
Yahard Tusk’s Condition

Kalahatra Border!


It was the name given to the wall spanning the border of the Kalahatra Desert. Spanning a height of two kilometres and a breadth of 10 kilometres was this behemoth. With the Transcendent Eater's roots stabilised and turned into natural vegetation, and covered by ivory resembling an Empyrean Tusk's exoskeleton, it was a wall capable of recovering from all sorts of damage.


The Wood Vipers and Bone Vipers living within it in large numbers sought to maintain the Kalahatra Border, for it was their home. They had the territorial nature of Mud Vipers and hence were extremely protective of the wall.


Of course, that was only for its interior. They didn't care if someone were to cross it from the surface, which worked in the favour of the large groups of cultivators gathering up it, gearing up for war. They had various reasons for arriving here, depending on what they had been informed with and promised.


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