
Home sweet home

After embracing Hiro for a while, Takashi cracked a joke about Hiro's miraculous growth, "May be the time when I'll have to raise my head to look at your face will come a lot sooner than my expectations."

Infact Hiro had indeed grown up by more than 5 inches in less than a year. And it was all because of the body enhancing elixir and talents which he acquired via system.

Currently Hiro was almost 160 cm tall which even though wasn't as ridiculously tall as compared to kids of Netherlands or some other countries with tall genes, it was still considered tall according to Japanese standard, considering he was only thirteen years of age.

Letting out a subtle smile, Hiro answered while releasing his father from his embrace, "May be in two or three years"

After that the two of them headed towards the taxi where the taxi driver was waiting for them.

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