
A Hearing- A Battle Lost

"Good morning. We are here today to consider Mr. Gregory Savoy's petition to reinstate his parental rights to his daughter, Miss Arabelle Savoy, following the unfortunate passing of Mrs. Katherine Savoy. Let's begin with introductions." The presiding judge stared over his spectacles at the two parties sitting on either side, ready to battle it out.

"Good morning, Your Honor. I'm Attorney Samuel Benson, representing Mr. Gregory Savoy, the petitioner."

"Good day, your honor, I am Attorner Baker, representing the late Mrs Savoy and ad litem of Miss Arabelle Savoy."

The judge nodded before turning back to the petetioner himself," Mr Savoy. Before we proceed, I want to address the serious nature of this petition. I understand you previously relinquished your parental rights. Can you explain why you are now seeking to reclaim them?"

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