
spirit trial

Yuehan is in a daze from the momentum that the big hybrid has even when when facing bad odds as it stands tall and proud even in the worst situation.

the hybrid roars out loud in contempt at yuehan, surprising him out of his daze. and realizing what's two feet away from him, yuehan doesn't think he can outrun the hybrid, so he sits and waits

the sun starts setting, allowing yuehan to realize that he won't be able to survive in the forest during the night by himself. yuehan sits down and kills the small blue hybrid with a small dagger Mr Hen gave him for his first kill.

yuehan kills the beast by stabbing it through its eyes. yuehan decides to eat the last of the rations he and teach Hen brought with them for their hunting trip. after eating and looking at the surrounding soul beast, stay away afraid of the big hybrid.

yuehan decides to absorb the spirit ring of the blue hybrid since it might be his only bet of making it out of the spirit forest alive.

yuehan follows the procedure that Tang san described to him when he got his first spirit ring. use the tool spirit to pull the spirit ring around the pocketwatch and let the immense pressure and spirit energy flow threw you unblocked by obstacles but still contained within, never rest stay awake and absorb and guide it to the veins to complete absorption of the spirit ring and energy.

yuehan follows the method very closely watching the bright yellow spirit ring surround the pocketwatch and start step one of the spirit absorption process

-yuehan mind-

"it's just just as tang san described when the spirit essence of the soul ring mix with the veins it also becomes a challenge of wills," Yuehan says aloud in his self-consciousness. as two blue forces appeared in the blank and empty space, one dark massive blue unstable like energy that looks like it wants to go on a rampage and another much smaller but stable and firm and unmoving energy that is slowly corroding the deep dark blue energy surrounding it making it its own.

outside of yuehan's mind, we can see blue light moving from yuehans arm to between his eyebrows, as well as the black and white hybrid not moving just watching, but being alert until it hears a noise behind it. it turns around in a rushed manner to see a baby black and white hybrid that it has been protecting. it appears this is the reason it didn't chase after the escaped blue hybrids or finish off the human it looked down upon. its offspring would be unguarded and alone for the many soul beasts in the surrounding area if such action was taken.

the baby hybrid is curious about everything it seems. it tries to escape its mother's grasp every couple minutes when it regains the little energy it has. it looks at the strange two-legged creature in front of it. it tries to walk to told the strange creature but is stopped by its stern mother. trying to keep it in the cave.

1 hour later

the blue light between yuehan eyebrows starts disappearing. once all the light is gone, yuehan opens his eyes for the first time in 3 hours. yuehan scans the surroundings curiously watching the baby white and black hybrid fall on its butt trying to get out of his mom's crutches.

yuehan decides to call the two hybrids. the baby Asta and the mom Elizabeth. asta is very persistent and has been trying to escape his mother for hours without rest and has finally gotten too tired to try again. so he takes a nap.

seeing the Elizabeth carrier Asta inside a cave before going to the mutated corpses of the blue hybrids and bringing them to the front of the cave for the little one to eat once up and running around. even while grabing food, Elizabeth never took her eye off the surrounding area.

"she's very protective of the little fur ball. Well, I can't do anything else except make a plan to escape and try to learn my new abilities, " yuehan says aloud to himself. "Let's see what knowledge or experience was absorbed with the spirit energy." The pocketwatch appeared except it was more bright and blue than when he first awakened as well as haviing a jey chain, yuehan figures it is the essencearmor that all spiritmasters get after attaining their first spiritring and will grow the more rings you aquire. yiehan opens the pocketwatch and sets to second hand to the 6. once this action is done, yuehan looks at his surroundings to see if anything happened. yuehan didn't notice anything. so he opens up the pocketwatch again and spins the minute hand to 3. nothing happens. he spins the last hand to 2. yuehan tries to look up, but he notices that his body is not following his command or his body does the command late. yuehan finally gets his body to look straight ahead but notice the dead body of the blue hybrid has frys hanging around the dead body. and they are moving slower than any frys should or at least the frys he has seen annoy him for the past 6 and a half years.

-----' 2 hours later----

yuehan has a guest the basic ability of his first ring gives him. the only reason it took so long is because of his low-speed essence running out

"The seconds hand inputs time, the minutes hand inputs radius and the hour hand inputs the amount of power and spirit essence used. the soul ring will not work if there is not enough soul essence.

(I'll update throughout the day, and I'll like your input. I'll put a picture of the baby on the chapter when I wake up in the morning)(that's the first soul ring tell me what you think)(the second ring in my head at the moment will allow him to substitute his own energy/stamina/blood to use the ability and will turn the pocketwatch red in use? idk if I should go this route, so pls tell me some ideas, and thanks for giving me ideas about the spirit ring)(and yes essence armor is in the manhau if someone forget because I definitely did shows up on ch 8 if you want to look at tang sans and read the definition)




soul beast level-soul beast ring

white-------10 year

orange --100 years

purple --1,000 year

black--10,000 year

red--100,000 year

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