

Where political parties had to present their political programs (ideas or projects of an economic, legislative, socio-political, ideological nature, etc.) and hold public events.

Parades, propaganda publication and being shown in various promotional media, events of many kinds and the like.

Around this period, between the early twentieth century and until the 1960s at least, if someone wanted to be a politician, they had to have a newspaper or be part of a party with an official newspaper.

So it was in Russia, various parts of Latin America and Europe.

Newspapers in Russia, along with early radio, became the first mass media for political activism in the empire. They were published from Monday to Sunday, and involved 'brutal' wars of words.

Socialists against right-wing newspapers, liberal newspapers against conservatives, and a lot of fighting between newspapers of similar ideologies.

Russia was a country of 269 million people, with a variety of socio-economic and ethno-cultural backgrounds, there was a little for everyone and many possibilities in political developments.

The political reform of June 30 had standardized everything to make it more digestible for said population, take charge of eliminating dangerous and offensive elements (racism, separatism, and similar), avoid exaggerated campaign expenses by limiting the time available, keeping an eye on certain parties or suspicious movements, etc.

*Stolypin-Progressive (Septembrist-coalition) political program: Premier Pyotr Stolypin presented his program "Politics of the Double-headed Eagle" or politics of the Byzantine eagle, a program focused on beginning to reap the fruits of the success of previous reforms (which occurred under the reign of Tsar Alexander III and the reform of Pyotr Stolypin).

A truly moderate and comprehensive development program (as always, Stolypin never fully satisfied the left or the right) for the long term.

Continue the current agricultural and industrial policies, maintain the interventionist state, work towards some other labor reforms and the like.

What Septembrists and others would call an Alexandrian program, because it occurred in the Alexandrian period and was very similar to the emperor's legacy.

* VNS political program: The Pan-Russian National Union of Mikhail Skobelev took some time to produce a political program, it was clear that Skobelev was the unifying factor, but it did not mean that he could avoid all the conflicts of internal factions of the party (neither could all the factions be satisfied ...).

This led to periods of discussion until a definitive political program was chosen, guided mainly by General and Minister Skobelev.

The program was "Rodina: For the Tsar and Order", a small modification of the official slogan of the party since its foundation in 1907, modification devised by Anatoly Ivanovich Savenko (one of the main publicists and ideologists of the party). The program included:

* Autocracy, Orthodoxy, Monocracy. Modified national policies, inherited from the national policies of Nicholas I.

* Popular legislative representation in conjunction with the traditional Russian autocracy.

* Extension of the ideas of Rodina and 'Spirit of Suvorov' among the values of the citizens of the Russian Empire.

* Close relations between Russia and the other free Slavic countries.

* A stronger and more active foreign policy outside the Russosphere.

The program did not have clear economic opinions and there were certain reservations (due to factionalism and that Skobelev could not release all his hatred against the Germans in a single pamphlet).

* RSDLP political program: The third most important program in these elections was that of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, which undoubtedly was the beginning of the turning of the tides on the RSDLP scene.

Zinoviev was a purist when it came to ideology, or he tried most of the time, he insisted on a Russian model for socio-economic development by adapting a Marxist (Marxist-Leninist) framework. A socialism with Russian characteristics, so to speak.

But it would be Deputy Premier Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili who stole enormous popularity and public attention by presenting his show. "The society for which the RSLDP and the Russian people strive" or also called the eight-petal flower.

* A developed economy, with modern productive forces and progressive and appropriate production relations.

* A strong country, with a society of wealthy people, popular democracy, justice (rule of law) and civilization.

* Popular organization for the citizens of the country in the labor-economic, social-cultural and political life.

* A deep cultural development, associated with the national identities of Russia.

* Prosperous and positive living conditions for the population in the development of the country.

* Rule of law, run by the elected government of the people.

* Cooperative relations with the rest of the countries around the world (specially the Russosphere).

* Equality and unity for the different ethnic groups within Russia, based on mutual respect and help.

The program had been accepted in 1907, but certainly not much people outside of Dzhugashvili's followers was expected to be as popular as it turned out to be.

In part the Red ideology was adorned with Russian characteristics, such as Orthodox Christianity.

Other parties would present their programs, but they were not very important or concise, or they were simply too unrealistic to be taken into account during the 1910 campaign period.


[Xinjiang, Tuva and Mongolia]

August 9, the imperial government of Moscow-Saint Petersburg under Tsar Alexander III and the First Duma, ordered a new Ukaz for the territories of Tuva, Mongolia and Xinjiang.

With the introduction of the civil-military administration, many things had been achieved, such as anti-famine policies, the construction of basic infrastructure, the beginnings of agricultural mechanization and other developments.

