
The Bastards Appeared

A huge, muscular man seeping with anger welcomed us as soon as we arrived in Slavir's village.

He was tall, and his body was filled with metaphorical tattoos that somehow looked badass to me.

His eyes were sharp, and his strong, thick brows were bumping against each other. He had blonde braided hair, making me wonder if he was somehow a stylish Jamaican.

Behind him were people—humans, to be exact. I expected a village filled with different races, but I guess that wasn't the case here. Looking at the surroundings, it seemed like a pretty normal village to me.

Wooden houses everywhere, with tall posts placed in specific spots for a good view over the surroundings. And its people were all normal-looking to me; I wonder why they were named Slavirs, a revolutionist. Looking at their situation, it doesn't seem to me that they'd start a revolution against the kingdom.

Cheap clothes, worn-out cloaks, and even their atmosphere don't resemble those of a revolutionist. They all look like normal villagers in my eyes.

"What is the meaning of this?" The huge, braided man uttered angrily, staring intently at the three girls that brought us here.

"Um, Chief... We..." Miya stuttered, unable to explain why she had brought outsiders to their village.

The two went silent, staying behind Miya, who was the more mature one than them.

I guess this is why Miya was so hell-bent on not letting me come; the two seemed childish, and of course Miya would be blamed.

I should step in." I mumbled in my head while the Chief scolded the three.

"Greetings Chief, I am Heinz Kruger." I said, lowering my head a bit and firmly standing dignified.

The chief looked at me from top to toe and went silent, walking in my direction.

"I mean no harm; I was the one that insisted on bringing me here since I didn't have anywhere to go." I said, calmly trying to spout some made-up excuses.

The chief instantly grabbed my neck and yelled. "You dare lie to me?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked.

Fenil instantly displayed a fighting stance as soon as the chief grabbed me by the neck.

"You can't lie to me." the chief uttered, staring intently into my eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault! Please punish me, Chief!" Miya yelled, bowing and lowering her head as she trembled.

"The chief has the ability to check one's mind to see if they are lying or not." Mara said, holding Tia's cloak.

"He also has the ability to see your inner self, intentions, and worries." said Tia.

An ability to check if one is lying and is able to detect their intentions and worries—what a strange ability." I mumbled in my head.

[It seems that Slavirs are rare types of species born from mankind.]

What do you mean?"

But just as I asked, the chief pushed me down and made me stumble.

"Please leave." the chief said, turning his back.

"And you three, go inside the hall; you have some explaining to do." he said, glancing over Miya, Tia, and Mara, who gulped in silence.

"I guess we'll be leaving immediately." I said, wiping off the dust on my clothes.

"Master, we can rest at my territory. It might not be much since I don't use any furniture like humans do, but I can ensure your safety." Fenil said, proposing to me that I should rest in her territory.

Her eyes gleamed brightly after I nodded, and she immediately smiled.

"Let's go; I will lead the way." Fenil said, walking a few steps ahead of me.

I glanced at the village one last time while the people still stared at us with suspicion.

But Grand, what did you mean about what you said earlier?" I asked through thought communication.

[It might be a hypothesis, but based on my analysis of the stories of the slavirs and humans we met back then, I think that slavirs possess a different type of magic.]

You think so?"

[Yes, their situation doesn't suit the human's story, as if they were forced to portray the slavirs as bad guys.]

[Leaving me to think that they might possess an ability that mankind is afraid of.]

I think so too, especially when the chief had a strange ability."

[Yes, even I, born into the system, don't know about such abilities.]

You also don't know about it. Well, our intuition might be correct this time. If the kingdom is spreading rumors about the Slavirs being revolutionists and framing them as bad guys, There must be some hidden story behind it."

[Exactly, based on the slavir's story, they are being treated as slaves.]

[There is a possibility that humans are trying to lock them up in order not to grow and become knowledgeable about their abilities.]

You might have a point there. If only that guy was nice, we could've learned more about them." I said through thought communication.

And just as we were about to leave the village's barrier, Fenil hissed as if she were startled.

"What's wrong, Fenil?" I asked.

Just then, Arthur and the others were standing before us, riding their horses.

"Huh? Did they just appear out of nowhere?" A templar knight uttered.

"It's him! The one I'm talking about!" Arthur yelled, pointing at me.

What is he talking about?" I wondered, looking at Arthur.

The templar knights, without spouting anything, instantly unsheathed their swords and jumped towards me.

I was surprised by their sudden action and immediately jumped back alongside Fenil, who was furious to see them.

"Fireball!" said Rosalie, and she blasted a fireball towards me, leaving me no opportunity to think about what was going on. But one thing was sure: they were hell bent on killing me.

After dodging the fireball, several templar knights came rushing towards us, involving Fenil in this sudden battle. I immediately summoned my morph gun, transformed it into a rifle, and jumped above.

Just as I was about to take aim, Tate appeared before me and threw some projectiles to delay my movement.

"Don't let him use that thing!" Arthur yelled, running towards me alongside Lucas, who carried a sword.

"Fireball!" Rosalie uttered loudly, casting a fireball that was aimed towards me.

After blocking the projectiles that were thrown at me, I landed and dodged the fireball, only to face Lucas and Arthur, who were about to swing their swords at me.

I blocked their attacks with my rifle, deflected them, and took a few steps back. After widening our gap, a sudden attack came behind me. It was a templar knight trying to slice off my body, but my reflexes were still too heightened, making me able to dodge it perfectly.

I held my rifle and aimed it at the templar knight, and after clicking the trigger, the templar knight's head disappeared. Leaving only blood to shower all over the place.

"What is that?" Another templar knight muttered in shock.

"Don't let him shoot that thing!" Arthur yelled and instantly appeared behind me while Tate and Lucas were above and in front of me. Surrounding me from all directions, Rosalie released another fireball that was already incoming, and three more templar knights rushed in my way, closing all of the directions I might escape.

I firmly stood my ground as they all came at once, and after their combined attacks, an explosion occurred, releasing a mist of dust as the ground cracked decisively.

"Master!" Fenil yelled, and she managed to block the templar knight's sudden attack with her long claws.

"Don't get distracted, missy!" The templar knight uttered and grinned devilishly.

"Did we hit him?" asked Lucas.

"Yes, I felt my sword strike that bastard's flesh." Arthur replied.

"We did it! We beat the demon!" Rin said, wearing a smile on her face.

"A demon? You say?" I muttered, leaving them to flinch and glance in all directions.

I stood before them in the exact same spot, leaving them in shock after they witnessed that I was unscathed.

"Impossible." Tate mumbled.

"Attack him again, guys!" Arthur yelled and attacked me once more while the others followed.

But after the mist cleared up again, I was still standing unscathed.

"What is going on?" Lucas muttered, staring at me in fear.

"What is going on, you say? Nothing, I guess, but let me remind you that these measly attacks won't work on me." I said, grinning in a way where I could inflict fear upon them.

Leaving them to tremble after realizing their joint attacks left me with neither a scar nor a scratch.

Chapter End.

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