
As the Curtain Falls (1)



Her tears kept falling and became part of the ice crystals in the imaginary snow. She dug her nails on them but was unable to puncture a single centimeter on the ground that seemed like steel plates. Again, she was thrust into the reality that she wouldn't be able to prevent his downfall and wouldn't be able to stop the winter from descending or those harsh winds from shedding that tree's last piece of leaf.

This made the flow of her tears faster. "Fool. Is it really worth it?" She asked, utterly confused because she couldn't find anything valuable in herself that made him give up his life. It was not a worthy trade, especially when she treated him so coldly.

He could have accepted all that glory that comes after his accomplishment, to be labeled as the person who saves mankind, but he gave up all of it for her and at the expense of his life. Is there anyone more foolish than him?

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