Now the Ukaz of August 9, 1910 was intended to turn Xinjiang and Mongolia into proper governorates. In addition to initiating new central policies for agro-industrial and rural-urban development.

The inhabitants of the region already had the rights and obligations of other citizens of the empire, but they were still from regions associated with the periphery and with low economic-industrial development compared to other more central regions of the empire.

Now with the Ukaz it was planned not only for Xinjiang and Mongolia to become governorates, but also continuing more advanced modernization processes for the entire region (territories annexed by Russia in her last intervention in China).

Said programs included the modernization of the practices and technologies used in the region, including the agricultural and livestock sectors, continuing the construction of infrastructure, means of transportation and public communication, facilitating access to the necessary services for the population, and the like.

But also the arrival of capitalism in the area, now with the deals between the locals and the other more established Russian citizens, the state had to intercede for local economic development (public economy) and facilitate private economic development (avoid exploitation and other mistreatment, violation of the law, etc).

Many Russians and other citizens from different parts of the Russian Empire came to be the basis of this construction, serving as specialists and educators for local job training.

Stolypin's policies were also adapted to the region for the founding of settlements and industry, connected through the construction of roads and telegraphs.

The regions would certainly benefit from these modernization policies, agricultural labor (cotton) became very efficient with continuous mechanization, livestock and veterinary husbandry tactics helped a lot, and the same happened with other sectors.

But at the same time all regions had drawbacks, although policies increased development, they were still difficult. Xinjiang was very desert and mountainous in some regions, many Mongolian natives would not abandon their nomadic customs so certain urban-rural policies depended more on sedentary citizens (ethnic Russians and other migrants to the region) to be fulfilled, and Tuva was quite a small region that could not grow as much as the rest.

Technology and the economy advanced much faster than societies and geography, but they couldn't solve everything. Fortunately, regional peace was maintained, the bodies of officers and bureaucrats increased exponentially in the region, providing the basis for the integration of local troops and useful public servants for Russian rule.

All of this was something the Russian Empire had done before with Turkestan and Inner Manchuria.


If we talk about companies, not much had been growing, the natives of Xijniang, Tuva and Mongolia did not have a very developed political-economic activity.

If we talk about politics.

It would only be later (a few decades later) that officials from Tuva, Mongolia and Xinjiang would shine on more national stages, such as the war ministry.

Regarding the electoral campaigns of and the elections of 1910, it was the left-wing socialists and populists who took the upper hand in the regions of Tuva and Mongolia, while in Xinjiang they were more successful center-right politicians (a mixture of Islamic and Islamic movements and conservatives-liberals).



The Korean peninsula under the Russian Empire was going through an interesting period, it was a small golden age within the Russian Empire: Korean food had spread commercially in parts of the Far East, cinema had been introduced and it was a hit, literacy was rising at a rapid rate, industrialization had been successful, Korea exported manufactures (mainly toys ... but its something) to various parts of the world, Korea was leading the silk production in the Russian Empire and was a good spot for the New Silk Road, former lower-middle-class citizens now had more opportunities to participate in the government of their home, etc.

This Korean golden period had undoubtedly been a time of very interesting change and integration, although Korea obviously maintained its traditional culture (theater, language, art, philosophy, etc.) the old ruling classes were now much less of an impact on development. regional and corruption had dropped to much more acceptable levels.

The separatist movements were quite a minority, and the Koreans had adopted the concepts of 'Rodina' quite well (Russia was not only a country, but a geographical space where different peoples had a kind of common destiny and relationship), turning towards a region each more modern time.

New generations of Koreans had begun trying to leap onto a more national than regional stage, Korean students in European Russia, Korean companies succeeding in Far Eastern industries, and early Korean politicians from democratic Russia.

But as always, there were interruptions in the Korean paradise, on the one hand occurring the increase in Japanese immigration and refugees to the peninsula of the Russian Empire.

The Japanese situation and the prohibitions on Japanese immigration in certain parts of the world changed the migratory focus towards the Russian Far East, including especially the Korean peninsula.

In this certain conflicts broke out between the new well-established Korean population and the Japanese immigrants, whose histories were not compatible and clashed.

And on the other hand, citizens of the Imperial Federation had ended up landing on the island of Quelpart after having violated the maritime space of Russia.

What supposed a diplomatic crisis very close to home, shaking the old hermit kingdom. Now they were not a hermit region, they were part of a global empire, an increasingly commercial and cosmopolitan region in a continental unification (Eurasia).

Commerce, railways, media, Koreans could not be disconnected from the world all the time now that they were part of something much bigger.

