
An Imitator using the Infinite Darkness

Blake belladona was having a bad day... No, this was probably the worst day of her life

Not only was the vytal festival interrupted by swarming grimm, but these creatures were so numerous that it seemed like someone was behind them, guiding them to attack beacon at the most opportune moment

Although that was bad in itself, there were still countless huntsmen who would risk their lives in order to kill these grimm... Sure, most people at beacon were huntsmen-in-training, but they could still somehow manage to kill them

But the worst part was...

Blake received a kick to the shin, causing her to helplessly fall on the ground. But it got even worse, a creep was beginning to approach her in order to attack her, and yet she didn't have enough time to defend herself-!

Right as it was about to attack her, a bullet tore through the creature, killing it in the process

"This could have been our day!" Her ex boyfriend shouted at her in frustration "Can't you see that?!"

"I never wanted this!" She shouted back at her ex, slowly standing up "I wanted equality! I wanted peace!"

After saying that, Blake shot a hail of bullets from her weapon, the Gambol Shroud

The enemy Faunus easily blocked her bullets, causing his blade, a part of his clothing and his hair to glow as he activated his Aura and semblance

"What you want... Is impossible!"

Blake readied her weapon to fire at him again-!

But she was slapped to the face, falling back to the ground

"But I understand... Because all I want... Is you, Blake"

Slowly raising her weapon, she wanted to shout him once again-

Her weapon got kicked out of her hand, falling to the ground as she was left unarmed

"And as I set out upon this world and deliver the justice it so greatly deserves..." His voice burned with passion as he slowly kneeled in front of her

"I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love..." Her ex boyfriend pointed at her with his hand as he said ominously

Her ex suddenly looked to the side as he seemed to notice something- or someone

"Blake! Where are you!?"

Seeing her blonde friend looking around, he then looked back at her "Starting with her..."

Taking out his sword, he proceeded to attack her ruthlessly

"Ahhh!" Blake screamed in pain as she was stabbed through the abdomen

"Get away from her!"

An angry shout reached them both. Turning around, her eyes widened as she saw her friend and teammate Yang, who activated her semblance and charged at Adam Taurus

"N-no.. Please..." She weakly tried to protest at her friend's decision to attack him

Adam easily sidestepped her charge, brandishing his weapon and slicing towards the arm of Yang

"Yang!" She shouted for her teammate, who in her angered state, didn't have the agility to dodge the opponent's attack

She hurriedly tried to get up and protect her friend, if Yang didn't dodge in time, she would be fatally injured-!

"Huh?" Blake's eyes widened as she suddenly came to an abrupt halt, looking at her ex's weapon, which had stopped an inch short of slicing her teammate's forearm

He was putting strength into the weapon with the intention of harm. But it looked like something invisible was blocking the edge of the weapon in place

"What!?" The leader of the white fang was also obviously confused

Tap.... Tap.... Tap.... Tap..... Tap....

A stepping sound reverberated throughout their surroundings

"Ah" a smooth voice echoed from behind them "I think that's enough, don't you agree?"

All three of them turned around, wanting to see who interrupted their fight...

They saw a handsome silver haired boy, wearing a black coat with blue patterns running down on the cloth

With his hands crossed behind his back, his pure glowing golden eyes regarded them with mirth as he walked down, stepping on the air as barely tangible platforms manifested beneath his feet

His presence demanded attention. That was why all three of them were looking at him

"Who are you, human? Why did you interrupt my fight?" Snapping out of his daze, Adam Taurus questioned the party who stopped him from continuing with his goal

"Do you think you can rule above humans, Faunus?" Ignoring his question, the handsome boy glanced at him and asked as he continued walking down on the air

"Of course! And if you want to play the hero, then you better leave!" The Faunus answered his question "You know what? It doesn't matter, I'll just kill you myself"

The ignorant fool brandished his weapon, dismissing his question as he got ready to attack him

"Oho?" The silver haired youth smiled in amusement as he looked down on the faunus

"Then I hope you are ready...." Reaching the ground, his face turned serious "... To meet your maker"

With an ominous exclamation, the boy lifted his hand, his palm facing the leader of the white fang

"Ha! Do you think pointing at me will-!?"

Not getting any chance to finish, the air rippled as a sudden suction force violently pulled the faunus off the ground and towards the boy

Taurus came to an abrupt halt in front of the boy's palm, which had slightly tightened in a grasping motion

"Struggle all you want, animal"

Golden eyes glowing in an eerie light, the boy grinned in sadistic delight as he saw the man in front of him choke for air

And then.... He pushed

The Faunus was thrown away violently like a sack of potatoes, crashing into an emerging wall of earth , cracking sounds proceeding to echo through the surroundings

"Hmph" The powerful human sneered "That's it? Disappointing"

At the wave of the silver haired boy's hand, the faunus was once again violently pulled towards him without his will


The youth snapped his fingers, belts of malicious black fire manifesting at his side, waiting for his commands

Even from their positions, Blake could feel the intense heat radiating from the fire

"Faunus are interesting creatures, you know?" The boy stated in a sarcastic tone

The leader of the white fang opened his moved his lips to retort, but no sound came out of his mouth

"Humans possessing animal features... It's almost like human-animal hybrids, but not quite…And yet, having the advantages of both… " The boy mused with interest, examining Taurus' animal features with his golden eyes that had a five pointed star spinning rapidly

"Fascinating indeed...." The silver haired boy muttered with a grin on his face as he looked at the faunus with intense eyes

The powerful human sneered once again, waving his hands as the malicious black fire dissipated

"You're not worth it...."

