
Chapter 27: What Lies Beyond

Thick plumes of smoke rose, filling the air with a distinct scent of charred meat. The mouthwatering sound of heated sizzling could be heard, undoubtedly entailing that something was currently being cooked.

Within a few seconds, a delectable scent wafted throughout the area, originating from a small makeshift grill. The modest sized alcove in which it was contained possessed a miniature stone table and counter, complete with a set of eating utensils of the same material.

Aziel slowly rose from the perfectly crafted chair he created, walking over to the grill and opening it up. He ventilated the room with a bit of wind magic, clearing out the fumes clouding the air.

What lay in front of him was a succulent piece of prime smoked meat, exquisitely seasoned with the finest he had to offer. At present, he was still on the first floor of the labyrinth, deciding to eat once more before delving deeper.

Every species of monster on this floor had already been consumed by him, from which he graciously received each and every skill they possessed. First was the Kick Master Rabbit, an agility-based creature that could utilize several abilities to its advantage.

The original skill being 'Air Dance', which increased one's base reaction speed, allowing them to move at a far higher speed than normal.

Accompanied as one of its derivatives was another movement type ability titled; 'Aerodynamics', a skill that gave the ability to create small barrier-like plates of compressed air under one's feet, enabling them to use it as a foothold to move around in the air.

While it seemed to provide a similar function to his own skill, it was nonetheless far inferior in comparison. He had no need for any kind of solid foothold or the like, since he could maneuver effortlessly without physical limitation.

The last two derivatives he received were 'Supersonic Step' and 'Steel Legs' respectively. The former allowed for quick high-speed movement, while the latter reinforced one's legs, increasing the power and strength of their kicks.

There was, of course, one more derivative to be unlocked, it was just that he hadn't yet met the requirements at present.

Meanwhile, the Twin-Tailed wolves had provided something completely different. Their original ability to surround themselves in a field of electricity, channeling it into their tails to be fired off as a long-ranged attack was naturally granted to him.

Unironically enough, 'Lightning Field' was the original skills classification, and just as previously stated, it allowed one to produce an electrical field from their own body.

However, while one couldn't normally expel it from their body directly like the Twin-Tailed wolves, Aziel had managed to lay claim to its other ability; 'Lightning Shot', providing him with the qualifications to do so.

Perhaps either due to his perfect magic affinity or his recently acquired skill 'Scavenger', he was able to gain a creature's complete set of unique abilities that even required one to be of the same race.

On that same note, 'Scavenger' was the exact reason he could continuously get stronger from eating other creatures, as there were no restrictions based on the difference in strength.

The act of consuming the blood, flesh, essence, etc. of another creature imparted to him the abilities related to their existing powers. Or more accurately, it had a large chance of succeeding, though not exactly perfect in acquisition.

Because of this very skill, his stats had made another huge jump, further cementing the fact that nothing on that floor possessed even a mild chance of ever harming him. By now, it may as well have been his playground.

After finishing his surprisingly delectable meal, courtesy of his 'Cooking Proficiency' skill and the recently discovered method of preparing monster meat, he set off toward the stairs leading down further into the labyrinth's depths.

The week he'd spent here hadn't been a period of relaxation for him either, as he pushed himself to the limit, constantly training in the hopes of raising his proficiencies even just a little bit more.

During that time, he'd naturally come across the stairs leading downward, thus eliminating the issue of having to find it intentionally. Since this was the True Orcus labyrinth, there existed no staircase leading to the surface, leaving one to traverse its depths until they eventually completed it…or died trying.

Arriving at the location he'd mapped out, Aziel was met with a roughly carved out staircase, or perhaps more akin to a bumpy slope than an actual staircase. Not only that, but It was also pitch dark as no green glow stone lit the way, enveloping the descent with an ominous atmosphere.

The darkness and shape of it made the entrance resemble the gaping jaws of some humongous beast. It felt as if upon entering, one would never be able to come back out.

"Would've given it a few points for the scare factor if I couldn't actually see…"

Aziel scratched the bridge of his nose, feeling a bit nonplussed. Peering into the forbidding darkness below, he could see as clear as day, unhindered by the labyrinth's obstacles. He had reached a level of strength that far outstripped what the abyss could offer and was still continuing to grow.

It wasn't simply ridiculous; it was completely unfair.

Without a moment's hesitation, Aziel stepped foot into the darkness. It enveloped him fully once he started down the staircase, to the point where one would normally be rendered unable to see even their hands in front of them.

The rooms and passageways above had always been lit with green glow stones, so it wasn't out of the question to be surprised at the current scene.

After a while of progressing forward, Aziel noticed a massive 2-meter-long gray lizard further down the path, its golden eyes remaining unaware of his swift approach.

A 'Basilisk'.

It was a creature that possessed the skill; 'Petrification', which allowed it to turn anything it's gazed touched into stone. Those unlucky enough to face its direct attack wouldn't live to tell the tale, unless, of course, they had a powerful healing agent to stop the rapid spread of petrification.

'Nothing more than a commoner…'

With a rather preposterous remark, Aziel leapt into the air, high enough to completely look down on the stationary lizard with ease. All of his skills, combined with his own mastery, made it seem as though he were a ghost, moving about with no presence to be detected.

