

Olivia was drunk. She knew that of course, but she was appalled to ask for help. So what if she couldn't walk straight? She'd walk crookedly to her room maybe go zig zag like a snake... As she reached the end of the corridor, she blinked. There was only one problem—there were too many buttons to summon the elevator... which one was the real and which were the ones caused by her drunk haziness?

Crossing her arms, she swayed and nodded," Challenge accepted." Carefully, she surveyed the wall and decided that the one in the middle was definitely the real one. Raising her finger, she slowly aimed to press the button, only to be met with marble wall. She sighed. It was a bit to the left...

Stepping back, she moved to press the button, only to stumble over the hem of her own dress...Just as she teetered dangerously close to losing her balance, a strong pair of arms enveloped her, and she looked up into a face that had haunted her dreams forever.

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