
Chapter 60: Rescue Mission Part 3.

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(Billy's P.O.V)

My speed could be summed up as simply, astonishing.

Now that I didn't have to worry about depleting my psionic reserves, nothing could stop me.

I didn't pass through clouds, I obliterated them from my path. The drag didn't slow me down either.

The shroud of powerful psionic energy around me pierced through the air, negating friction and allowing me to push even faster. My speed jumped from subsonic to several times the speed of sound.

This happened just as I left the mountain ranges, passing over Nepal, northern India, parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan in under a second.

It was all about taking the most direct path.

The wounds sustained by the planet only got harder to ignore as I came upon the more densely populated areas.

Europe passed below me in a blur of grid like desolate farms, burning woods and smoldering towns and cities.

But the true devastation was revealed just as I flew over France, Paris was nothing but smoke and torn apart buildings.

Ultron had been super busy, it seems.

The Eiffel tower was half bent, shredded metal and the smog was only getting thicker, causing me to fly up higher.

I reached the Atlantic Ocean and the waters below were dark and unwelcoming. Massive Tsunamis rocked the coastal regions of Europe as I left them behind.

North America was just up ahead. I poured more psionic energy into my flight speed.

Even going as far as pulling out the Trident of Neptune to tap into the magic within me.

Apparently, I had magical reserves now. A separate pool from the Mystical might of the trident. The only caveat, was I still needed the Trident to use that magic.

I didn't have a way to control it otherwise and learning it was going to take time.

Magic wasn't the only thing I held within me. There was something else. Something a bit more volatile. A different energy, one that felt similar to Solomon's legacy. It was red where Psionic energy was blue.

The second legacy.

The strength of Hercules.

I could feel it in my muscles. A wild rampaging storm that sought an outlet. And it was only growing stronger with every passing minute. Each breath I made filled me with immense strength.

Paired up with a body that could not feel tired...and I was an entirely new being.

But all these Powers...were getting hard to keep track of.

I wonder...

There was still a few seconds left before I arrived in New York. Those few seconds could be useful.

I could work on a few things. Arrange my cluttered house, so to speak.

In this context, the house was all the abilities I currently had access to. Whether it was my psionic skills, magic or the Legacies.

With my new Psionic Energy, I could perform a skill I had been working on, ever since I first tapped into Psionic Energy.

It was based upon my ability to read someone's magnetic field and extract information from it.

The skill let me read someone's age, race and power level. The question is, what if I turned the ability onto myself?

I closed my eyes.


I yelled in my mind, using my Psionic energy to map out my body, it's composition and make, then that information was presented in my mind via a text box format.

It used the mechanics of the Shazam System.

And boy was there a lot.

It was a jumbled mess of information that I had to untangle. Not a big problem for me. Along with getting an increase in my reserves, my control had been elevated to the same level.

Once I begun untangling the results of the scan however, I was stunned.

"This... can't be real."


(Race: Metahuman/Klyntar/Demon/???.)

(Power: Superhuman (98% to ???)

(Age: 2 weeks (17(28) years old)



S)- Solomon's Wisdom:- Grants access to Psionic Energy and magic. Abilities include:-



-Quantum Prognosis.


-Magnetic Field Scanning.

H)- Hercules' Strength:- Grants access to Divine Strength and Durability. Abilities Include:-

-Super strength.

-Super durability

-Berserker Rage.

A)- Atlas' Stamina (Locked)

Z)- Zeus' Power (Locked)

A)- Achilles' Courage (Locked)

M)- Mercury's Speed (Locked)


Magical Abilities:-

Dream body.


Special Abilities:-

-Hammer Space.

-Fatigue Negation.


Racial Abilities:-



Apparently I was now a Mutant, Klyntar and Demon hybrid. Oh, there was also an unknown bloodline that my abilities could not decipher.

This body...

Was it even mine?

I mean, it obviously wasn't. Not just because of the new abilities and race change.

What I meant was, had I possessed someone like I had with Billy's Body?

The other concern was the volatility of combining mutant, Klyntar and Demon d.n.a. What madman came up with that idea?

Was I in danger of losing control and going on a rampage? More importantly, how could I take advantage of it.

The racial abilities tab on the Display Box was empty.

Meaning I had to discover what my new body could do manually. It wouldn't be easy.

But I was already looking forward to pushing my limits. Infact, I had the perfect way to test out a few abilities.

Little more than 20 miles away off the New York Coast, I stopped in midair.

My TK aura pulsed around me, making my body glow with a blue outline.

"If I remember correctly, a Klyntar can shift their shape and body composition."

I muttered to myself, staring down at my body.

That particular ability is what allowed them to create weapons like sharp spikes, large teeth and also regenerate.

"I wonder if I can do the same to change my clothes. Can't exactly leap into action without a mask..."

The simple rough tunic I wore, while surprisingly comfortable, wasn't going to work with the whole heroics thing.

My focus turned inward. A slow breath escaped me as I searched for anything. A feeling or an itch or a muscle I could flex.

And there, just at the edge of my subconscious, was a metaphorical switch. I pressed on it and immediately a new awareness of my body bombarded my mind.

I could sense myself in ways I hadn't before.

My hand shifted into a gooey black mess with a white web like pattern.


The feeling was strange. I could still feel my arm but the sensation was muted.

Controlling it was a matter of simply willing it. I didn't face any difficulties there like I had initially thought.

Okay, next step.

