
Clash 2

As some collapsing debris could still be heard in the backround, Takashi nodded.

Fujin's grin widened as he continued to toy with Takashi's curiosity. "Well then, allow me to enlighten you. My Cursed Technique is called 'Tempest Metamorphosis'. Like the name suggests, I can manipulate wind.

However, it's true power lies in its ability to change my forms and... become stronger with each change."

Curiosity piqued, Takashi inquired, "How many forms do you possess? And is your current form the most powerful?"

"Hehe~, you're eager, aren't you? Well, that's my little secret," Fujin teased.

Processing the information, Takashi's thoughts raced. 'Seems like he has at least one more transformation. I'll have to keep that in mind during the fight.'

Without hesitation, Takashi extended his arms, conjuring a torrent of cursed flames that took shape as a blazing sword. While not as mighty as Playful Cloud, this temporary weapon would suffice.

Equipped with the flamesword, Takashi's focus sharpened. His amber eyes locked onto Fujin, and he grinned cockily.

"Shall we continue then?"

As collapsing debris echoed in the background, Takashi charged forward, every step of his causing further destruction. He rushed head-on towards Fujin, his flamesword held high and ready to strike.

Fujin's cold smile remained, his eyes tracking Takashi's advance. "Ah, you're quite bold," he remarked, his voice amused as he readied himself.

Takashi's response was action, not words. With a swift and calculated motion, he swung the flamesword towards Fujin's position.

However, Fujin proved his prowess. He summoned a translucent shield of wind, effortlessly deflecting the fiery strike. The flames collided against the shield, harmlessly dissipating.

Takashi's lips curled into a grin as he feigned an overhead attack with the flamesword, then shifted his stance to direct the attack toward Fujin's side.

Fujin's response was fast. He sidestepped the strike with agility that belied his human form, his movements fluid and controlled. As the flamesword traveled through the air, it left behind a trail of scorching heat.

While Fujin evaded the attack, Takashi closed the distance between them in an instant. With a surge of cursed energy, he unleashed a burst of flames from his free hand, aiming to engulf Fujin in a fiery explosion.

However, Fujin was once again prepared. With a flick of his wrist, he manipulated the winds around him to create a barrier of swirling currents that deflected the flames away from him. The flames dispersed harmlessly, leaving Takashi momentarily exposed.

Seizing the opportunity, Fujin lunged forward, his hand extended towards Takashi's chest. A gust of wind erupted from his palm, carrying an intense force that slammed into Takashi's body and sent him bolt backward.

As he crashed against a charred wall, Takashi's vision momentarily blurred. He quickly regained his bearings, pushing off the wall with a grunt.


With a shift of his cursed energy, he changed the flamesword into a whip. The flames coiled around his hand, the burning lashes crackling with raw power.

As Fujin closed in, Takashi swung the fire whip in a wide arc, creating a barrier that deflected Fujin's incoming wind attack.

Takashi's next move was a surprise to Fujin. He extended the fire whip towards the ground, causing it to snake along the floor. The flames sliced a scorching path, cutting through debris and obstacles in its path.

Fujin's eyes widened as he realized Takashi's intention. Before he could react, the fire whip curled around his ankle, the intense heat searing through his form. With a swift yank, Takashi pulled Fujin off balance, sending him crashing to the ground.

With the sound of Fujin crashing onto the ground, Takashi closed the distance between them once again, his whip morphing into a sword. Takashi slashed down at Fujin, however, as the sword descended, the blade of the sword passed through Fujin's body, leaving Takashi to slice nothing but the air.

'Tch, this again?'

Takashi's eyes widened in surprise as his attack missed its mark, his momentum carrying him forward. He quickly twisted his body mid-air, his movements fast, as he landed on his feet a short distance away from Fujin.

Fujin's laughter echoed through the air as he rose to his feet, his form solidifying once again. "Impressive, but you'll have to do better than that to catch me off guard."


Please give me power stones. 🙏