

Darkness. That was all Atticus could see for an indeterminate amount of time.

Time seemed distorted, unquantifiable. All Atticus knew was that it passed.

And during this time, his mind was quiet, far too quiet considering how loud it had become after his bond with a certain spirit.

Atticus could feel the faint presence of Ozeroth within him, their unbreakable connection still there. It was as though the spirit was watching him, observing silently. Yet, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't reach him.

He didn't mind the quiet. But he also wouldn't have minded Ozeroth's usual sharp commentary either.

Clearing his head of unnecessary thoughts, Atticus began preparing himself for the upcoming adversity. His life was at stake, and he had every intention of giving it his all.

Time passed.

The darkness began to recede, replaced by a blinding white light that flooded Atticus's vision. He flinched, shielding his eyes with his arm.

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