
Evolution and a Wager

The cold wind blowing from the north froze the world, and the landscape of the academy, which had recently been filled with festivities, now appeared empty and dull.

While most students and staff used this break as an opportunity to return to their hometowns, there were a few who remained in the academy, spending their time in the dormitories for various reasons.


The strong wind brushed past Lucia Everlast's protective barrier, although it couldn't enter. She tightly wrapped her clothes around herself and entered the building in front of her.

"Oh, Lucia. You're here again today."

As she entered the building, a woman in a nurse's uniform greeted her warmly.

Lucia nodded and handed something to the nurse, placing it in her arms.

"These are some new snacks from the capital."

The package had "Mint Chocolate Flavor" written on it, giving off a strong feeling that it could be a matter of personal preference. Nonetheless, the nurse smiled and accepted Lucia's gift.

"Yes, I'll gladly eat them. Thank you."

Lucia placed the bag of snacks on the desk and continued, "I came to see Adrius, by the way."

"I see. Vivianne also came to visit."

"Is that so?"

Lucia pretended not to be affected and nodded her head. She glanced at the staircase leading to the ward.

Then, she respectfully lowered her head and ascended the stairs.

"Really, I don't understand why they take turns visiting like that."

The nurse shook her head as if she couldn't comprehend and went about her work.

Lucia arrived in front of the ward and hesitated for a moment at the door before finally opening it and entering.

Inside, she saw Vivianne sitting beside Adrius, who lay still as if he were dead.

Vivianne had a slightly surprised expression but remained seated by Adrius's side.

Taking into account the hidden truth about the terror attack that had been concealed from the public, Lucia already understood the reason behind this situation.



The two locked eyes in silence before Lucia finally spoke.

"You come here every day. Aren't you tired?"

In response to Lucia's question, Vivianne nodded quietly.

With an awkward atmosphere between them, Lucia mustered the courage to speak first.

"Are you not going back to your hometown?" Lucia asked.

Vivianne glanced at Adrius's face and shook her head. "I'm from the Kingdom of Nicel. It's far away, so there's no need to go."

"Well, even if it's the Kingdom of Nicel, it would only take five days by train," Lucia pointed out.

"...I don't really want to go," Vivianne replied.

Seeing that Vivianne didn't want to discuss it further, Lucia felt that there was no need to push the matter.

As Lucia observed Vivianne, who was looking at Adrius's face, a sudden thought crossed her mind. Without realizing it, she blurted it out.

"Do you have feelings for senior?"

It was a completely unexpected question.

Vivianne turned her gaze away from Lucia, staring blankly at nothing in particular. But her answer came quickly.


After speaking, Vivianne herself felt uncertain.

Do I have feelings for Adrius Cromwell?

Or is it that I like the fairy who pulled me out of despair?

"In the end, it's the same person," Vivianne thought.

There was no need to worry about it.

I like Adrius.

That's all there is to it.

Of course, she still felt inexperienced to express her feelings directly.

When her emotions mature a little more...

Will she be able to confidently speak her mind?

"I see," Lucia nodded, hiding her surprise.

She hadn't expected Vivianne to speak so confidently.

She was surprised that her thoughts had come out of her mouth without her intention.

Then Vivianne asked Lucia the same question.

"What about you?"

"Do you like him?" Lucia replied.


Do I have feelings for my senior?

Honestly, I'm not sure.

Of course, I do like him.

But what Vivianne is asking now probably refers to romantic feelings.

Lucia pondered for a moment and then shook her head, her gaze fixed on Adrius.

"I'm not sure. I do like him, but it feels subtly different from how I feel about you."

"I see," Vivianne replied with an indifferent attitude, turning her gaze to Adrius. She didn't seem to mind.

To her, what mattered was that she liked Adrius. Her own feelings were important.

In this strange silence, they simply let time pass.





"When are you going to wake up from your slumber? Get up already."

It felt as if someone was whispering in my ear, and slowly my consciousness emerged from the surface of sleep.

As my consciousness awakened, my mind gradually started working.

"Where am I...?"

My body didn't move.

It was as if I was being held down by a pair of scissors. My consciousness was awake, but I couldn't do anything.

I felt powerless.

However, as I struggled to move my body somehow, I gradually regained her sense of touch.

[Remaining time: 00 seconds]

[Adrias Cromwell has evolved.]

[Metamorphosis complete]

[Trait 'Dual Core (Epic)' will disappear.]

[Trait 'Vessel (Unique)' will be created.]

[Talent 'Mana (Prodigy)' will be created.]

In that moment, a message window appeared even though my eyes were closed.