Thrusting out a single hand toward the ignorant lizard, he wordlessly manifested his mana, forming a flickering light just above his index finger. It gradually expanded to the size of a golf ball, the intensely glowing light finally drawing the monster's attention.

It scrambled about, screeching loudly. It was no doubt unaccustomed to seeing such bright light, eliciting a negative reaction from it. Still, the basilisk turned, shining its illustrious golden eyes onto Aziel in an attempt to thwart his actions.

However, it was too late—

"Radiant Destruction"

Aziel's voice rang out, choosing to state the spell's name for added effect.

The luminous compressed sphere shined brightly, bursting forth as a thin, concentrated laser beam of pure light that instantly arrived at the lizard's head, piercing through its thick skull, killing it cleanly, soundlessly, and efficiently.

The thin beam of light drilled deep into the earth below, leaving behind a sharp hissing sound from the point of impact.

Because of several skills such as 'Attack Compression', 'Supercharge', and 'Armor Piercing', he was able to produce an attack that was equally rapid and deadly, making for an absurd combination.

Taking note of his surroundings, Aziel swiftly approached the Basilisk's corpse, completely assured of its death. He quickly cut up its flesh before retreating to safety a moment later.

Though he remained unafraid of the creatures prowling this floor, he at least wanted to eat his meal without any interruptions. Still, he prioritized scouting out the floor beforehand, creating a mental map of everything around him.

Despite his speed, the floor was extremely vast, leading him to search for hours to find the next staircase leading downward. He continued defeating enemy after enemy that crossed his path, picking up any interesting materials and ore he found on the way.

After filling his large, modified traveling bag to the brim with all sorts of things, he decided to rest for a while, creating a temporary base within a nearby wall. Aziel easily transmuted the area around him until it was wide enough to resemble an average sized bedroom.

Situating himself sufficiently, he created a chair, sitting down on it first before rummaging through his bag. First, he pulled out the divinity stone he kept stored in a large container, continuously siphoning out the ambrosia into tall canisters.

Placing it on a transmuted stone pillar just above the wide cavity he had carved out for it, the divinity stone illuminated the dark room with an ethereal glow, producing a crystal-clear liquid that cascaded down like a waterfall.

Aziel removed a few smooth stone containers in which he stored all the meat he acquired on this floor using transmutation, laying them all out on a long table he had crafted just for this purpose.

Then, he set about cooking them, sparing no effort in increasing his quality of life even down in this hellish abyss.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game…"

Aziel snorted in mock arrogance, bantering to himself as he prepared his next meal. The method he used to transform the horrendous tasting monster meat into something appetizing wasn't a strenuous process, completed only within a few minutes.

The day's menu consisted of grilled Basilisk meat, smoked Owl monster meat, and broiled 6-legged Cat creature. Using his remaining spices and seasonings sparingly, he created a feast that seemed oddly presentable.

That said, the various ways in which magic could be put to use was truly a wonder.

As he chowed down on his meal, Aziel began to feel the familiar tingling in his body, directly correlating to another increase in strength. The creatures dwelling on this floor were at least as powerful as the Claw Bear had been, if not even more so.

Though it actually made sense, as the combination of pitch-black darkness and their own special magic would've made them quite difficult foes to face under normal circumstances.

However, the clear difference in strength had made it near impossible for Aziel to notice how much stronger they were than their counterparts on the floor above.

'Not bad, not bad at all… I guess I'll check how much my stats increased…'

Gazing into the small pool of ambrosia in front of him, he activated the skill 'Analyze', prompting a set of information to enter his mind.


Name: • Aziel Nox •

Age: • 18 •

Gender: • Male •

Race: • Doom Primordial •

Estimated Alignment: • Neutral Evil •

Level: 12

Job: World Nemesis

Strength: 2460

Vitality: 2230

Defense: 2145

Agility: 2435

Magic: 2390

Magic Defense: 2390


Skills: • {Air Dance}—+Aerodynamics—+Supersonic Step—+Steel Legs • {Lightning Field}—+Lightning Shot—+Lightning Resistance—+Increased Output • {Sleep Suppression} • {Night Vision} • {Sense Presence} • {Petrification}—+Petrification Resistance • {Increased Perception} • {Spatial Awareness} • {Observation Detection} • {Heartbeat Detection} • ...…[EXPAND]


Current Condition: Perfect


Threat Level: Dangerous


Potential: Limitless


Overall: Potential World Threat


As he had expected, his growth in both stats and skills had risen dramatically. He had even managed to acquire petrification from the Basilisk, something he was particularly intrigued about. It truly allowed him to petrify anything so long as he gazed at it. All of his other new skills did as their names suggested.

"This is pretty good… Oh, Observation Detection, that's cool…"

Reading through the details of that skill in particular, Aziel realized that he could immediately detect when an individual so much as looked at him. No matter what, whoever or whatever observed him for even a second, he'd notice without fail.

It was a detection ability far surpassing many others.

