
Will You Accept Me?

Despite being quite annoyed with Chris, Elsa concealed her irritation, especially in the presence of their guests, who included werewolves from wealthy families in Arcanis known for their trade with Zemaria. She scanned the line of people greeting them repeatedly, but she never spotted Chris.

A wealthy werewolf merchant extended his stay, presenting Elsa with various uncut gemstones that could be fashioned into jewelry or whatever she preferred. He expounded on the symbolic significance of each gem, captivating the King, the Queen, and Elsa.

Presenting another small box, he revealed, "Inside this box, you'll find gemstones unique to Arcanis, exceptionally rare. Choose the diamond that appeals to you, Princess Elsa; it's your special day, and you deserve the finest."

Elsa marveled at the array of uncut diamonds. "I never realized diamonds came in so many colors," she remarked as she examined each one closely.

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