The crisis between the Imperial Federation and the Russian Empire was avoided, but it was clear that the governance of Korea was maturing (not in the sense of abandoning the Russian Empire, but becoming one of its more parts and therefore participation, having to answer and talk about certain issues and the like).

Democratic reform meant that now the political illiterates in the Russian Empire were dying and Korea was no exception.

Later this would mean the development of movements like Korean socialism, liberalism and conservatism, of more modern (European) political tendencies and not similar to the old Korean politics.

Although political dynasties do occasionally form in the Korea governorate...


[Pan-Slavic treaties]

On August 28, in Saint Petersburg, representatives of Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Bosnia-Herzegovina meet, in addition to Russia of course. This coalition of Slavic countries had a single objective, the signing of a series of pan-Slavic treaties.

These treaties varied in different degrees of integration in economic, political and even military aspects, as we will see later.

* Russia-Bulgaria.

After the last Russian-Bulgarian interventions in Romania, the shores of the Black Sea of Bulgaria and mainland Russia had been connected (there was already a connection through the straits, but that is another matter).

With the Russian-Bulgarian Economic Cooperation and Assistance treaty, now both countries had the intention of integrating these annexed regions, through the construction of a railway and other infrastructure-economy projects (ports, communication infrastructure, commercial exchanges, etc.).

A connection to the ground and the proximity of these countries meant not only the constant increase in economic and political cooperation (already a tradition of decades between both countries).

But it also meant adopting similar trade-economy measures (common tariffs against foreigners outside the Russosphere while there were no boundaries between them), greater freedom of movement, maintaining past policies (scholarships for Bulgarian students in Russia, technical assistance, resource rights Bulgarians for Russia, etc.) and adopt new ones.

Basically Russia and Bulgaria agreed to a supranational-bilateral treaty for their interests, continuing the connection between their states and citizens.

In addition to this, the Russian Empire began to build military bases in Bulgaria and began to help the Bulgarian navy-army in certain exercises, technological developments, exercises, etc.

North Macedonia was called upon to serve as a close observer but not a full member of the cooperation and assistance treaty.

This was currently a separate agreement between Macedonia and Russia for the protection of Macedonian independence against Bulgaria in case of incidents.

By now we are talking about a traditional Russia-Bulgaria alliance, whose new border allowed an even deeper rapprochement than before. One could go from Moscow to Bulgaria by rail without having to go through third parties.

The armed forces and the economy continued to play the most important factor in this economic cooperation and integration, the independent Bulgarian army had been brought up by the Russian army and the economy of both countries was intertwined through investment, trade, joint developments and movements of capital.

Even both countries were dynamically close. Practically freedom of movement (tourism, work, immigration) was a necessity.

*Serbia-Montenegro (and Russia).

Unlike the Russian-Bulgarian Economic Cooperation and Assistance treaty, the Yugoslav Serbia-Montenegro Treaty had a purely economic and political nature, without a military character as was the Russian-Bulgarian.

In this treaty Serbia and Montenegro would be the main participants, but Russia played a role as 'observer' and judge of various matters (and obviously the influential third party ruling on certain matters).

The pan-Slavic movement in Serbia and Montenegro was strong, but it was not without problems (the Serbs wanted to dominate and the Montenegrin politicians too).

Russia as this godfather of the treaty was effective, it had interests to protect, due to Russian subsidies and investments given to both (Montenegro and Serbia).

What did the Yugoslav Treaty imply?

It implied a Serbian-Montenegro freedom of movement, the realization of joint policies-economic cooperation and a court of legal affairs between both countries (for a kind of legal equality unification for the protection of interests and rights, as well as obligations, for both countries).

It was not a unification as none of the countries expected, a single country in the Serbian case and a confederation in the Montenegrin case, it was on the way to a supra-national union of an economic (and possibly federative) character.

It was an interesting development after all, Russia was keeping its promises to both countries and the economic relations between the three parties continued to flow positively. Projects such as economic development, modernization, scholarships, the trans-balkan railway and others were still successful.

The two Balkan dynasties did not have to fight for supremacy, otherwise Russia and neighbors could intervene in the situation, and both countries remained remarkably stable (up to a point, counting that the Balkans are always a possible Pandora's box).

Instead of a single country (with all its associated problems), bilateral agreements could be achieved for multiple parties.

**Russia and Bosnia.

Bosnia-Herzegovina was a very particular place, they called it the Belgium of the Balkans, not because of economic prosperity, but because of the strange combination.

On one side were Muslims and Christians, divided into Orthodox and Catholics, Bosniaks and Serbs and Croats. It was a complicated and potentially volatile situation, there was a decentralized government with serious balance needs and economically dependent on Russia.

