

The water of the Hot Springs bubbled beneath them and the bursting of the forming bubbles as well as the light sounds the steam made were the only things to break up the silence that descended.

Evian smiled as though patiently waiting for the Baroness to start up conversations and she did.

"For how long have you known?" she asked as her lips split into an even wider smile.

Evian raised a brow,

"Oh? You're admitting so quickly?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Karenssa asked, waving him off before swimming closer, "I ~wanted~ you to find out, after all? I thought I gave you enough clues..."

"Clues?" Evan asked, with no knowledge of such.

"Of course. They were subtle but they were there and then I told you how long Angus and I had been married; Two Months..."

"As long as Kalkao has been getting attacked," Evian said with a nod.

"Exactly. I thought that was as good as just coming out with a confession but I had to risk it.

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