At the same time, I remembered how I ended up like this.

'I fought with Pahyat. Did I manage to stop the terror?'

One could question why I had to suffer alone.

But on the other hand, if I was the only one who knew about the terror, who would believe me and help me?

Speaking out would only invite unnecessary suspicion or be dismissed as the ramblings of a madman.

'I hope Carlos is still alive...'

My initial goal had been to rescue Dianne, a playable character.

But now, as Adrius, my identity had become clear, and I couldn't let Carlos, who had treated me well, die.

'Even if I had only the identity of Kim Jin-hwan, the outcome wouldn't have changed.'

I had the ability to accomplish it, and even if I knew the information in advance, it wouldn't suit my temperament to do nothing.

Of course, I had almost died due to the recoil, but ironically, if I hadn't possessed the special skill, Vivianne and I would have been killed by Pahyat.

But the thought of that dog-like feeling gave me chills.

'Is Vivianne safe?'

Thanks to the evolution, I might be alive, but if it weren't for Vivianne, I would have died instantly.

'I've been trying my best to ignore it...'

Now I can't deny it.

The month I spent in the state of lethargy held significant meaning not only for her but also for me.

Moreover, I even risked my life in this incident.

'I definitely need to reconsider my attitude towards Vivianne.'

Although thoughts were racing through my mind, it was more important to open my eyes first.

Gradually, my hearing and sense of touch returned, but my eyelids still felt heavy.

'Let's wake up now.'

I made an effort to move any part of my body, even if just a little.

Then, I could barely feel my index finger move.

"Oh? He moved."

And I heard someone's voice near me.

Was that Lucia's voice?

As I listened to her voice, I felt my senses returning a bit more.

After struggling for a while on my own, my eyelids finally trembled.

'Please, finally.'

Between the trembling eyelids, light seeped through.

And finally, I succeeded in opening my eyes.

I saw a white ceiling and, on either side, Lucia and Vivianne.

'A treatment room, perhaps.'

Lucia, noticing that my eyes were open, leaned closer.

"Are you awake? I'll call the healer right away, so please wait."

Only then did I realize the reality of being alive.

And when I saw Vivianne, whose eyes widened slightly as if excited, sitting next to me, I felt relieved.

'Vivianne is alive too. Thank goodness.'

I wanted to express my gratitude for saving me, but I couldn't find the words.

Lucia left the room, and Vivianne spoke softly.


She called my name and approached me cautiously.

"I should hide the power that Adrius showed, right?"

That power?

Could she be referring to the special skill?

"I managed to deceive the investigation for now."

It seems that my attempt to quietly stop the terror has failed, given that I am being investigated.

I can't make any excuses in this state, but...

'What should I call the special skill when explaining it to Vivianne? It's fortunate that it doesn't feel like black magic.'

As if she could read my thoughts, Vivianne spoke up.

"I don't need to tell you. I'm just glad that Adrius is alive," Vivianne replied.

Afterward, Vivianne quietly conveyed to me what she had said during the investigation.

'Vivian and I were chasing after a suspicious figure we saw while happy to see Hazel again after a long time. We ended up getting involved in the incident. We were being overwhelmed by the attacks from the monsters when an unidentified person came to our aid.'

Of course, saying it like this raised many suspicions and seemed suspicious in many ways.

But what can we do?

Unless there are witnesses other than Vivianne and me, they have no choice but to listen to our words.

But even if they investigate us, they won't be able to threaten or torture us for preventing the terrorism.

Moreover, even if we tell them the truth, they won't believe it.

To realize what I accomplished, they need to know that I have a Sin, and they need to know about the special skill, 'Sloth,' but it would be difficult to believe even if I explain it.

I managed to nod my head slightly to indicate that I understood, and Vivianne smiled, understanding my intention.

As some time passed, Lucia returned with a healer.

The healer who approached me conducted a brief examination and then began to speak.

"You were fortunate. In fact, there was a chance you might never have woken up."

Was that something to say to a patient?

I wanted to say something in response, but I couldn't move.

In fact, despite having just opened my eyes, drowsiness overwhelmed me.

"Adrius Cromwell has been bedridden here for two weeks. So even if your body recovers, some rehabilitation will be necessary."

Regardless of whether I was dozing off or not, the healer continued speaking, and I realized that two weeks had already passed from his words.

'Two weeks, my precious time.'

So the vacation must have started by now.

I had planned what to do during the vacation in advance...

As I continued my thoughts, I eventually fell into a deep sleep.





Five days had passed since I woke up.

During that time, despite the objections of the healer, I went against their advice and left the hospital, treating my body on my own.

