
Chapter 91. Hurrying along the plans

Ace stood in the middle of the street looking curiously at the old man in front of him.

"Please accept it!" The old man said as he presented big bags of valuables.

As soon as the Black Pearl was spotted nearby, all the marines escaped the island and the people were left without defence. So they gathered all the remaining valuables on the island to present to the Emperor that had arrived.

The old man's legs were shaking.

"Ne, captain *Nom Nom* Why is he shaking, are ya evil or sumthin'?" Bonney asked with a pizza slice in her hand.

"Take it!" Nami adviced as she looked at the gold.

"Old man, how much did you leave behind for the people?" Ace asked as he looked at the bags.

"N-N-Nothing!!! I promise!" The old man stuttered in nervousness.


Ace's slap was so hard that the old man turned upside down, with his head under the ground.

Nami's eye twitched, the old man wasn't strong, he might die from such a punch.

"Next times make sure that you leave enough resources for the people dummy, or they'll starve to death." Ace said angrily as he took half the valuables.

'If we do that, won't you complain that we hid some treasure from you??!' the old man cried in his heart. He had been robbed by pirates before, and back than he had hidden some valuable but the pirates found it and killed lots of people.

Hide something, you get punished. Give it all, you get punished. There no middle ground with pirates. The old man swore that all of them did things just to hurt others.

Ace looked around all of his crewmates had dissapeared, they wanted to explore the island. Only Nami and Bonney stayed with him, saying that she would make sure that he doesn't cause more trouble.

After Ace gained to loyalty of the remaining Whitebeard pirates they sailed away. Ace continued sailing until they arrived at this island.

"WAAAIT!" The old man shouted behind Ace as he hurriedly went after them..

"Old man what's do you want."

"Please Yonko-sama, please don't hurt the people of this village. We aren't especially good people, nor are we moral, nor particularly ethical, but we still like to live in peace." Thd old man begged, a bit too honestly.

"I won't hurt anyone..." Ace said, making the old man sigh in relief.

"Probably." Nami commented to herself, not believing her captain.

The old man heard her and started sweating nervously again.

"Tsk, go away, shoo, I have never hurt a fly in my life!" Ace got annoyed, he was a good hearted fellow who wouldn't hurt any living being. A saint in a sense.

Yennow and Spikewards stood behind him and and nodding in agreement with their captain, each having bumps on their head and black eyes as a result of Ace releasing his anger on them earlier for a joke he didn't like.

Ace waved the old man away. He seemed reluctant, wanting to neg for mercy but he didn't dare.

The Marines and World government had ridden the world of Whiteboard, but then this freak took his place. The old man didn't dare to make a sqeek.

As Ace walked down the streets, he frowned, all the townspeople had hidden themselves in their homes, as if a pest had arrived on their island.

"The streets are so empty..." Ace said with a frown as they walked. He seemed to reflect deeply on this matter.

Nami saw this and smiled sweetly. 'finally, captain reflects on deeper matters, such as how his title as an Emperors will effect his reputation and how people will perceive him... Sometimes he's a bit smarter than people give him credit for.' she thought for herself. Proud that her captain could realise deeper and underlaying causes for their situations.

"I wonder why they're hiding like this? I can't feel the presence of fearsome pirates on this island, don't tell me they are afraid of the old man we met earlier!" Ace spoke his mind.

Nami faltered and fell to the ground.

"ORA ORA, I was Wondering the same thing just now! You are so smart captain." Urouge shouted happily with a thumbs up. Sometimes the smartiness..ness? Of his captain surprised him.

"Captain, you're mistaken, it's because of us..." Cavendish said as he put his backhand against his eyes, hiding his sorrows.

'finally someone smart enought o realise our situation!' Nami sighed as she stood up.

"It's obviously because they knew we were coming, so they didn't dare to see my face, in case they'd fall too much in love, so they hid themselves to save their souls." Cavendish continued in a sad tone. He genuinely felt bad for these lowly people, his beauty is like a curse for them, their small brains can't handle such sexiness.

"Tsk, can you guys be serious for a second... It's obviously because of my cool spiky hair!" Spikewards tried to reason.

"Always with your spiky hair, don't you now that the superior hair is the roundness of afro? Any average Bart or Lisa can have spiky hair. True beauty lies in perfect roundess, which is near impossible to achieve." Yennow argued.

"Roundness? What are you trying to achieve? It's like having a boob on your head. Real men have spiky hair!" Spikewards lost it and argued back.

