
Chapter 4

*Louis POV*

I wake up the next morning and see countless texts from Endo asking why I'm ignoring him but I obviously don't reply. 'I know that I'm being really petty right now and I have no right to be mad at him whatsoever and I'm not honestly,but this is the only way for me to get space from him and process everything and I especially need to get my feelings in check.' 'But with that aside..he did keep his relationship a secret from his bestfriend for six d**m months(He's definitely getting an earful when i'm done dealing with myself) and the plus side?! it'll make an excellent excuse for why I'm ignoring him.'



*Louis POV*

So Incase you're wondering how things with Endo are...I still haven't spoken to him, I just couldn't bring myself too so I somehow managed to avoid him the last few days of summer.Yes! even though we live right across the street from each other.

We ended up making every family gathering awkward so even our families noticed and started asking questions. On that note I'm going to attempt fixing it today...Let's just hope I haven't destroyed our friendship.

I put on my green cargo pants,a white cropped top and then a jean jacket over it,I rush through breakfast hoping to get a ride with Endo and talk on the way. Still tugging on the left foot of my converse,I hop out the front door but then I see Elsie stepping into the passengers seat of Endo's car, my heart drops down to my stomach and I step back to avoid being seen. 'Huhh... hiding my feelings is going to hurt alot more than I thought and it'll definitely be harder too.' When I feel like they've driven a good distance, I begin to walk towards the bus stop and thankfully make it to school on time. I try approaching Endo a few times but he's always with Elsie and I feel like it'll be really weird for me to just ask someone to excuse me so I can speak to thier partner privately.

I manage to get through all my classes smoothly but I still wasn't able to speak to Endo, and guess what?! he also drives Elsie home...'Aghhh this is really getting on my nerves' I can't even text him since I ignored his the whole time, I'm not that shameless. I really need to figure this out. I end up walking home to air my head and think of what to say and how to act when I finally get home(I'd decided to drop by his house). 'i'll just drop my bag at home and head over to his house.'

When I arrive home I look up to see Endo leaning against my house door.

"Hi Lou...been a while"



Hellaur everyone☺️I'm sorry that this chapter is so short, I'm just seriously exhausted today.

As always I hope you enjoy this chapter ^_* (it's supposed to be a winky face btw😂🤲)

Byeeee,see y'all tomorrow😚

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