
War for Blueleaf - 6

Damian and Bruto have been fighting for one hour. Bruto was heavily bleeding. His left arm was missing and his armor was filled with cracked and slashes. His former great aura was now only coating his body, like a spiked armor.

The troops were still killing each others fiercely. The 3 archlich raised the dead once again and the dead knights, giant warriors and fallen angels were very hard to overcome for the allies. Jarral, Hulnel and Hulann were working hand in hand with a great lynx beastman archer, Lachu.

Damian charged against Bruto, his sword coated with ghastly dark mana. At the tip of the sword, a black ball of concentrated mana suddenly exploded, sending a ray that pierced Bruto's abdomen. Bruto charged against Damian, his battleaxe colliding against Damian's sword. Damian parried the axe upward and then thrusted it in Bruto's heart. Bruto's right hand grabbed Damian's left arm. Bruto screamed. All his mana and aura flared, and exploded. Damian tried to block it with his enormous mana and managed to prevent most of it from harming it. Still, some blue aura was mixed with Damian's black armor. Damian was grazed.

"Glory to Blueleaf."

Bruto crashed on the ground, dead.

Damian was extasic. He killed one of the great generals of the Blueleaf kingdom, a prince even! If he rejoined with his dragon, they would turn the tide. He looked at the fight near him and was enraged.

His great dragon. The familiar that taught him and helped him grow. Ashlonra'gor left wing was devered. His right one was filled with holes. His face was bloodied and his right eye was pierced. Mad, Damian charged with all his being , sending more ferocious magic after the other.

Sauruüne turned herself ephemeral and the attacks went through her. She was bleeding from several slash marks. Her torsos armor was almost entirely broken. She was ready to engage with Damian. It will be a tough battle.

She summoned 3 monstrous thunderbolts. These 5 meters spears made of Thunder mana were floating next to her. She launched them.

Damian's aura and mana flared. He sent 2 dark slashes but something was wrong. Suddenly, his heart was hurting him. His dark armor dissipated. When the thunder bolts were about to crash against him, Ashlonra'gor's left hand took the brunt of her attacks.


Sauruüne jumped and delivered a massive blow with her hammer to the dragon's skull. She then kept going and pierced its brain through its already blind eye. She kept slashing and hitting. She thrusted her sword, between its eyes, her thuder magic exploding with power. Using all her strenght, she hammered the sword's pommel, sending it piercing through its brain.

The dragon went limp.

Damian shouted with all his being. His greatest friend was dead. His body was in shambles. He became frenzied. And charged at Sauruüne.

She responded, coated in blue thunder, and took him head on.

"You wield Ivan's magic! Bastard, you used him to harm us! To kill my precious Ashlonra'gor! I will corrupt your very soul! Raise you as my lapdog!"

Damian was furious. His eyes were blood-red. His blond hair turned black and the blue aura was at the edge of his own aura. Similarly, blueish blood was escaping from his cuts.

Sauruüne was tired. Her body was still pumping enormous of mana, yet her body itself, her muscles and organs were in a bad shape. She managed to kill a dragon at rank 5. A being that was at the very apex of monsters in Astros.

Then, she was facing Damian Goodheart, a prince of the Empire, raised and cared by the whole Empire and one of those that were thought to be the next emperor.

Damian's might was fantastic. His death army was proving extremely difficult to face. Also, his physical and magic abilities were astounding. Black mana ripped from his body, creating various arcs of black mana.

Sauruüne and Damian were facing each others. These two monsters slashed, hit and ripped each others. Thunder against darkness. The blue lion turned ephemeral and slashed at Damian that charged and sent a dark mana breath.


Sauruüne was sent crashing. She stood up, most of her armor in shambles and zapped towards Damian, charging against him at full speed.

Grill attacked Damian's mind and her book assisted Sauruüne by protecting her with a shield made of fire mana and buffing her with a fire armor, that increased her strenght and stamina recovery. Neither Grilli nor the book could send attack spells since both figures were extremely fast.

Sauruüne thrusted her sword at Damian's face, that deflected it with his longsword. At the same time, she rammed her hammer, infused with lightning magic, into Damian's right hip, completely destroying it.

Damian screamed and let out a dark explosion and darkness whip, that attached themselves to Sauruüne, slowly corroding her.

She coated both her hammer and sword with vast amount of thunder mana and sent a huge lightning ray at Damian. She then accelerated, jumped and once again channeled all the thuder that she coukd in her weapons.


The area exploded.

She raised her hand and summoned thunderbolts from the sky and while slashing and hitting him.

After 5 long minutes or so of Sauruüne constantly hitting Damian and her lightning crashing on his body, Sauruüne was breathing roughly. Her figure coated with an blue thunder lion, and atop Damian.

Meanwhile, because Damian died, many of the troops that he summoned died. His named summons, such as few archlich and and deathknights were still awoken. The archlich could as well control and raise undead, but her range was much more limited with the death of her master. Similarly, her mana's regeneration rate and health regeneration were seriously diminished. The same went for the deathknights and fallen angels.

Sauruüne stood up, ever so slowly, and raised both her hands in the air. All the troops present shouted with everything they had.

They managed to kill the Supreme Commander of these imperial troops. All the allied troops resumed their fight and charged against the imperial troops.

Ezyze went towards Rea and picked her up. She was in a bad shape. Zephyr and himself were also quite injured. When they both attacked the dragon, his capacity to control mana was so fearsome that he managed to harm anyone attacking him.

"Princess Grilli Blueleaf, do you have healers for Rea?

Of course! She saved me! You as well, I have light and healing magic users. You will be cared for.

I will leave her in your care. I am returning to the frontlines. My troops await me."

Zephyr was severely injured and the dark mana corroded him. He slowly healed with Rea.

Ezyze charged and leaped, using his gravity mana to float high in the air, above the battlefield, and crash a bit further than where the Unshakables were. He hacked and slashed, narrowly missing being slashed multiple times. He was eventually joined by the Unshakables, spearheaded by Medea. This unstoppable force killed all and reinforced Ezyze.

To his left, a bulky Scorpio was trashing around and used his earth manipulation to impale imperial soldiers. The big human that was with the scorpios was crushing heads and armors with his hands.

The behemoth were once again led by Jarral, who led them all to crash against their troops.


The death of Damian Goodheart had a big change in the imperial troops' morale. While the dragon and Damian himself were protectors of the Empire, they were not necessarily caring for Imperial troops. Strong dead enemies were awoken and valuable subordinates kept serving their master even in their deaths. Imperial troops are very loyal to the Empire. They are loyal to a fault, even. Damian and his dragon' were feared,like a tyrant can be feared.

The death of this great tyrant led to fear and loss. While the Undead kept advancing towards the allies, Imperial forces did not. They retreated.

They were then hunted, pursued by Allied forces, and none of them managed to escape the rocky valleys.


When the troops calmed down, when they finished sorting out the corpses, taking care of the armors and burying allies, they celebrated. Sauruüne, Grilli Blueleaf, Ezyze, Zephyr and Rea were hailed as heroes, dragonkillers. They celebrated until deep in the night.

Ezyze was summoned in the officers' tent. There, Grilli and her generals, Sauruüne and Hulann were exchanging around great table. When Ezyze entered, they stopped talking and looked at him.

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