Any move could be problematic to some extent for Bosnia.

Under these conditions, the Friendship Pact of Russia and Bosnia was created, where Bosnia served as an observer of the Serbia-Montenegro and Bulgaria-Russia treaty, without needing to alienate the Orthodox, Muslims and Catholics.

Of course, even so, Russia and Bosnia were committed to certain projects, as mentioned, Bosnia needed certain markets and products of the Russian Empire for its economy, in exchange for certain benefits for Russia (commercial rights, benefit from the Bosnian brain drain , influence within Bosnia, etc).

It was not as deep a pact in freedom of movement as that of Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, but it helped to maintain a political-economic-military cooperation.

There were similar monetary policies (Bosnia approaching the Russian ruble, which played an important role in the modernization and development of the country), similar economic policies (common markets, cooperation in projects, tariffs and similar laws) and military cooperation (Russia entering received in Bosnia).


The pan-Slavic movements were certainly quite happy and developing at an interesting pace, some say that Pan-Slavism and Neo-Slavism had merged in a certain sense and others that Pan-Slavism simply remained the same.

*A doctrine of Classic Pan-Slavism, Russia leading over Slavdom through a firm iron fist (the army, political influence, intelligence services and political allies), but with a very good silk glove of economic integration, free movement and cooperativism with its lesser partners (the rest of the Slavic countries need Russia for various reasons). Criticized by Neo-Slavists, but praised by the majority of traditional Pan-Slavists and Russian nationalists.

* The Neo-Slavist theory, about how a more liberal Russia had moved towards a freer union among the Slavdom.

* The understanding of a third current of a Federative Pan-Slavism, with a supra-national character (especially in the aspects of citizenship, laws and economy). A true Pan-Slavic Union (the first ideologists thought of perhaps a common parliament, without the need for a military and cultural fusion).


[Manchurian Health]

At the beginning of September, the first case detections and therefore quarantines began throughout Inland Manchuria.

In northeastern China (bordering Inner Manchuria) it seemed to have started some epidemics of cholera (probably brought from Europe), pneumonic plague (Yersinia pestis) and possibly other diseases.

What was early called the 'Manchurian Plague'.

This was dangerous somewhat dangerous if happen in the Inner Manchuria region, part of the Russian Empire. Which forced the Russian Red Cross and government agents to intervene early.

Inner Manchuria had become a fertile (literally and figuratively) growing region, interconnected to Russia's New Silk Road and its rail system (the Trans-Manchurian connected to the Trans-Siberian and beyond).

Through Port Arthur, other ports and railways, the region enjoyed an active commercial life (which was useful for the economy, but was also a possible means of rapid disease transmission).

The policies of the Russian Empire had led to an active migration to the region, and the increased quality of life led to a large population growth (Manchu, Koreans, Russians, Han, Mongols, etc).

The region was also of useful agricultural productivity for the Far East region, which could already obtain products from other parts of the Empire, but it did not mean that Manchuria had important and highly valuable agricultural-livestock resources for the government and the Russian economy.

In addition, the Inner Manchuria region was part of the industrial production belt of the Russian Far East, they were important assets for possible future projects and local economies.

An epidemic was dangerous.

They began stricter public health and hygiene protocols, protocols against possible contaminated goods, and inspections on population mobility in the region.

Around 40,000 people would die in the Qing Dynasty by December due to the Manchurian Plague, Russia had a smaller population than China but it is obvious that epidemics could be just as deadly, so a quick response was a good solution to the problem.

Even so in this early part of the 20th century, there would still be hundreds of thousands of deaths due to the Manchurian Plague (mosty in October, getting down in the next months).

After this health panic, life could return to normal in the region, but it does not mean that all these processes of quarantine, cleaning, personal and community care, etc., had to be done before.



July 2, President William J. Bryan of the United States, obtained the power to remove lands for public use, with the objective of authorized the withdrawal and reservation of lands for water-power sites and other purposes.

July 4, one of the most anticipated boxing matches of all time (for 1910), takes place.

The first African American challenger to the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship, Jack Johnson, defeats James J. Jeffries. The man whom the writer Jack London described as "The chosen representative of the white race, and this time the greatest of them."

This combat had such an impact that on July 5 in several cities of the United States, it was prohibited to show films about it, since at least 10 people died due to the racial violence generated. The bans were implemented in Washington (where 236 African Americans were arrested by police), Atlanta, Baltimore, St. Louis, and Cincinnati.

On July 7, the ban on images and films about the Jhonson-Jeffries fight was expanded to several cities and even states. In practically the entire South, displays of images of the combat were banned.

When it comes to the economy, gold in the United States remains in a critical state after the Free Silver reform, championed by President Bryan himself.