"Are they really hiding from us? We have brought shame to our names!" Nobojuro said as he drew hid katana and put it against his throat, waiting for someone to stop him.


"... Erm, a real man should do his best to change his image, not take the easy way out!" Nobujuro said honorably as he put away his sword.

"Did you prepare this? So you can show me that even if we're alone in the world, it wouldn't matter as long as I am by your side???!" Baby 5 asked Ronaldino Ronaldo, realising that he had done this to metaphorially showcase his love for her.

Ronaldinho Ronaldo looked down as he put on his sunglasses, then he raised his head and nodded in confirmation.

*BAAM* "Don't play along with her delusions!" Nami angrily shouted.

*NOM NOM* Bonney didn't even seem to notice.

They continued walking down the street and the more they walked, the more Nami lost faith in their collective intellence.

Soon they walked by an alley where a homeless child froze upon seeing them.

"A-a-are y-y-ou t-the Flame E-Emperor?" The child asked with clear fear on his face as his eyes met with Ace's.

"Me, yes, watcha want?" Ace asked as he pointed at himself.

The child seemed to freeze as tears welled up in his eyes.

"PLEASE DON'T EAT MEE!" He started crying out.

Ace tilted his head curiously, then stepped forward to the homeless child, and whacked him on the head. *BAAM*

"OOUCH WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" The child angrily shouted.

"Who'd want to eat an ugly kid like you, do you even have meat on your bones?" Ace angrily responded. With his words, Bonney stopped chewing her pizza and looked the kid up and down, wondering if it was really possible to eat another human.

"Tsk I dislike this island, everyone is sooo stupid!" Ace angrily said as he left.


On an island in New World called Hachinosu, One of the newly made Emperors stood in a destroyed town.

The island wasn't very big, only one big town was in it, and in the center, huge skull statue stood.

The Blackbeard Pirates all were panting and looked exhausted, as if they had been in a great battle.

"But Captain, why did you hurry the plan?" A Blackbeard Pirate asked his captain, Marshall D. teach.

Blackbeard didn't say anything as he frowned. The arrival of Ace in Marineford had made him realise that there was still big threats in the world. He needed to hurry up and increase his power while eliminating the potential threat of Ace.

Blackbeard informed his crewmate and walked to the building in the center, which would be his base from now on.

They had taken over this island, which was the base of a former Rocks Pirate, Ochoku.

Ochoku was a really strong pirate that was on the calibre of the likes of Shiki. He had been defeated by Blackbeard and his crew by the Blackbeard Pirates.

And now this island belonged to a new owner.

"Zehahah! Unload THAT!" Blackbeard laughed as he started walking to his new base building.

"Captain, is that wise... Even if you succeed in using your ability for THAT matter, She is a big risk." A crewmember advices, not liking the fact they they were hurrying their grandplans by such speed.

"Tsk, she isn't as dumb as she seems, she'll want to join hand to take revenge and take back her territory." Blackbeard said before disappearing.

The blackbeard pirate hurriedly unloaded a big, big statue from their ship.


You might be wondering why I took my sweet time to release this chapter.... It because I forgot 😅

Ever since my grandmother got sick and she died, Allah Yerhama, I stopped finding it enjoyable to read on webnovel, as I used to always come on here to read hours and hours without end, for some reason, escaping from reality while diving into the world of fiction is addictive.

I know many of you can understand exactly what I am talking about.

Don't worry I still want to finish this story, but I do have two bad news, first of all, I don't think I have it in me to finish my Naruto story... I am sincerely sorry as I promised to not drop. I know there are still people waiting after all this time...

The second and news is, I am retiring from writing after I finish this story.

Jup, as you can imagine, I only did this as a hobby, yes I am like saitama that way, I'm just like him except I have hair.

What I mean to say is, I never took a cent from you guys and did it as a hobby. So far with his story and all the other stories I've written, I've released about 355,000 words, and thats not counting the 28,000 words from other fics i worte but didnt release yet.

if the avarage chapter is about 1k in wordcount, then I have written almost 400 chapters worth of story, just in wordcount, I written like half the harry potter books. And I never took a penny even though many of you asked me to get patreon.

It's to much work for me while not being paid, and I'm not saying I want to get paid but I value my time, and it takes many hours to write a few chapters and edit them.

The only thing I really asked for, is reviews and stones, since although I didn't take a penny, I still want my work to have a high ranking place amongst the thousands of fanfics on this site. I want my stories to be remembered.

So that's what I had to say, I hope those reaches you well.

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