
Chapter 13

Hey everyone, I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday and didn't give a heads up.... Thing's have been really hectic for me and I've been stressed therefore I might not be able to update sometimes but I'll still try to update as frequently as possible.


*Louis POV*

We step out of the cafe and i take out my phone for the first time since we got here,I see a text from Endo so I click on it...

: Hey Lou!!!where are you?

: I'm at a cafe with Jayden, I was working on my assignment

After a few seconds he replies

:oh... anyways guess what.

: I'm not brainstorming anything after 3 intense hours of research and brainstorming. So fo us both a favor and get straight to the point.

I feel a hand pull me backwards and a biker speeds right past me...I look up to see Jayden looking down at me worriedly

"I startled you didn't I?"

"Yeah you did"I said as heat rose to my face and cheeks

"You should really watch were you're going tho"he said with a sigh.

"Look up from your phone one's in a while if you're going to keep texting while walking"

"O-okay" why am I flustered?!!!

I quickly look back at my phone because it felt like my heart was about to leap out of my chest. I see that Endo had texted me back

:😂😂Oh I'm sorry madam

:whatever😑.So what's up?

:So Els and I were doing some talking today and we realized how much we missed each other...so we decided to get back together.

Ouch!! I felt my heart drop down to my stomach.But right now Endo doesn't need the girls who's in love with him, he needs his bestfriend who's happy for him and that's exactly who I'm gonna be.

: OMG...You must be so happy right now,congrats.

: Thank you😌

Jayden must have noticed my sudden change of expression cause he took me to an ice cream shop instead of heading straight to my room.

"Pick whatever you want...it's on me"

"You really don't have to do that, you've already helped me a lot today"

"If you feel bad why don't you treat me to pizza next time?!"

"Let's do that then" I say with a smile

Being around Jayden was really comforting, he somehow always found a way to make me happy whenever I felt down and for that I felt like I owed him alot.

"is there anything else you want to do?"

"uhmm...I haven't been to a party in a looong time so do you happen to know anywhere there's a party rn?"

"Nope...but I do know a great club close by, are you down"

"Most definitely"

Jayden knew I was just looking for a distraction and he still went along with it. When we got to the club he avoided drinking any liquors and just kept an eye on me,he let me drink as much as I wanted and kept perverted pr**ks away from me. With Jayden I didn't have to worry bout anything,he always silently took care of me and let me be myself. I don't know what time it was but I opened my eyes to see I'm in a cab...I could barely keep my eyes open but i can still see Jayden looking down at me with worry...

"Are you ok? Does your head hurt? Do you need anything?"

I wave my head and wince in pain...and then start giggling.

"I guess i shouldn't move my head too much"

He smiles, worry still clearly written all over his face.

"Thanks Jay"I say

"It's fine"

"No it's not, you do so much for me and all I do is bother you...so thank you for everything"

"Have i ever complained that you were bothering me?"


"Then stop saying that you are"

"Did you know that you're my comfort person?"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, you really are and sometimes I wish I'd just fall in love with you instead"

"Then just do it"he says and I black out again.


I hope everyone keeps enjoying the story

Byeeee for now❤️

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