
See little girl

William opened his eyes, wide open, shocked almost in disbelief. Because the karmic eye just forcibly gave William a vision of cause and effect.

Karma's eye shows what will happen later in the future. Because just now William finished off the three unfriendly guests.

"Eh? Could this possibly be what's going to happen?" he asked.

"Looks like I have to study this special eye more, in the description of this skill it feels confusing."

William explained, "During the vision just now. I saw myself surrounded by some people using something called magic."

"And that time I almost died, because they found my weakness. That is the little girl."

"For when that happened, I still don't know. What is clear, it will definitely happen to me later."

Then again William held his breath longer this time.

"Magic huh? Looks like I still have a lot to learn. More about this world."

After saying that, William reached into the pockets of the three of them. William got their money and the bullets, of course he took both butcher knives too.

William then stood up and while walking closed his eyes he deactivated The Eye Of Karma.

"Nice first try, but what did I get on the assignment? I hope it's good enough!"

"System, show me what I got from the task."


[Congratulations to Host completing the task!]

[Giving a rating, please wait!]


> Task 1 : Don't disturb my daughter.

Because what you did was very reckless.

You get 2500 karma points.

> Task 2 : Don't try to touch him

Because what you did was very reckless.

You get 2500 karma Points.


William while walking he saw the task completion notification window, William walked towards the room with the little girl.

"Very, reckless?"

"Isn't duty told to do anything?"

"Could it be, system task ordered for an assassin like me to complete by talking?"

"I won't do it, understand?"

After commenting, William stood speechless. Remembering the cause and effect information he did.

Then the corner of his mouth lifted William smiled at the thought said "It's definitely going to be very dangerous later."

Then William took a deep breath.

"I think I have to go soon with the little girl. And also Theo, I'm sorry to have to leave you."

Theo is the real name of the man William beheaded earlier. William still wants to keep the head, as a collection.

It didn't take long for William to reach the room where the little girl was.

In the corner of the room, a white cloth was seen lifted, behind the cloth the little girl was curled up in a blanket.

William smiled, then chuckled because he saw the little girl's innocent behavior. After that William walked up to him.

When they got there, William crouched down in front of the girl hiding behind the white sheet.

This white cloth was actually used as a cover for the mirror that was sent earlier. Now the little girl made a hiding place.

"Haha, you think it will be safe?"

Upon hearing William's voice, the white cloth lifted slightly. the appearance of the little girl's face, she poked her head out from its hiding place.

As soon as she saw William, his body and heart trembled in fear. She saw William coming covered in blood.

William immediately placed his hand on the little girl's head and said. "Silly girl, you stole something from the wrong person."

After William's hand suddenly touched his head, his heart and body stopped trembling. Even though William looked terrible, she was somehow not afraid.

The little girl looked at William as if she wanted to say something. William closed his eyes then opened them again.

The pupils become purple diamonds that glow in the dark. In the center is a galaxy ring with red and blue colors.

Instantly a gray film of another form of cause and effect appeared in William's head. Finally understood what the little girl meant, from what was seen in the gray film.

"Don't worry little girl, I've taken care of everything for them."

William calmed the little girl down then said, "However. not for long, little girl come with me, we'll be fine hiding somewhere else."

Then William stretched out his hand, the girl saw William's hand covered in blood. The little girl felt uncomfortable seeing him.

However, after a while the little girl worked up the courage to take William's hand.

William smiled warmly at her.

"That's right, by the way do you have a name or a nickname?" he asked.

The little girl shook her head. without activating Karma Eye William knew the little girl didn't have a name.

"Is that so? You don't have a name, or nickname?"


[You have triggered a temporary task.]

[System hopes you complete the task!]

Suddenly a blue holographic screen appeared in front of him again.


Assignment: I give this name

A good father will give his sons and daughters a good name, so that in the future he will be called by the name his parents gave him.

Duration : 1 hour.

Rewards: Based on what is done.

Failed/Denial: Brainwaves.


Seeing the notification, William felt annoyed and then said, "Just finished the task, and now again?"

"In this assignment, I have to give a name? what should I give?"

"Should it be Pupy, Doggy, Doggo, Lulu, Kitty or something?"

William angrily clicked his tongue saying in annoyance. "Damn you system, giving other people a name for a killer like me?"

"The more you come here, the more annoying it is!"

Having no other choice William racked his brains, thinking of a good name. If not, there is a possibility that the system will punish him. William also uses the Karma Eye to see cause and effect.


After thinking for 20 minutes, he finally came up with a suitable name. Of course this name guaranteed William's safety from system punishment.

"Okay, now I've decided. I'll give you the name Ariel."

And William said again, "Ariel Taller."

Hearing that William had given a name to himself, the little girl shed tears of joy and emotion

"Ariel, why are you crying?" he asked.

Then William bent down, after that wiped Ariel's tears, with the finger of his right hand which was still covered in blood.

William tasted a drop of Ariel's tear that became mixed, with blood on his hands.

William nodded, "It tastes salty and bitter like iron. Interesting!"

Then William saw Ariel still crying, suddenly a mischievous idea popped into his mind.

"Come on Ariel, don't cry, or later I'll take your eyes. How?"

Hearing William's words, which sounded cruel, Ariel got goosebumps, suddenly stopping her crying. And Ariel started walking backwards slowly, with a wary look.

"Haha, are you scared? Come on don't be like that, I'm just kidding."

Then said, "So you accept the name I gave you Ariel?"

Ariel nodded her head, she understood William's words. Gladly accepted the name. Now officially the little girl has the name Ariel Teller.

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