
Gaining Information

Slavirs are a group of people from different types of races coexisting and are seen as bad guys, according to what they've said.

Their magic consists of altering one's memory, releasing dark miasma that can suffocate people to death, revolving around the Dark element, and possessing knowledge beyond the secrets of teleportation magic.

Teleportation magic seems to be a forgotten magic, as per what they've said. Well, I don't really know anything about it since I just got here anyway.

With that, Slavir's magic topic ended.

But despite our smooth conversation ending, their expressions tell me that they were still in total conflict. As expected, my appearance doesn't look trustworthy to them.

Still, I can't tell them that I'm from another world and somehow got transported into this world without my consent. I'd highly doubt they would believe me If I were to tell them that." I mumbled in my head, pondering a way to make them feel a bit relaxed since they look overly cautious towards me.

"Um, may I ask about something, sir?" said Arthur, who raised his hand like a student.

"Yes, sure, go ahead." I said.

"Why do your eyes look like that? I've never heard of a race having human features with terrifying eyes like that. Even demons have unusual eyes, but yours is much more horrifying compared to theirs." he said in a manner that he spouted continuously as if he were forced to read a bible book that he doesn't have an interest in.

I see; my eyes really attract people in a horrifying way." I thought and replied.

"As you can see, I also don't know."

Their expressions stiffened after hearing my response, and Rosalie, who was knowledgeable of the other races, started explaining the other races detailed features.

Humans, Since you may already know, I should just skip it.

Rosalie told me about the mankind race, comprised of humans, elves, dark elves, dwarves, and demi-humans, which were, in fact, beast people.

In the games I've played, elves were known to be nature-loving. But as Rosalie continued talking, my perspective on the elves changed.

They were known as a prideful race, for they possess a beauty to which no other race can compare.

With their extravagant white skin, slender bodies, and outstanding facial features, along with sharp, pointy ears that stood out, they were known throughout the kingdoms as the most beautiful race that ever existed. Well, it isn't an exaggeration since the elves I knew from the games were similar to what she had explained, but being prideful beings that look down on humans wasn't a part of it.

Rosalie said that elves tend to glare at humans they encounter, and since humans were awfully attracted to their astonishing beauty, they despised it.

And from her story, I concluded that Humans and Elves weren't really in a good relationship.

Next were the Dark elves. They were the same as the elves, but they have dark skins instead of white ones, and they are known to be more secretive than those prideful elves. They live in a hidden place that not even the elves know about, but some of them are spotted in different places, purchasing goods. The fact that they treat humans fairly, unlike the elves, was a good sign for me.

The Dwarves were a race that was known for their outstanding craftsmanship. They have growth similar to humans, but their bodies are more muscular than the average trained body.

They have good relations with humans since they don't care about anything other than their craftsmanship, she said.

And lastly, the Demi-humans, which were comprised of beast people.

There are tons of beast people scattered all over the kingdoms. They have human features mixed with animal features, partially.

And as for their relation to humans, Rosalie said that they were deemed lower than the other races. I guess they have bad relationships with humans.

As for Demons, they possess different types of forms, which gives them the impression that they have no standard form to be given. But the pitch-black sclera they possess and their red pupils are proof of their existence as demons.

Well, that concludes the races of this living realm, and Rosalie also mentioned that this continent's name was Asval. It's comprised of four major kingdoms, which are Alex, Trumpstein, Gathotmonva, and Capriscorn.

And we are currently inside the jurisdictions of the Kingdom of Alex. The forest of Gord, near the town of Greyhound.

Just then, Arthur intervened and asked.

"Can you somehow change your eyes in a more humane way? I don't mean to be rude. But If people see you like that, I'm sure that a ruckus would occur." said Arthur, who acted concerned about my well-being.

"Ummm..." Just as I was about to ask Grand through thought communication, she instantly replied.

[Notice: Altering your current appearance cannot be done.]

[It will only be possible after you've become a Draconian.]