Thanks to the regeneration and recovery potions that were like my own blood, it was possible.

'The terror has been concealed from the public. Not bad.'

I just needed to stop it.

I was pleased that I was able to prevent it, blinded by a sense of righteousness.

'Thanks to that, Carlos Alben is alive. I don't know what impact it will have on Dianne, but as long as he's alive.'

It's not that I wanted something big to happen. I simply wanted to live a more human-like life compared to my previous life. And to do that, I have to prevent the world's destruction...

Sometimes, I wonder how it would have been if I didn't have this information. If I had lived happily with Amy day by day, unaware of the impending destruction.

'But it's a pointless assumption. Now that I know, I have to struggle to live.'

I sighed with a mixed sense of resignation and looked at the building in front of me.

Today is December 31st.

It's the last day of the bet with Bart.

Actually, I could have gone straight there five days ago when I woke up, but my condition wasn't good enough. Anyway, it's today, so it's fine.


"What are you doing here?"

Lucia was walking beside me towards the tower, and Vivianne followed closely behind us, almost like an escort.

"I was bored. And I'm curious about the new potions you've made."

Vivianne's answer didn't come.

I didn't want to bother with unnecessary conflict when it's not causing any trouble, so I just sighed and headed towards the tower.

Upon arriving at the tower and entering the first floor, I saw the assistant who had guided us in the beginning.

"What brings you here?"

"I have an appointment with the Tower Master."

The assistant looked at the two people standing beside me and asked, "Are these individuals part of the appointed party as well?"

In response to his question, I looked at each of them alternately and nodded.

Well, it's not like the Tower Master can meet just anyone, and the two of them can't go together.

Using the communication artifact, the assistant had a conversation with someone and then said to me, "Only Adrius Cromwell is granted entry, I'm sorry. The two of you can either wait here or attend to your own matters."

In the end, I decided to leave it at this with the two of them.

I exchanged a glance with Lucia and Vivianne and followed the assistant's guidance to enter the tower.


"Master of the Tower, Adrius Cromwell has arrived."

"Good. Come in."

As the door opened and I stepped inside, a chaotic scene greeted me.

Books were scattered haphazardly everywhere, and unfamiliar artifacts emanated a presence from various places.

Amidst the mess, I could see Bahart sitting on top of a stack of books, seemingly unaffected.

'There doesn't seem to be much emotion even when I see him.'

Although I'm sure there's a connection with my father, seeing Bart didn't evoke strong emotions.

Perhaps I couldn't feel it because I knew my purpose was to be angry at the Emperor, but the anger I felt towards him was more direct.

Of course, that doesn't mean I forgive him.

'But I'm still weak.'

It could also be that my anger towards Bart is diluted since I know my main goal.

However, I believe that someday I will get my hands on it.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, Bart looked away from the book he was reading and spoke to me.

"I know you accomplished something significant this time, but let's not forget our bet. Are you prepared?"

In fact, Bart had come to see me the day after I woke up.

He had a somewhat annoyed expression and only asked me briefly about the incident before leaving.

I thought there would be more investigations since his questioning was so casual, but there were no further inquiries afterwards.

It was surprising how loosely they investigated, even though it was a good thing for me. But it left me feeling uneasy.

"I brought it."

I took out the potion from my pocket.

Bart, slowly descending from mid-air, examined the potion I had taken out.

"You talked big, but it seems you've made it."

He immediately took the potion from me and drank it on the spot.

After savoring the taste for a moment, Bart looked at me with a strange gaze.

"Emeth Potion? Are you trying to play a prank on me?"

The Emeth Potion was the name of the original healing potion, but unlike the one I made, it was of the lowest quality and had side effects.

It seemed that he had mistaken it for being similar in effect, and I couldn't help but smile naturally.

"Do you really think they're the same?"

As I asked, Bahart seemed to realize that there was something different and briefly looked into the empty potion bottle.

Then, he turned his gaze back to me with narrowed eyes.

"Heh, hehehe."

He let out a faint laugh without saying a word and sat down on the scattered books, examining the bottle once again.

"Well, this is different. I admit it. To think that you considered removing the side effects..."

Then, with eyes filled with curiosity, he looked at me.

"I thought you were just an idiot, but you have quite an unexpected talent. How did you come up with this?"

"Tower Master, before that, did I indeed win the bet?"

At my bold question, he chuckled.

"Yes, you won. As promised, I will clear your debts and give you one of my treasured possessions."

"Tower Master."


"What if what I made is not just one thing?"

I took out another potion from my pocket and showed it to him.

Bahart's mouth slowly opened as he looked at it.

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