
Chapter 225

One of his mother's talents was pretending to be a gracious host. She could charm an entire room with her smile and witty remarks.

Nonetheless, showing genuine affection and interest was not her strong suit. Such emotion was never part of her vocabulary.

"What is with your mother today?" Jules asked, acting surprised. "She seems different." She glimpsed at him through the mirror as she brushed her hair while he entered their room.

He just finished putting Oliver to sleep. It was his turn. Besides, he promised to take care of the markings on his chest. It took a while to remove everything, but he did it.

Then, he read a new story that Oliver chose from his selection of children's stories. Thankfully, it only took him a few pages before he found his son dozing off.

"I honestly don't know, but knowing her, I know we should be cautious," Damon twisted his lips, both confused and suspicious of his mother's motives. 

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