
A Happy Day

Nora was happy today. Though she was always trying to serve with warmth, there was an extra sparkle in her eyes and a noticeable spring in her step as she moved between tables, taking orders and delivering food with radiant happiness that couldn't be contained.

As she approached the waitress station to pick up another order, Lena couldn't resist teasing Nora. "Nora, you seem happier than a kid in a candy store today. What's got you in such a great mood?"

Nora's eyes sparkled as if she had a secret and Lena, the effervescent gossip, leaned forward and questioned," Come on, spill the beans, Nora. Did you get a new boyfriend or win the lottery?"

Nora giggled at that and also leaned forward, as if about to tell a secret. And as Lena waited with anticipation, Nora said," I aced the Math pop-up test! All straight A's!"


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