

(Jason's POV)

"Alright old man." I said walking into the briefing room, "What is it?" 

The room was a massive one that had several screens around with various high-tech terminals on it. In the middle of it, where they were standing, there was a massive holographic globe that spun slowly. 

Makarov and Mavis were standing in front of them, several of the other members that boarded the ship where in the front of the room where the massive glass windows where. 

Makarov looked at me, "Jason." He said, "Where's Lucy? I sent her for you." 

"She's with the kid." I said

Mavis smiled, "Is he doing okay?" She asked

I looked at her, "For now." I said

She then frowned, "What's wrong?" She asked, "Is he okay?" 

"We'll worry about that later." I said, "What did you want to talk to me about, Makarov?" 

"Hm.." He said, "We spoke to the Council. Evacuations are complete, there is no risk of civilian casualties." 

I nodded, "Good." I said, "That's what we aimed for." 

"There's also word of massive fleets in the western coast." Makarov said, "And there's reports of armies going in through our border countries such as Bosco and Seven." 

"I see." I said, "Felicity. Status on the border sensors?" 

Suddenly, the hologram switched to a map of Fiore where the borders were outlined red. 

"Contact has been made, sir." Felicity said, "There are fleets of Airships attempting to cross the border but our Air-Defense is keeping them at bay." 

"Good." I said, "That'll stall them for a day or two." 

"As for the Armies that have made landfall through the west, they've managed to breach through sir." She continued, "Three massive armies, 300,000 strong are steadily marching through the far west." 

"This isn't good..." Makarov said

The map zoomed in to a portion of Fiore, showing several glowing rectangles that were positioned near a chokepoint. 

"Jason..." Mavis said

"Do not worry." She said, "They'll soon meet the heavily armored outposts that will keep them occupied for a while." 

"300, 400, 500 thousand, I don't care." I said, "I'll make my way over there and meet them head on. Show them what I'm about." 

"By yourself?!" Makarov said

I nodded, "You guys focus on the other sides, don't worry." I said, "I purposely had defenses on that side weaker than the other sides. I wanted to lead them into those choke points." 

I pointed at several choke points, valleys, and rivers where the armies were allegedly marching through. 

"Sir." Felicity said, "Permission to use the Heavy Armored Drones on the other borders if things get too risky?" 

"Yes." I said, "I think it's best if we stall them. Their goal is to surround us from all sides and make it seem like it's hopeless. My guess is that they've already conquered Seven and Bosco and will stay in the borders once they meet the defenses." 

"Understood." Felicity said, "I suggest the Nemesis to a proper position in the air in order to provide proper firepower all across the country." 

"Agreed." I said, "We move it in a few hours." 

"Wait." Makarov said looking at me, "What do you mean firepower across the the country?" 

I looked at him, "What?" I said, "Think the guns on this bad boy are just for show, old man? We position the ship at the right spot in the air and it could land an artillery shot at just about anywhere here." 

"Scanning for the proper coordinates, sir." Felicity said

"Jason." Mavis spoke up, "I want to say something." 

I looked at her, "Yea?" 

"No offense." She said, "But are you going to take charge of this whole operation?" 

I raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" 

"I know I've said this before." She said, "But Alvarez declared war on us, Fairy Tail, not you. I don't want you to take the whole bur-"

"Alvarez declared war on me the moment they threatened you." I said seriously, "If you don't like that I'm doing all this, Mavis, I'm sorry, but I don't care." 

She looked at me with a surprised face, "But..." 

I walked up to her, "I made a promise, didn't I?" I said holding her chin, "I intend to keep it." 

She blushed slightly, "I..." She said

She was looking at me with a look I couldn't exactly describe. There was a bit of sadness and regret in her eyes. Almost as if she didn't want me to take on this type of burden. I don't blame her, War is here and it could make almost anyone nervous. 

But it's too late to back out now. I am in this whether she likes it or not.

Makarov cleared his throat, "Jason is right, First." He said, "These....defenses he set up, only he knows how they work. And not only that, this ship could give us an advantage of some sort. It does belong to him so if wishes to take command, then so be it." 

"I'll take command of how I wield my weapons and ship," I said, "You two can decide on how you want to manage your people. I know they'll fight without a doubt." 

Mavis nodded, "Y-Yes..." She said, "Of course." 

As she said that, Natsu and Gray walked up. 

"Man, this ship is awesome!" Natsu said, "I can move freely without feeling sick." 

"Yea, real cool." Gray said, "Anyways, what's the move?" 

As he said that, Felicity spoke up. 

"Sir. I located a compatible spot to move the ship." She said, "Coordinates are locked in. Say the word and we move." 

I nodded, "Yea." I said, "In a few hours. I reckon those armies are going to be in a deadlock with my first line of defense." 

"Roger." She said

"You're moving this thing?" Gray asked me

"Yea." I said, "It's called a Mobile War-Fortress for a reason." 

He shrugged, "Alright then." He said, "I guess Master Makarov and Master Mavis will stay in the guild." 

Makarov nodded, "Ye-" 

"No." I cut him off, "Mavis stays on the Nemesis." 

Mavis looked at me with surprise, "W-What?" 

"Leaving you in the guildhall will be foolish." I said, "Here, you'll be properly protected." 

"What makes you think that?" Gray asked

"If I may answer in Master Jason's stead," Felicity spoke up, "The Nemesis's defenses are top of the line; magical barriers, anti-air defenses, and many more. Not only that, it has several thousands of miles of range on its radar and can detect any incoming hostiles that would be locked on by its artillery." 

I looked at Gray, "There you go." I said, "Mavis stays here." 

"It's fine, guys." Mavis said, "The ship also has communication so we can keep in touch." 

"Fine, it's settled." Makarov said, "The first stays here. I can trust Jason." 

I nodded, "Yea." I said, "You can." 

Gray sighed, "Alright then." He said, "I don't have an issue with that." 

I looked at Mavis, "Okay then." I said, "You and the old man can discuss how you wanna mobilize your people." 

She nodded, "Yes." She said, "What would you do?" 

I walked past her, 

"Ima check on the kid." 

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