[Draconian, The next evolution of Dragonoid.]

"Eh? So there are still evolutions I need to take?" I prattled through thought communication.

[Answer: Correct, once the seed in you blooms, you will be forced to enter the dragonification phase.]

"Um, Sir?" Arthur said, waving his hand in front of me, who was totally immersed in talking to Grand.

"Um, I can't." I said, trying to look flustered in front of the five people that were gathered before me.

"Let's just let it be. It's rude to ask of him from the beginning. Despite his appearance, I can see that he is a good-natured being." Rin said, interfering with what Arthur was about to say.

good-natured being?" I mumbled in my head, wondering how she could tell about it with just a glance.

[Notice: It seems Subject: Rin can somehow use magic that can determine one's true nature.]

"I guess, since she is a priestess, right?"

[Answer: Yes, and the priestess seems to be capable of doing so.]

"I see. Thanks for the info, Grand."

[You're welcome, Master.]

"But I've been meaning to ask."

[Ask away, master.]

"Can I use fire magic and create a bonfire? I've been having these thoughts of eating the flaming bull's meat since earlier." I asked, through thought communication in which I inevitably made a weird expression in front of the others. But as soon as they saw me drooling, they ignored me.

[Unfortunately, you can only use combustion-type magics even before inheriting Greyskim's heart.]

[Therefore, creating a bonfire will be no problem at all, but bear in mind that it depends on how much magic you use and how you control it.]

[Since your magic only works through the Morph Gun.]

"I see..."

After Grand's explanation, I'm sure there was no way for me to create a bonfire through my Morph Gun, which can only cause destruction.

As I flung my hand over my head, trying to erase the nonsensical thoughts, Rin tapped me while all of them were wondering what I'd been doing.

"Umm." she mumbled, looking anxious at my weird actions.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I was just thinking of something." I replied, trying to erase the embarrassing side I'd shown.

It was truly unbefitting for me, who was once a dignified soldier who led people on the battlefield with a calm and collected attitude. But after getting transported to this world, I somehow felt different and changed into what I am now. Is this what freedom means? without any concerns as to what others might think? After all, when I was a soldier, I tried to act dignified since it was necessary. I guess this is the real me after all.

"I know it's late, but you haven't told us your name yet, sir." said Arthur.

The other four nodded in agreement.

I guess I forgot to tell them." I mumbled in my head.

And so, I stood up from the ground and introduced myself to them.

"My name is Heinz Kruger, and I am currently thir---eighteen. That's all I remember." I said, acting as if the amnesia had totally made me forget about everything else.

"I see, my guess was right. You were still young despite the fact that you have unusually terrifying eyes." said Arthur, who somehow managed to compliment me and insult me at the same time.

But, well, It didn't bother me at all.

Just as the others were about to ask, a tremor occurred and shook the ground.

"What was that?" Lucas abruptly asked while observing our surroundings.

Meanwhile, Tate got up and raised his guard while holding a bunch of projectiles he grabbed from his pockets.

Arthur also stood up and pulled out his weapon from his waist, surveying the surroundings and searching for the source of the strong tremor.

Rosalie and Rin felt uneasy while looking around, and as I looked around and stared at the trees, Grand instantly reported.

[Report: A monster has been detected.]

[The monster is destroying its surroundings without consideration.]

"Is it angry or something?" I asked Grand through thought communication.

[Answer: It seems so.]

[It's located within fourteen meters in the north direction from your location.]

"I see, thanks for the report." I said, stretching my arms for a bit.

"What do you think caused the tremor?" Lucas mumbled, asking Arthur.

"I don't know, but if it shook the ground that strongly, I'm sure it was a powerful being that caused it." replied Arthur.

As they all held their guards up, I coughed and got their attention.

"I know its location; do you want to go over and check it?" I asked.

The five of them stared at me for some time and slowly nodded their heads.

Without wasting any more time, we started walking to where the monster's location was.

Chapter End.

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