

Claire turned red from her head to her toes. 'OMG! She saw Duke sniffing my pussy! I didn't think anyone saw it! OMG! OMG! Does she know? I bet she does! OMG! I bet she knows I let Duke lick my pussy too!' Claire was ready to turn and run away.

"You don't have to say anything Claire, and you don't have to be embarrassed. I've been in this business a long time and I've seen a lot of things." Mrs. Hill continued. "People love their dogs..., I love dogs too." Her expression was blank, not giving anything away.

She continued, "You have to encourage good behavior and correct bad behavior – teach him there's a time and place for everything. And, you can train your dog to do other things besides the normal commands we went over today, you can also teach your dog…, what's his name again?" Mrs. Hill asked.

"Duke," Claire said.

"You can also teach Duke some 'special' commands," she said, reaching down to scratch Duke behind the ears. "Just pick some obscure trigger-word you wouldn't typically say in normal conversations, like 'Beetlejuice' or 'Rin-Tin-Tin.' Then, it's like teaching any other command; praise him when he does well, and correct him when he doesn't."

"Gee, thanks, Mrs. Hill." Claire said.

"You're welcome, Claire," Mrs. Hill said. "I have to get back to work, I'll see you next week. I expect you to practice with Duke every day, until then."

"Oh, I will!" Claire said.

"I have no doubt," Mrs. Hill replied.

Claire quickly returned home and proudly showed her mother and father how much Duke had learned during his first training session. She made him sit, lay down, and heel, all to her parent's amazement. Then, she proceeded to share some of what Mrs. Hill had told her about Duke's erections.

"Well, he is a boy dog," Claire's mother said when Claire was finished. "I guess I can live with his little doggy-dick sticking out once in a while as long as he stops sniffing and humping everything in sight."

"I'll teach him real good, mom!" Claire said. She quickly explained to her mother how to properly correct his bad behavior and then took him outside for more training. "Come on, boy, let's go outside!"

Duke heard Claire coming home from school Monday afternoon. He was waiting for her by the door, his penis already sliding out of his sheath. He knew when Clair came home from school it was time to sniff and lick her sweet-smelling pussy. Even though his bitch didn't let him mate with her, he still loved Claire's feminine taste and odors. He knew someday soon, he would breed her and fill her with his seed.

Claire walked in the house and greeted Duke. Duke tried to greet Claire by putting his nose up her skirt. But, oddly, his master scolded him. Puzzled, he tried again, only to again be chastised. Duke was confused. Whenever Claire came home at this time, day after day, five-days a week and sometimes on weekends when her parents were out, Claire let him smell and lick her sex.

"No, Duke," Claire said, quickly stopping his naughty behavior once again. She let him outside and watched him mark his territory. Duke hiked his leg over a flower bush and glanced back at Claire. Claire inspected his fur-covered penis, contemplating her next actions.

After letting him back in, she took Duke into her room. "OK, boy," Claire said, let's teach you how to behave." Claire took off her panties. Duke became excited. But every time he tried to get his snout into her crotch, Claire corrected him. When Duke tried to climb onto her, Claire scolded him and made him sit down.

She waited.

Duke waited.

"Good boy!" She praised me.

It was time to teach him the proper time and place to play with her pussy, like Mrs. Hill said. Then, when he was ready, she would try to 'relieve his pressure.' Claire had spent the entire weekend searching the internet. She had learned how to properly 'extract' dog semen. She also learned a few very naughty things girls sometimes did with their dogs.

She had thought quite a lot about his 'special' commands over the weekend. At first, she was going to use the word 'pussy,' as in 'Lick-My-Pussy,' since he was already used to hearing it, but decided it was probably better to start fresh. She knew what her special commands would be.

"Duke." Claire said, getting Duke's attention.

Duke cocked his head and looked at her.

"Do you want to play our special game, Duke? Do you want to play 'Sniff-the-Bitch' boy?" Claire knew a female dog was called a bitch, and since Duke thought she was a female dog, it made perfect sense. She put her cunt in front of his face. "Sniff-the-Bitch! Duke!"

Duke did want to play the Sniff-the-Bitch game. He sniffed Claire's pussy and tried to put his nose up into her sweet teenage cunt.

"Good boy!" Claire praised. "Sniff it, Duke! Sniff-the-Bitch!" she repeated, letting Duke put his nose deeply into her crotch. She let him around the house, encouraging him, but every time he tried to lick her pussy, she stopped him. "No! I said Sniff-the-Bitch, not Lick-the-Bitch!" Claire loved leading Duke around the house, teasing him with her feminine odor. She also loved getting her snatch licked, and wanted him to know the difference between the two.

Claire finally led him into her bedroom and began to teach him his second command. She pulled up her skirt and put her wet cunt in front of him. "Good boy, now Lick-the-Bitch, Duke!" Claire let Duke lap at her steaming cunt. "Ohhh! Mmmm-mmmm! Good boy Duke! Lick it, Lick-the-Bitch!"

Duke licked at Claire's sweet, young, pussy like he was starving. Feeling her knees weaken, Clair climbed onto her bed and called for Duke, patting the space next to her. "Up Duke. Up boy!"

Duke jumped on the bed. He was excited. This was different! Usually Claire made him lick her pussy from the floor.

Claire looked at Duke's engorged dick. He was ready. She swallowed hard.

"Lay down, Duke." Duke complied and then licked his exposed cock. Claire decided she wanted to inspect his doggy-dick before attempting to jack him off.

"Hold still, Duke," Claire said, noticing Duke's excitement. She petted his head with one hand while the other rubbed his belly. Claire slowly inched her hand towards his cock. She ran her fingers along his hairy sheath. Duke flinched.

"Stay!" Claire commanded. "Let me play with your dick, Duke," she said and then realized he didn't understand her. "Hmmm," Claire thought, she needed another simple command. Since she was teaching him to Sniff-the-Bitch, and Lick-the-Bitch, maybe she could teach him more 'bitch' words?

"Your bitch wants to play with your dick and give you a hand-job, Duke," Claire said softly. She touched his sheath again. "Maybe a 'Bitch-Hand-Job?' Would you like that?" she prompted, while gently rubbing his sheath some more. He liked it.

"Mmmm, you like Bitch-Hand-Jobs, don't you boy?" Duke painted. Claire's fingers touched Duke's hairy ball sack as she repeated the words over and over. Claire tugged his sheath up and down, massaging Duke's cock. "Your bitch likes giving you a hand-job, too." Claire realized by practicing sex with her horny dog she was gaining experience for when she had sex with a horny boy. She wanted to get really, really good at it.

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