
Dating Start

At the hospital, Candace held a meeting with her students to discuss the situation with Dora and their operation in Kalaharis.Next to a window, Freya, looking annoyed, shook her head.

"No, that's definitely the worst idea, that's literally what he wants."

"Maybe, but think about it," said Iris. "If his memory is wiped, maybe we can get him back on our side? Maybe we can use him to make him an ally again?"

"Iris, what kind of idiot would give up a fight he has already won? He was right, we are tied hand and foot. No matter what we say, we can't be sure that Envy will help us, the only record of Wrath is a war, and God only knows where Lust is. How do we know we will get help? What if we fail?"

She turned to look at the sky behind her.

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