Under these conditions, the United States government carries out certain projects:

1-1-A stronger government control over the prices and production of silver in the United States, allowing in theory, a better balance of the situation of the silver-gold exchange and Free Silver.

Usually the price is controlled by market trends, but sometimes the government intervenes (when the value is very low or very high), now using its large silver reserves (obtained after many people exchanging cheap silver for valuable gold) .

American newspapers announce weekly or even daily changes in silver price as a result of this.

2-Projects aimed at helping agriculture (with the intention of controlling the economic situation a bit, where the prices of products rose and affected both the consumer and the producer), mainly in reconstruction of the South (after the American-Germanic War) and in the Great Plains.

This would lead to US farmers with not a high understanding of the ecology of the plains, conducted extensive deep plowing of the virgin upper soil of the Great Plains, displacing the native, deep-rooted grasses that normally trapped soil and moisture.

Which leads to the Dust Bowl a decade later.

July 8, a generation of Indian revolutionaries begins to be trained in the Republic of France, the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy and the Iberian Union. Both in terms of ideology, science and militant activities.

The British authorities protest about this quite usual, but they cannot do much after the Indians get there, firstly they do not recognize the European socialist states and secondly, the military intervention in the vast region of Western Europe. It is not the focus of Imperial Federation policy (at the moment).

Generally these Indians arrived in Europe via mail ships and other 'illegal' means, although in reality they were quite well received or invited by the European socialists. Part of their support for the Indian liberation effort.

Filippo Tommaso Emilio Marinetti of the FSR of Italy launches 800,000 leaflets from the Venice Clock Tower with his manifesto "Against Traditional Venice".

The point of Marinetti, father of Futurism, is more from an artistic-social sense than an ideological-political one, but it is a bit popular among local socialists.

This has been described as the beginning of performance art, and has been relevant to certain artistic-propaganda trends.

A number of Wall Street bankers gain strong influence in the Democratic Party, against the usually populist-agrarian and liberal wings (led by President William J. Bryan).

The American, a New York newspaper, would later reveal how these bankers would actually play a role in the election of the Democratic candidate for 1912 (James Beauchamp Clark) and obviously in the turn of the Democratic party's policies.

July 12, the heaviest rain in 24 hours in Indian history, 838 mm (33 in) occurs in Cherrapunji, in the northeast of the British Raj.

July 14, the Imperial Federation defeats a series of pirates on the island of Colowan, near British-occupied Macao and mainland China.

July 15, published in the German city of Leipzig on page 624 of the Einführung in die psychiatrische Klinik (Guide to Clinical Psychiatry, 8th edition), by Dr. Emil Kraepelin, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is named for the first time.

Kraepelin summarized the studies of presenile and senile dementia made by Dr. Alois Alzheimer.

Northern Ecuador is slowly consumed by Gran Colombia in the great Latin American wars.

July 17, the Empire of Japan announces that all its trade agreements (tariff limits) with European nations will expire within 1 year (after the announcement).

A protectionism decision, which in the case of Japan could have unexpected consequences, due to the Great Depression and the state of the Japanese economy, and the current state (in 1910) of the Empire of Japan and its colonies.

July 20, the Colombian part of Gran Colombia celebrates the centenary of its independence.

July 21, in the middle of the war between Argentina and Chile, the modernist Roque Sáenz Peña of the National Autonomist Party (PAN, in English National Autonomist Party) is elected as president of Argentina.

Sáenz Peña would lead to an Argentine democratic reform, establishing the universal vote for men, secret and compulsory.

Although he also influenced the war with Chile, Sáenz Peña would institute reforms in the military academy and the Argentine military capabilities (navy and air force) due to the war, which turned out to be (to some extent) successful.

July 23, the city of Milan is hit by a sudden tornado.

July 25, a downpour causes flooding in the Hungarian Danube, causing the drowning of 25 people.

July 26, New York Stock Exchange prices hit an all-time low (for 1910), and only seemed to go from bad to worse during the Great Depression.

75% of the issues (bonds or stocks to investors as a method of financing the business) reach historic lows or bankruptcy, we say that 109/110 out of every 146 issues are affected in the Great Depression.

This only in the United States, the Imperial Federation, the German Empire and the Russian Empire (and other countries) have their own problems and different characteristics in these economic aspects and situations.

July 29, King Jaime III of Spain (Puerto Rico), also called by some Jacques I of France, actually the Carlist chief in exile, Jaime de Borbón y Borbón-Parma, exclaims his first intention or will to go to another Carlist war against the Socialists.

"I think the day is not far distant when my followers must rally to our flag, and I will lead the battle."

