
Chapter Two Hundred And Five: Torturing John.

Cold water was splashed right upon John Smith's face, as he came back to his senses before the cloth was yanked from his face, with him heaving heavily with his squinted eyes that were trying to shade away from the light that nearly blinded his eyes.

"Wake up, old fool."John heard Carter say, with a yank at his collar that brought his face close to look at his own.

He thought he had died.

He didn't know what happened to him after that hit to his head that he had taken, he has been switching on and off from consciousness, but from the less pain in his abdomen it made him know whether it has been taken care of or not.

Carter punched him at his stomach, which had him hiss at the pain that went through his entire body, before he knew it he came back to reality to see where he was.

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