He put his hand on the Faunus' head, his palm wide open


After his exclamation, a abyss colored vortex manifested from his palm, shallowing the opposing Faunus whole


Pure silence was present, the two girls at the side being too shocked to muster any kind of exclamation

The boy looked at them with curiosity, his golden eyes looking up and down on their bodies with an analytical look

"Interesting...." He let out as his mouth twitched

Shaking his head, the waved his hand at their direction

Blake stiffened, wary in case the silver haired boy decided to attack them....

Her eyes widened in pure shock as she felt warmth coursing through her body. Confused, she looked down at her abdomen, which had healed completely, leaving no evidence of being stabbed through

The cat-girl's head snapped to their savior, only to see him glowing in a golden Aura mixed with a little blue...

And then promptly vanishing....

Blake looked at her companion, Yang, as she opened her mouth to confirm if what she saw really happened. But the blonde was rubbing her eyes in bewilderment, trying to see if what she witnessed was a dream

After the blonde rubbed her eyes, she also shifted her eyes to the black haired cat girl, making eye contact



Both girls didn't know what to say in this situation, they still haven't processed what they just witnessed

.... Maybe they needed to regard this ridiculous situation as a dream, and then proceed to regroup with the others




"Human! Let me go!"

Adam Taurus, the leader of the White fang, a criminal organization composed entirely of Faunus, was currently struggling in ethereal bindings made out of pure concentrated blue energy

Their environment drastically changed, they were now in a blank space filled with nothing but the pure nothingness of the void

This environment send chills down the Faunus' back, it was the kind of environment that one could get crazy just by staying here alone for a small amount of time

Even for someone with a lot of willpower like the leader of the white fang, he knew that he would most likely go crazy and wish for death just after a little time of staying in this environment

This premonition was born out of his enhanced instincts as a Faunus, a warrior, and as the leader of the white fang

"Oh Adam, did you know? My name is also Adam, we have the same name!" The silver haired monster in front of the Faunus interrupted his musings, ignoring his question and saying with a cheery tone

The Faunus opened his mouth to reply


The similarly named Adam waved his hand upward, the Faunus' mouth closing shut as he didn't even get the chance to reply

The now blue eyed boy looked at the Minor Antagonist in front of him with a weird glint in his eyes. One similar to that of a... Mad scientist looking at a rare lab rat

"Oh well, this is my first time trying this with Aura. But it should theoretically work...." The silver haired monster in human skin muttered to himself as his eyes turned golden, appearing in front of the Faunus in the blink of an eye

Putting his hand on the Faunus' head, similarly as to what he did when he was sucked in this dark environment


Only this time, it was so much worse. It felt like his vitality was being sucked dry

The Faunus' whole body glowed as his Aura flared in instinct, his Aura giving him a brief moment of reprieve as it protected him from this devil in front of him

And yet-!

"Mhph!Mmmmhpm!" He screamed in agony even though his mouth was closed, his Aura getting drained quickly by the silver haired monstrosity in front of him

As his Aura was completely absorbed by the boy- Demon in front of him. The leader of the white Fang weakly fell to the ground feeling completely tired and spend, he felt as though his whole soul was sucked out of his body

....Was it just him, or did his body look skinnier?

"So completely devouring someone's Aura also partly damages the soul. Now will he regenerate Aura again, or does his soul need to heal first in order to generate this energy again?"

He heard the mutterings of the blue eyed demon, but his voice too faint to reach his ears

"What if I stopped short of complete depletion? Will he regenerate it again? No-! What if it has an effect like Zenkai, but in the soul? Will depleting and regenerating Aura again and again strengthen the soul?"

His vision was blaring, the mutterings of the demon quickly merging into the background

"... No. The mind and soul is much more fragile than the body, especially if one is only a normal human"

"But... Aura can be increased in capacity, but it seems to be quite impractical. Since Aura is the manifestation of the soul, that obviously means having a stronger soul means having larger and denser Aura reserves"

"Now, can Aura by itself strengthen the soul? I need more data to come into a reliable conclusion"

He could feel his body, his thoughts emptying as the only sound present being the Incomprehensible mutterings of the golden eyed demon

"Oh? It seems an injury, a light one at that, can cause tremendous damage to the soul"

His hollow eyes stared at the bright golden ones opposite of him

"Haah, did I suck him dry? What am I, a succubus?" The sarcastic voice of the silver haired boy echoed through the void as he sighed

"Oh well, although I accidently devoured more than just your Aura, your fate is still the same"

After saying that, the void expanded, the emptiness creeping infinitely closer to the empty minded Faunus' form

And then....




Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

AdamFlorescreators' thoughts
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