The king of course would have the intention of asking the support of the Imperial Federation, the Russian Empire (of which he was a military in the period 1896-1909) and other European states.

Unfortunately, outside of certain promises (empty in many points), King James III would not achieve much.

August 2, 30,000 African Americans in Oklahoma, United States, lose their right to vote after an amendment to the state constitution, which now requires literacy tests for all people (... except the descendants of people who were free before the end of slavery).

August 5, crisis in the Empire of Japan, a flood in the city of Tokyo and its surroundings leaves 1000 people dead and 100,000 people homeless.

Discontent in Japanese society had reached a breaking point in the midst of the Great Depression and the war in the Philippines, with the beginning of unstoppable unionization in various industries now comes a time of general strike and desire for reform in political aspects.

Shaking the very foundations of the Meiji Restoration. The economy has come to a halt and damaged with strikes by railroad workers, iron and steel workers, dock workers, artisans of various kinds, and more.

August 6, the Imperial Federation Super-Drednout projects continue, with an expansion of the project for the construction of 3 more ships (7 in total, counting the other 4 super-drednouts of the project).

Some of the largest ships in history (by 1910), which the Imperial Federation indicated, would be some of the insignia of the Royal Navy.

Also the Imperial Federation began to sell much smaller versions to the Republic of the United States of Brazil and other Latin American states. Which was not necessarily good for regional economies.

* [Great Latin American recession]

On the same day an economic recession shakes the Latin American region, in the midst of the great Latin American wars and the Great Depression: External debt increases enormously, foreign investment decreases, agricultural-livestock exports are worth much less, industries such as copper they are harmed, etc.

The countries most affected by the recession would be Chile, the Republic of the United States of Brazil, the Empire of Brazil of Dom Pedro III, the Empire of Brazil of Isabel I, the Republic of Acre, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay and both Peru .

The least affected countries that are currently growing are Uruguay, Argentina, the Federation of Rio Grande do Sul and Gran Colombia.

* Peru: The socio-political division of the country mistreated the national economy, the Great Depression and legal problems due to mistreatment (and the national crisis) caused struggles between Peruvians and foreign investments.

* Chile: The external debt increased sharply, at the same time that the national industries and exports had many problems (Chilean resources were not sold, the price drop, etc).

* Brazilian States (except Rio Grande do Sul): The Brazilian countries had agro-export models, they had a strong trade in rubber and coffee, which was seriously affected during the Great Depression.

In addition to regional instability, the need for imports, the lack or destruction of industries, and the lack of foreign investment, it had serious consequences for local economies.

* Ecuador: Being invaded by an increasingly industrial Gran Colombia.

* Bolivia and Paraguay: Two countries landlocked and deeply affected economically by historical-regional issues, the great Latin American wars simply did not help.

The advantages of Argentina, Gran Colombia, Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay were the introduction of the ISI model (industrialization by import substitution) and other policies-economic situations, better regional situations, foreign capital, etc.

Argentina continued to export the same amounts of resources (or even more) and was not exempt from problems (as seen in 1912), but it managed to emerge with the ISI model and its economic growth.

Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul benefited from its neutrality, foreign capital, and modernization.

Gran Colombia benefited from its oil export and a much heavier ISI model, based on its large coal reserves.


August 9, in the United States the Hurley Machine Company begins the commercialization of the first (relatively) successful automatic washing machine, the machine called 'Thor', designed by Alva J. Fisher.

Of course this is more limited to the United States and some other places, less developed regions would continue to use more traditional methods until decades later.

August 10, British Malaysia begins producing oil with the opening of its first oil well.

August 11, for obvious reasons there are several problems between the Pan-Americanists of South America and North America.

Due to the great Latin American wars (between a Chilean bloc and an Argentine bloc) and the conflicts of the United States against Mexico (and its intervention in countries of Central America).

With this, pan-American causes suffer certain setbacks or changes, some become more pacifist and against the wars, others become more of a regional pan-Americanism kind (proposals for a new Peru-Bolivia union, supporters of the new Gran Colombia project, supporters of new attempts for a united Central America, etc.), others go more to the left (socialist/red pan-Americanism) or the right.

August 13, "Perfect symmetry baseball game" between Brooklyn and Pittsburgh (United States), when at the end of the game both teams each had 8 runs, 13 hits, 2 errors, 12 assists, 5 strikeouts, 3 bases per balls, 1 hitter hit and one pass.

August 14, the Vaika Birds' Reserve is founded in Estonia, the Russian Empire, as part of the natural conservation efforts of the government of Tsar Alexander III.

August 16, two elephants escape to the forests of Babcock, Wisconsin, United States, after a coalition of a passenger train against the train where the Campbell Brothers Circus was going.

