

Nora found solace only within her house. She leaned against the door, locking it firmly, and sighed with relief. Her belongings landed on a nearby table, and she gracefully sank onto the couch, closing her eyes. She breathed deeply, savouring the house's familiar scent, until exhaustion overcame her, and she succumbed to sleep.

However, the sleep was not peaceful, as she woke up fitfully a little while later. Struggling to compose herself, Nora fished out her phone from some hidden crevice of the couch trying to see the time. But as she saw the time, she also saw a few notifications from an unknown number...

As everything that had happened rushed back over her, Nora sat up on the couch, hugging herself, her hands rubbing her arms as they tried to ward off the chill. She looked around the house for a sign that Demetri was around. But he wasn't and hadn't come home since their return. 

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