
Upload Scehdule

Currently on a break. May be updated when U am back.


This is the upload schedule, I will try to upload atleast 4-6 chapters every week.

During Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, I will roughly translate 2-3 chapters (fixing spelling mistakes and names, etc…)

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday's will be for finalising 1-2 chapters and posting them.

I know there's a timer u can set to automatically have them uploaded, but the chapters are not done. I am the type of person to have something perfected before it's finished.. (makes no sense considering how I have been uploading). Anyways yea. If i do complete a chapter(s) on mon - wed, I will either set a timer or just upload it for thursday.

I do have to mention that I may not be able to post chapters on those days as I do have work and uni to deal with. This is just a hobby I am doing in my spare time.

Thursday - 1-2 Chapters

Friday - 1-2 Chapters

Saturday - 1-2 Chapters

Sunday - 1-2 Chapters

Chapitre suivant