The incident caused the escape of these two elephants, the death of two others, the death of six camels, the death of six ponies and the death of 1 man.

The elephants would not be re-captured shortly after the incident.

(OOC: I love this weird historical events with elephants in the USA ... OTL were re-captured but I love chaos).

August 19, an epidemic of cholera begins in Europe, between August 7 and August13, 10,723 people die, although all the national red crosses (Russia, Germany, Imperial Federation, etc.) indicate that the numbers are much higher (probably).

Between this 19 and 20 of August in the United States the largest forest fire in the history of the United States begins, when a series of small fires are moved by strong winds, which cause massive conflagration in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana.

160 people die in this massive forest fire, which is only stopped by rains between August 23 and 24.

HMS Orion and her three companion ships, the first four Super-Drednouts, are successfully launched from the Home Islands port of Dover, kicking off this era of major projects in the Royal Navy with success.

The change of government in Nicaragua by action of the United States is official, Juan José Estrada and his brother José Dolores Estrada become de-facto leaders of the country under the interests of the United States.

American companies start their projects in Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua, for the American dominance of the fruit industry.

August 24, in the British Raj several of the tobacco, tea and other crops are destroyed during the Bengal war between the colonial authorities and local guerrillas.

August 25, the Great National German Reich Party (Große Nationale Deutsche Reichspartei, GNDR) led by Paul von Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff with support from Kaiser Wilhelm III, has a new doctrine against suffragettes.

A doctrine inherited from the late Kaiser Wilhelm II, stating that the German crown was received "By God's grace alone and not by Parliaments, assemblages of the people, or resolutions of the people."

And therefore that German legitimacy lies not in the will of the people, but in the tools of the Master (God). Part of the continued de-democratization of Germany towards a military-monarchical regime.

Seeing this is like seeing a rejection of the enlightenment and a return to absolutism.

* [New Patriotism]

August 29, in the United States, the leader of the National Republican Party, Robert M. La Follete Sr, presents his project 'New Patriotism'.

"A country is only successful when its economy makes the well-being of human beings, men and women, its highest priority.

Our federal government has a mission to protect property rights, but also and more importantly, the well-being of its citizens.

We need a powerful government to regulate the national situation and guarantee the rule of law. "

-Robert M. La Follete Sr.

This New Patriotism proposed:

* Executive agencies (and not courts) regulate business.

* The federal government should be used to protect workers, women and children from exploitation.

* Electoral reforms: female suffrage, direct elections for senators and electoral primaries for state and federal nominations.

* National Health Service (which will include all medical agencies of the United States government)

* Social Security: Available to serve the elderly, unemployed and disabled.

* Minimum wage laws, for men and women.

* Introduction of the eight-hour workday.

* Workers' compensation for injuries and other work-related accidents, for which bosses or companies become responsible.

* Tax reforms: A constitutional amendment to allow a federal income tax, an inheritance tax

* New laws and reforms against monopolies.

* Attacks on lobbying, strict limits and requirements on contributions to political campaigns, and other laws against corporate-political corruption in the United States.

** Reforms against commercial actions that threaten free enterprise or are harmful to a competitive market.

* Lower tariffs and protectionism in the US economy.

* Banking reform regarding government reserves and creation of a series of federal loans for citizens.

This caused a division among the National Republicans, between the center-left wing of La Follete and a right wing led by Henry Ford.

A wing called 'collective' (center-left) and another 'individualist' (right, political-economic freedoms, big business, etc).

Ford certainly supported the ideas of economic reforms (tariff reforms, banking reforms, and business reforms) but had different means and objectives than La Follete.

The next elections were decisive in the development of the doctrines and movements of the National Republican Party.


September 1, in the Roman Catholic Church (with its seat in the Vatican) we observe an interesting development. The victory of the 'modernist' factions occurs over the more conservative factions of the church (which for a long period of its history has been a conservative institution after having obtained power and wealth).

Pope Pius X, the first American pope, had a strong commitment to the Christian modernist and labor movements, believing that Christian workers had the rights to organize and fight against exploitation and corruption, among other similar proposals.

Modernist theologians criticized Protestant theology and engaged in apologetics for the Roman Catholic Church, but supported a reconciliation between the Catholic Christian tradition and modern culture.

What the defeated conservatives had called heresy.

Christian democracy and Christian socialism were quite strong in some regions, but what was most important was the global impact on the Christian world of this modernist victory.

September 2, the strike of 70,000 garment workers, generates associated losses that are estimated at 100,000,000 dollars.

Important concessions were won for the workers, mainly that each manufacturer has a union shop and a 50-hour week (9 hours for five days, and a 5-hour day).

