

The sound of the restless banging on her door woke Olivia up. She sat up quickly disoriented and panicked as she tried to make out what was happening. Last night had been too gut wrenching for her and she had a miserable night, being hounded by the question of what she was doing was right or wrong. 

The door continue to bang again and she stood up, slowly rubbing her eyes as she grabbed her silk robe to check who this impatient person was and stumbled towards the door, still half asleep.

As she swung the door open, a rush of cold air greeted her, sending a shiver down her spine. Standing before her was Seb, his figure silhouetted against the harsh glare of the sunlight. Confusion and a hope that she had long buried, unfurled within her," Seb..."

Has he come here to stop her? To ask her to be with him? It was something she dare not let herself dream of.

"Good morning, Olivia. Won't you invite me inside?"

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