
“Future plans”

Many unfortunate events happen in this world. It will be 20 years before Luffy sails to the sea, at that time Robin will be 28 years old, and after the timeskip, he will be 30.

He never thought it would help him so much to know Robin's age, especially to know how to place himself in history.

The events in which Luffy interferes and frees a town or kingdom from the tyranny of pirates he discarded since that was too far away.

*That's it!* thought Yamamoto remembering two very important events, where he could make a lot of profit if he acted correctly.

The first event he was planning to interfere in was the one with Tom, the best carpenter in the world and Franky's teacher. Tom was very famous, and thanks to memories and his memory about manga he could remember him.

Two years ago Tom was put on trial for building Gold Roger's ship, the Jackson Gold. The World Government gave him 10 years to complete a sea train so he could be exonerated of the crime.

Yamamoto knew this was not going to end well, the sea train was finished, and even Luffy would use it in the future. That means Tom accomplished his task, but he was still killed, he doesn't remember the exact details.

What he has to do is save Tom and get Tom to join him. With the best carpenter as his subordinate, his country can have great growth. Yamamoto gets excited just imagining having a sea train running throughout the Soul Society.

In addition, Tom had trusted subordinates like Franky, who if I remember correctly in this event is that he loses many parts of his human body and ends up becoming a cyborg.

*There are still 8 years to go before I finish building the sea train I have time to plan...* thought Yamamoto.

Getting a guy like Tom to follow him, considered the best carpenter in the world, will be difficult. The best thing would be to save him and his subordinates from the hands of the World Government, at the last moment to earn their gratitude.

Then when he proposes to join him in building a country where there is no corruption, it will be much more tempting. Even as the best carpenter in the world, he can have voting power in congress.

The other event had to do with Fisher Tiger, a gyojin who was enslaved by the World Nobles and who managed the miraculous feat of escaping from Mary Geoise, then would return to free all the slaves.

Yamamoto recalls that Hancock and her sisters are in the group of freed slaves.

*Hancock is a candidate who can fill the position of captain, even in the future she will possess the conqueror's haki...* thought Yamamoto,

After freeing all the slaves Fisher Tiger would die soon after, by a marine attack.

If Yamamoto interferes in this event, he will be able to make a big profit. For one thing, if he wins the respect of Hancock and Fisher Tiger, he can get two qualified people for the position of division captain.

Not only that, all the freed slaves of Mary Geoise will be in a very dangerous situation as they have the mark of the World Noble, so it is very feasible for them to agree to follow him and live in his country.

This way he will get a lot of new followers and also powerful people. In addition, Fisher Tiger has the Pirates of the Sun, where one of its members is Jinbe, who alone has great strength.

As for Hancock, her two sisters also have a good level of strength. And Hancock in the future would be the empress of his island, how many women are there on that island?

If Hancock follows him, all those people will also take him as a leader. That way he will get hundreds of followers.

*The problem is that I don't know when Fisher Tiger escapes from Mary Geoise...* Yamamoto thought with a frown.

In the memories of the original soul of this body, there is no record of the event of Fisher Tiger freeing Mary Geoise's slaves, so it hasn't happened yet.

Yamamoto decided that he should prepare for these two events, the first thing was to find information. The first thing he did was to meet Ivankov and ask him to find information about Fisher Tiger and Tom.

Ivankov happily agreed and boasted that he would get information in just 10 days, he also did not ask the reasons why Yamamoto wanted to know this. Ivankov thought Yamamoto wanted to recruit people for the Revolutionary Army leader competition he was having with Dragon.

Yamamoto decided not to leave the island too much, he first wanted the waters to calm down a bit after he assassinated a World Noble. Despite being able to use a barrier on his ship, his method was not foolproof and there were a lot of navy ships roaming all over the West Blue.

Dragon, Kuma, and Ivankov made a couple of trips as their faces were not as well known as Yamamoto's and they had their methods to go unnoticed.

Dragon told Yamamoto that he would now focus first on finding strong people for the Division Captain position. He knew that it was still useless to try to go against the World Government if the Revolutionary Army had too few members.

In these 10 days he spent waiting for Ivankov to give him the information he asked for, he kept up his training. He also continued to train Robin and Apis who, as he had not trained with them for several days, were much more insistent.

He also began to train Tesoro personally, especially in the Spiritual Power by giving him the same exercises that he, Robin, and Olvia had trained.

Tesoro was patient and showed great talent in Spiritual Power, not as much as him, but he knew he could reach in 2 years the level of division captain. His physical training he left in the hands of Saul, who was no better than a giant former vice admiral of the marine.

Yosano adapted very quickly to life on Warship Island, she sometimes asked Yamamoto to accompany her to the forest and help her hunt wild beasts so that she could experiment with her devil fruit ability.

At night Yamamoto heard strange animal screeches coming from Yosano's room, but he preferred not to ask.

Yamamoto agreed as he did not want to lose the respect of his first fan, plus his skill would be very useful for the country and the Revolutionary Army.

A day before Ivankov delivered the information to him, Lego, Ralph, and the other ex-Marines knocked on the door of his house. They were here to tell Yamamoto the decision they made.

"Mr. Yamamoto, we have already made the decision" said Lego who was sitting in a chair, in the dining room of Yamamoto's house.

"Okay, tell me. If you want to go back to your hometown, we will plan a trip as soon as possible" said Yamamoto while sipping tea quietly.

"We'll stay" Lego said with determination, Ralph and the others nodded.

Yamamoto was surprised by this decision, but inwardly he smiled contentedly, *What a relief... it would be very painful to lose 70 merit points... I mean 7 loyal people* thought Yamamoto.

"Why? Don't you want to see your families again?" asked Yamamoto.

"In my case yes, I miss my wife and my son very much..." replied Lego sadly.

"But going back is very dangerous, our home is next to a marine base, they will know right away when we return. And they may suspect us" Lego added.

*It's true... even some marines must have seen Lego's face in the Kingdom of Ilisia, although I don't know if Ivankov killed them or not. If they come back they will put their families at risk* thought Yamamoto agreeing with Lego.

"Since they will stay here, we will start building houses, they can't keep living on a ship" said Yamamoto.

Lego, Ralph, and the others looked at Yamamoto gratefully, although Yamamoto already planned to build a lot of houses, since if he wanted to create a country he must expand the village.

"Speaking of that topic, we have a request" said Lego somewhat nervously.

"Oh what is it?" asked Yamamoto curious.

"We have heard from Clover that they have created a country called Soul Society, right?" asked Lego.

"Yes, it's true" replied Yamamoto, it wasn't something he wanted to hide.

"I thought about it for several days and in my case, I wanted to ask you if I can bring my family to live here" asked Lego.

"Me too" said Ralph.

"My case is the same" said another man, all the ex-Marines wanted the same thing.

Yamamoto did not expect this outcome, but it was very convenient for him, even if he had to plan the whole trip to transport people, he could get a few dozen people to follow him.

"It's okay, after all, a country needs people to conform to it" replied Yamamoto.

"Thank you!" said Lego and the others.

"Don't thank me yet, before your arrival we need to prepare some things. First of all, we need housing, once it is finished we can plan the transportation" said Yamamoto.

"That's right, we will immediately start building the houses" Lego said decisively.

"Do you have the skills to build a house from scratch? It's not the same as repairing a house in poor condition like they did before" asked Yamamoto.

"No problem, before I joined the marine I worked in a carpentry company with my father" said an ex-marine with a confident smile.

"Good, then it's settled" said Yamamoto with a slight smile.

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