September 3, Alabama is invaded by the boll weevil, an insect that entered the United States through Mexico, destroying the cotton fields that were the state's main industry at the time.

September 8, Isabel I's Empire of Brazil continues to be pushed east by the Empire of Brazil of her son, Dom Pedro III.

On the monarchical-republican front, Dom Pedro III also obtained important victories together with the Republic of Acre against republican and Bolivian troops in Rondonia.

But the battles in Mato Grosso and Tocantina are stalled (there is no clear winner-loser and it is rather a war of attrition and guerrillas).

September 11, 1910, Mexican guerrilla-revolutionaries discover oil near Tampico, in the southeastern part of the country.

The Mexican Revolutionary Council nationalizes such resources, but exporting is difficult when the Imperial German Navy and the United States Navy is a nuisance in nearby waters.

In Nicaragua the Estrada brothers announce that promised future elections will not take place for at least 1 year.

September 13, Inayat Khan Rehmat Khan leaves Mumbai for Europe and North America to do missionary work, in favor of the religion of Sufism.

* [100 years from the start of the fight]

September 16, the Mexican Revolutionary Council re-initiates the northern Mexican front on the centenary of the beginning of the war of independence.

Mexicans from various parts (continental Mexico, exiles in Cuba, and Mexicans in other parts of the world) celebrate this event.

"Reform: Law, Peace and Order" are the promises of the Mexican Revolutionary Council and its bases with regard to the liberation of Mexico. Expel the invaders, dethrone the monarchy, reestablish the rule of law in Mexico and establish national reform (agrarian reform, labor reform, political reform, etc.).

At this time the Mexican Revolutionary Council dominates most of Mexico, but the United Mexican States (collaborators) dominate: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas and northern parts of La Laguna, Durango and Sinaloa.

With this, thousands of Mexican troops and thousands of American troops (plus their collaborators) collided between Sinaloa, Durango, La Laguna, and San Luis Potosi.

The Americans had a much larger infrastructure and economy and had had time to fortify the occupied regions, but the Mexicans had had quite a few victories in what had been an asymmetric war.

The Mexican Revolutionary Council was led militarily by Venustiano Carranza, Emilio Madero and Pancho Villa, in front of the United States of William J. Bryan, with the military reforms of former president Elihu Root giving results in the expansion and operation of the professional armed forces.

The trap and the reasons why the United States and revolutionary Mexico were at war for so long was due precisely to all these conditions that were added and added in the war.

An asymmetric struggle on the arid border between northern Mexico and the southern United States, national pride at stake, German attempts to influence the region, the American need to control and protect its interests in the Tehuantepec Canal and America Central, ideological conflicts, bad decisions of national administrations, etc.

It didn't matter if the American president was a Republican or a Democrat, the war continued, and this would prove to be a problem, more young people died and more veterans would return to the United States in time. Which caused serious problems in the future.

And Mexico would have to rebuild, which would be costly.

Was anyone really winning?


September 18, Chile celebrates the centenary of its independence from Spain.

September 22, the Hart Schaffner & Marx walkout begins in Chicago, United States, it all begins when Hannah Shapiro, an 18-year-old seamstress, received the announcement that the company was going to cut the piecework rate in the piecework. rate.

At first only 16 women went on strike, but by the next month (October), a total of 40,000 garment workers joined in a work stoppage that would last for other five months.

August 23, the Democratic Peru of the Argentine bloc begins to defeat the Peru Civilist of the Chilean bloc, this due to the defeats of Bolivia against the Brazilian imperialists and the Colombian victories over Ecuador.

Which left the two Peru to fight each other face to face. The southern democratic Peru was covered thanks to the Argentine action against Chile.

September 26, K. Ramakrishna Pillai, editor of the newspaper Swadeshabhimani (and journalist recognized for his work in exposing corruption and injustice in the princely state of Travancore in the British Raj), is put out of business due to his arrest and exile permanent of Thiruvananthapuram.

September 30, in Los Angeles, California, United States, occurs the terrorist attack against the headquarters of the Los Angeles Times.

The radical attackers were John J. "JJ" and James Barnabas "JB" McNamara were Irish-American trade unionists related to the Iron Workers Union.

They planted a 16-stick dynamite bomb and two others in front of the houses of the Times owner and the secretary of the Merchants and Manufacturers Association. This explosions triggered an explosion of natural gas lines and setting a fire that killed 20 newspaper employees.

A total of 21 people were killed and another 100 were injured, the McNamara were supported by radicals and adopted radical principles themselves. Quite a considerable event in the radical labor movements of the USA.

Chapitre suivant