
35. Abomination

(A/N: Hey everyone. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I don't normally like asking people for things, but my wife went into the doctor to schedule a surgery that she desperately needs. The doctor got her all scheduled and stuff, and they had to do some xrays. Well, my wife got the results back today, and the doctors believe they might have found a tumor in my wifes chest. We won't know for certain until we do some more tests which we have scheduled for tomorrow, but If you could, could you say a prayer for my wife? I know you don't know who I am, you just read my stories😂

But my wife could use some Godly help right now.

Thank you all so much. I appreciate each and every one of you.)


Godrick landed back in the central room where everyone was. He shattered through the ceiling before landing in the room, cracking the ground around him, sending shutters through the entire Hanging Gardens.

Standing to his full height, he cut a menacing figure, as his left arm glowed and radiated with unfamiliar power.

Shirou just stared at the pitch black skin, and blood red marks and veins. For a moment Godrick thought he saw a flicker of fear in the man's eyes, but it vanished as soon as it appeared.

"What in God's name have you done?" Shirou said in a stern voice.

Godrick inhaled deeply, scenting something sweet in the air in the room. He had never been about to smell anything before, but now… He looked down to his left arm, realizing it had unlocked something feral inside him, and at last, he understood what the smell was.


Looking past Shirou, Godrick could see Shakespeare visually shaking, flipping through the pages of his book, looking for something.

"This isn't how it's supposed to go." He was saying under his breath.

Godrick then looked to the left of Shakespeare, seeing Semiramis, who also had a look of discomfort on her face as she looked at his left arm.

"You are an abomination in the sight of God." Shirou said with steel in his voice. "He has anointed me to take you from this world, and seal you away as punishment for your heresy." He shouted as he flicked his sword towards Godrick, making the blood on its tip splatter across the Juggernauts unhelmeted face.

Godrick reached up with his right hand, and drew two fingers across his face to wipe the blood away. He looked down to see its red color, then looked back at Mordred, who was mostly uninjured except for her swollen eye.

He then looked to Fran, who was missing an arm, but she had what looked like oil leaking from her, while Chiron was buried under rubble, so Godrick assumed it wasn't his blood. Astolfo was relatively fine, which only left one person.

He looked behind him to where Jeanne stood, before she knelt again, pressing a hand to her side as she looked at him, staring at his arm.

Without a care in the world, Godrick wiped the blood down the front of his armor and walked over to her, and knelt next to her.

"You dare ignore my master?" Atalanta shouted. She drew on her bow, filling the arrow with a huge amount of energy. Letting the arrow fly, it reached Godrick in an instant, shattering against the back of his raised left hand. The magical energy in the arrow then was absorbed into the red veins of his arm, which seemed to glow dimly before settling down.

He slowly turned to look at her, promising death with his gaze.

Atalanta felt the hair of her tail bristle as he looked at her, making her take an involuntary step backwards.

Shirou looked behind him at Atalanta, motioning for her to be still with his free hand before turning back to the Juggernaut.

Godrick turned back to Jeanne and knelt down next to her, reaching out with his left hand to transfer what little energy he had to her for her to heal herself. He noticed how she seemed to shy away from his left hand, causing him to stop.

"I'm sorry," She whispered, looking at his arm.

"It's just… I can sense the divine power coming from your arm, and my instinct is screaming at me to move away." She said, explaining herself.

Not caring for her reason, Godrick proceeded with the energy transfer, making Jeanne feel better immediately.

"Godrick, he's changed." She said in a low voice. "I don't know how, but he used the Grail to change himself. You need to be careful." She said looking into his eyes.

"His stats are all jumbled up from the last time we met." She said, placing her hand on Godricks to transfer the knowledge.

Before the change, Shirou's stats were as followed

Strength: C

Endurance: C

Agility: B

Mana: A

Luck: B


Now after the change, his stats are as follows.

Strength: A

Endurance: EX

Agility: C

Mana: A

Luck: B

Np: A

'Shit.' Godrick thought to himself as he looked over his shoulder at his foe.