I willed for my body to shift into a partial state. Meaning while my skin shifted into a symbiote state, my inner flesh, blood, organs and bones stayed human.

I opened my eyes and stared at my hands and chest.

A black and red costume, with a white lightning symbol imprinted on the chest, met my gaze.

My suit.

I inspected myself. The change was seamless. The fabric? I rubbed it between my fingers.

The texture and feel was indistinguishable from my previous suit.


I did it.

A smirk lit up my face as I oriented my body to face New York. The half cloak on my shoulder rippled in the air.

Let's go save Peter. I can explore my new abilities later.

Leaving behind a massive sonic boom, my form blurred as I crossed 20 miles in under a second.

The long stretch of the ocean was suddenly replaced by a concrete jungle. Or rather a concrete wasteland.

This New York was very different from the one I was used to. The empire state building... nowhere to be found.

Tony Stark's iconic Skyscraper... nothing.

Just half buildings. Some still burning but with no normal fire. The flame was green. Maybe an indication of the unsafe gases around the irradiated landscape.

And those were the buildings closer to me. Further in and the smog covering the place shielded the city's skyline from view.

I couldn't believe it. If only I'd managed to warn the Avengers before any of this happened.


I muttered to myself, hands closed into fists.

Dark clouds rumbled with lightning above me, a flash of light illuminating a shadow above.

I looked up,

It wasn't a shadow. It was three shadows.

Pairs of red light cut through the smog. And in my psionic field, I felt the entry of a trio of powerful beings.

"Are those..."

I started.

Only to be blindsided by a laser beam striking my active defensive sphere. It blew right through and the heat bombarded my Telekinetic Aura field, the last line of defense.

I swept down onto the ground, evading the trajectory of the laser beam.

It's heat scorched my back as it trailed after me. What was I being attacked by?

Seeing no other option but to close in, I created a rotating Psionic Barrier to my front. The laser beam landed on the barrier with a heavy bang. The barrier held true and the laser was immediately split apart.

I flew in, approaching the enemies position. Through the transparent surface of the shield, I caught sight of what I was fighting.

"Fucking Sentinels? Are you kidding me Ultron!!? How the fuck could anyone let you get that far?!!"

I yelled in both frustration and anger, dodging more blasts of lasers and energy weapons from the other two Sentinels in the trio.


"""Unknown Beyond Omega Level Entity."""

"""Risk to Unit: Catastrophic!!!"""

""Response: Fight To The End.""

The Sentinels loudly blared out in mechanized voices.

I pulled back my fist, channeling Hercules' strength through it. The hand enlarged, muscles bigger than my head manifesting above me.

'How did Hercules do it again?'

'Oh yeah, he focused all his energy into one point of attack. That means...the Sentinel on the Center. The chest, right in the middle of it's torso. It needs to be a clean shot. I can't miss it.'

I punched out, mere feet away from colliding with the robotic entities as they swooped down towards me, in their formation.

The Sentinel's head disappeared.

I used that brief disruption in their network link, to pull the trident out of my Hammer space and plunge it through the torso of the Sentinel on the left.

Lightning flashed above us.

The shadow of the last Sentinel manifesting ominously over my head, it's hand breaking down and reforming into sharp metallic claws that pulsed with a purple color.

Inches away from the claw stabbing through my back,

The Trident of Trident flew into my hand in a timely manner. A pulse of power rippled out from my contact with the regal weapon.

Magical energy and something else exploded out.

'Divine energy.'

Solomon's Wisdom informed me.

Really? How curious.

There wasn't time to think about the implications. I raised the Trident up high.

"And now...Thunder God Blast!!"

With my roar, a massive Lightning bolt descending from the heavens, impacting the Sentinel.

Billions of vaults washed down it's form, melting the purple metal that could only be Vibranium into clumps of liquid slag which fell to the ground.

I've just defeated 3 Sentinels alone.

What the hell.

Even stranger...my new body sang with conviction. It was my right to dominate. To conquer. And no one was going to step in my way.

I turned around to face the mainland. The cloak on my shoulder flapped as I flew through the wrecked City.

My Telepathy was stretched to the limit and then some. It was the fastest way to find Spidey. It covered the entirety of New York. Even nooks and crannies were highlighted.

Anyway sentient life could be found.

But while the surface level of the city contained rubble and small pockets of life, the underground was a totally different thing.

The underground tunnels of New York, had been turned into an entire interconnected system of refugee camps.

Space warping tech and complex filtration systems supported the life within. Or at least that was what I read from the memories of some of the scientists there.

Turns out S.H.I.E.L.D has always been ready for anything.

This was plan...A.5: Doom Scenario.

In case the threat was too fast to counterattack, Shield would be tasked to enact the Doom Scenario. Humanity would be mass teleported into pockets of dimension built deep under the surface of the planet.

These pocket dimensions would be spread about across the entire planet in an interconnected array system.

Not only to keep from becoming a giant target, it ensured if one Pocket was destroyed...another would live on.

Meanwhile the Avengers or those who could, would face the threat and hopefully save the world. The Doom Scenario was basically humanity giving the heroes free reign to fight.

There was only one problem with that...

"The Avengers...are dead?"

I muttered to myself in disbelief.

I mean...all of them? Not even one of them was left alive?!

No... I need to focus on Peter. He needed me. The mission descriptions had never once lied. I poured my focus into the Telepathic field.


And he's in trouble.

A sonic boom was left behind as I cut through the air, headed towards Peter's location, my mind a maelstrom of thought.

Chapitre suivant