
A Test

"I don't understand ma'am. The rumors are still going strong about their relationship, but they do not meet outside the office. It's almost as if their supposed romance exists solely for public consumption, a carefully crafted facade. They haven't gone out on any dates outside the office. No dinner, no hidden meetings, nothing whereas earlier he would meet her outside and take her out as his date publicly. Could it be that he is trying to curb the rumours?"

 It was no surprise to her. Despite Sebastian Frost's polished persona in the media and his seemingly transparent demeanor, Viv knew better. Behind the facade of affability and openness lay a man fiercely guarded about his privacy, a trait inherent to every member of the Frost family. He was simply a master of hiding things in the open.

"I thought you were sure that they were dating. In fact that was the reason we rushed here. So, now you're saying you could be wrong?"

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