He felt Jeannes hold on his hand tighten slightly, as she warned him to be careful once more.

"If you can keep him busy, Mordred and I can take care of the others." She said, causing him to look back at her.

Pulling her hand away from her side, she looked down to see that she had healed. She took her hand from Godricks, and stood up, causing him to do the same.

"Good luck." She said, before running towards Chiron.

Godrick watched her run away, before turning back to Shirou, who gave a slight nod to his faction, letting them go after their targets.

Atalanta ran after Jeanne, while Shakespeare and Semiramis went after Mordred and Astolfo.

"Now is the time for your atonement. Come Abomination, come and meet my sword." Shirou said.

Godrick rolled his shoulders, preparing to fight, before Shirou swung out with his sword.

The two were still a ways away, so Godrick was confused by his actions, before suddenly, a large gash appeared on his chest, cutting through his armor and into his chest.

Godrick took a step back before bringing his hand up to his chest. He hadn't sensed anything from the attack, so now he had to be wary.

Shirou smirked at the Juggernaut, sending out another slash, hoping for the same results.

Godrick held his left hand in front of him, hoping to block the attack, but the slash seemed to bypass his hand as another gash appeared on his chest.

Shirou began laughing, swinging his sword back and forth multiple times, causing the same slashes to appear on Godricks chest.

With no other option, Godrick broke into a sprint, straight towards his enemy. The slashes weren't all that deep, but they were building up fast.

Seeing the Juggernaut charge, Shirou did the same, but this time as he swung his sword, it met Godricks left forearm.

Shock ran up Shirous arms, making him feel as if he had struck stone.

Godrick swung out with his right fist, but Shirou ducked the blow, delivering a huge slash to Godricks waist as he passed him.

Twisting his blade, Shirou swiped it at the back of the Juggernaut's right leg, cutting it deeply, causing Godrick to fall to one knee.

Spinning quickly to gain momentum, Shirou then dragged his blade up the length of Godricks back, cutting through his armor and into his spine.

Pain erupted from Godricks back, causing him to freeze for a moment, which Shirou took advantage of.

Using his long blade, Shirou used it to stab into Godrick's back, breaking through his chest to pin him to the ground.

Godrick caught himself with his hands, not letting himself go completely prone. Using his left hand, he gripped the blade as Shirou tried to pull it out of him.

As Godricks hand met his chest, the force was enough to bring him to a kneeling position again. He tugged on the blade, causing Shirou to lurch forward, where his face met Godrick's right elbow. A crunch was heard as Shirou pulled back, bringing his hand up to his face.

Godrick let the blade go, letting Shirou pull it out of him as he backed away. The second it was free, the Juggernaut turned around catching Shirou's blind swing with his left hand, once again trapping the sword.

Godrick's right fist buried itself Into Shirou's face, knocking him back a bit, but Godrick pressed his advantage striking him a second time.

Shirou felt as if his sword was in a vise as he tried to pull it from the Juggernaut's grip, but it didn't budge.

Suddenly, Shirou felt his blade go free, and through the blood and the gaps of his fingers he saw Godrick pull his left fist back.

Godrick hit Shirou with an uppercut with enough force to send him into the ceiling. A loud 'CRACK' was heard when Shirou struck the ceiling, as a peice of it broke and followed him back down to the ground.

Godrick stood right under the priest and leapt upwards with all his strength.

Catching Shirou, they met the stone ceiling that had broken, destroying it as Godrick took them high into the air.

The two landed among tall circular structures made of brick, crashing through some of them as they landed. Shirou's back hit the ground, but it didn't stay there for long as Godrick picked him up in his left hand, and broke into a sprint. Each time they approached a pillar, Godrick would slam Shirou into it, completely destroying it.

Godrick let go of his captive, throwing him through one final pillar, before grabbing one of Shirou's feet and spinning around. He let go of the man, causing him to smash through multiple other pillars.

The beginning of their fight had been dominated by Shirou, but now it was Godricks turn.

Slamming into one of the pillars, Godrick caused it to fall to the ground. He quickly placed himself under it, and caught it with both hands. Surprisingly, it stayed in one piece, effectively giving Godrick a massive stone stick.

Godrick used all his might to heft and throw the massive stone pillar at his enemy, who was just getting to his feet.

Shirou saw the massive stone pillar flying at him, making him grip his sword in both hands.

He held his sword up to the sky, and used his magical energy to imbue his sword with his magic.

Letting out a roar, he slashed downwards with his sword, sending out a massive blade of magic, cutting the massive stone pillar in two halves.

The blade traveled towards Godrick, but he shattered it with his left hand, absorbing the magic.

Shirou was breathing deeply, as he readied himself once more for the assault of his enemy, which came a moment later.

Godrick leapt at him, closing the distance in a fraction of a second. Reacting quickly, Shirou shifted his katana and struck Godrick's outstretched left arm with the flat of his blade. Twisting the blade once more, he now let Godrick pass him, dragging the blade across the Juggernauts exposed chest and abdomen. The blade didn't bite as deeply as he wanted, but it did draw blood.

Squatting low, Shirou turned and lunged with his blade, but Godrick had turned around, and knocked it skyward with his left arm, then drove his right into Shirou's exposed chest, making him double over.

Godrick then brought his left arm down onto Shirou's back, sending him into the ground.

Godrick backed away from from the downed man, letting him stand back up and swind his long blade once more, though Godrick just leaned back, letting the blade pass by his face harmlessly.

"I've had enough. This ends now!" Shirou shouted as he held out his hands making blue energy cover his left arm, and red energy cover his right.

The two energies began to mold into one, and before Godrick knew it, he was looking at a pseudo black hole the size of a baseball. Instinctively, he reached out with his left hand and grabbed the black hole, trying to crush it.

The black matter tried to expand, but Godrick clamped down on it, trying to keep in in check. The weight was almost unbearable as it tried to suck him inside of it, but his left arm seemed to react, siphoning the energy from it to Godrick.

The Juggernaut grabbed his left wrist with his right hand, trying his best to stay standing as the pseudo Black Hole increased its weight, which only served to give him more energy, which he put right back into his strength stat, raising it to EX.

With all his attention focused on the Black hole, he didn't hear Shirou call for Semiramis, who appeared next to him via magic circle.

Using all his strength, Godrick closed his left hand, shattering the Black hole. He turned around to continue his fight, only to be met by a pair of lips.

Semiramis had jump up at him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him.

He suddenly felt a burning sensation in his side where Celenike had stabbed him with that ornamental dagger as he felt Semiramis' tongue invade the inside of his mouth.

Godricks shoved her away from him, sending her to the ground before pulling his right fist back to strike her.

She quickly looked up at him with sultry eyes, causing him to freeze. Now matter what he did, he couldn't move a muscle, as he felt himself start to lose consciousness, and soon, he felt and saw no more.


As the poison entered the Juggernauts body, he shoved her off of him, then raised a hand to strike her down. He stopped however as his eyes became dull and he lost all expression.

"Stand down." She said, causing him to lower his fist and stand there like a puppet.

"That was close, good thing we had that Black faction woman stab him earlier, otherwise im not sure my poison would've affected him." She said as she looked at her master, who was still breathing heavily.

"I should just kill him now." Shirou said, brandishing his sword to kill the Juggernaut.

"No!" Semiramis shout at her master, "You told me I could have him, and I won't let you kill him until I've had my fill of him."

Shirou looked at her with anger in his eyes at being rebuked, but he had promised her that if she was able to take him over, that she could have him.

"Fine. Just make him clean up the Black faction." He said dismissively, turning around to make his way back to the Grail.

"I want it done before i arrive back at the Grail." He said to her.

She turned back to Godrick, who stared at her blankly, before she spoke.

"Go kill Jeanne D'Arc"

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