After finishing his meal, he set about transmuting, crafting a specialized weapon that'd suit his current fighting style. Although handguns and various other firearms were more than ideal to a man who'd used them all his life, Aziel didn't require handheld guns at present.

He could currently replicate the same amount of damage a handgun or machine gun could produce with his abilities alone, rendering them a pointless add-on to his already overfilled baggage.

Of course, more advanced technology would meet his expectations in regard to mass destruction, but at the moment, he lacked the means to create such things. Be it transmutation proficiency, or the absence of ancient magic, it just wasn't possible for him.

Aziel silently continued his work, combining different ores and minerals to build the structure of his weapon. He kept his mind trained on a single image, rapidly progressing in his endeavors.

As time passed, his skill with transmutation grew even more due to his complete focus, though it wouldn't take long as it was nearing completion. Within a few minutes, the construct sitting in his grasp had taken the shape of a silvery gray dagger, around 30 centimeters in length.

Its grooves and sharp edges made it look like a mix between medieval weaponry and advanced technology. The grip possessed a conductive vessel that ran down the length of its cross guard, allowing for an easier transferal of mana.

This was his new primary weapon that would replace the old knife he used previously. With his 'Lightning Field' skill, he could infuse electricity into the dagger, making it far more lethal than its initial appearance suggests.

Of course, there were many other tools and contraptions he planned on making in the near future, but for now, this would hold him through the majority of the labyrinth.

Now that he'd finished his transmuting, he finally resumed his search for the stairs leading downward, stopping only when he needed to sort out his excess supplies and other trinkets he'd made along the way.

Aziel's scouting of the floor progressed swiftly, until finally, he discovered the stairs leading down to the next floor. He stepped forward, already knowing what to expect, and elevated himself into the air, avoiding the sticky tar below.

The entire floor resembled a huge swamp. One's legs would easily get stuck in the ground if they were made to walk on it, making it difficult to maneuver as they normally would.

Using his Unfettered Motion ability, he rapidly advanced through the sky. Still, he didn't forget to look out for the useful minerals hidden on this floor, quickly discovering a particularly unique one; 'Flam Rock'.

It was a glossy black mineral that melted into tar when heated. It melts at 50 degrees Celsius and catches fire at 100 degrees Celsius. When it burns, it can reach temperatures up to 3000 degrees Celsius. The length it burns depends on the quantity of tar.

"This isn't a labyrinth floor, it's a damn incinerator…"

Aziel scoffed in exasperation, still slightly surprised to see it firsthand despite his knowledge.

Though it wasn't likely to ignite that easily since 100 degrees wasn't so easily reached. But on the off chance it did, it would set off a chain reaction that would literally have this floor engulfed in fires hotter than hell. Even the ambrosia wouldn't be able to save one from that.

However, this wasn't too much of a concern to Aziel, as his strength wasn't contingent on the use of flames or lightning, so this was no more than ordinary circumstances for him.

'Doesn't matter either way, it's just small fry.'

He continued forward, prepared to mow down anything that dared face him.

Eventually, Aziel chanced upon a three-way fork. He quickly memorized his surroundings before moving down the left path, but just as he took another step—


A shark-like monster suddenly leaped forward out of the tar, countless rows of razor-sharp teeth visible in its mouth. It snapped down, aiming to take Aziel's head off in one huge bite.



He only lashed out with a single leg, delivering a crushing frontal kick to the monster's thick snout, stopping it in its tracks with deadly force.

A hoarse groan escaped its large mouth as blood fountained from its slightly deformed head, falling limp into the sticky black tar below with a splash.

"Trying to sneak up on me like I didn't see you, you're a clown."

Having already noticed the monster's approach before it had even attacked, Aziel was swift in his retaliation. From the start, the monster stood no chance of ever beating him.

Though it hadn't immediately died from his first casual attack, the critical injury had left it immobilized, just barely able to keep itself alive.

However, Aziel lowered himself, standing just above the black tar as he watched it writhe in agony. Then, he swung his dagger in a clean horizontal stroke, severing the Tar Shark's head with unmatched precision.

"It's heartbreaking…"

He promptly cut up the monster's corpse with a plastered-on mournful expression, making doubly sure not to get any blood on his clothes. Storing the shark meat in his bag, he continued searching. Before long, he found the exit to the next floor, and descended to the level below.

Aziel had now acquired the skill; 'Hide Presence'. Although it seemed like overkill to his already monstrous capabilities, he wasn't at all bothered by that fact.

He continued conquering the labyrinth, descending down floor after floor, until he'd gone another 50 floors past the one that housed the Tar Shark. All sense of time was lost down in the dungeon, and there was no way of guessing how many days had passed.

Though it still took a bit of time, Aziel was clearly progressing through the labyrinth at an astonishing rate. All of his fights were either one sided or prolonged intentionally due to his experimental training.

All sorts of unbelievably powerful monsters had faced their end at his hands, becoming another source of power to add to his absurd strength. Among them were a rainbow colored frog that could spit poison, a giant moth that, oddly enough, looked alot like a butterfree.

The frog he had encountered was on a floor that had a faint poisonous mist spread throughout it, and the moth had the ability to spread its scales through the air. Scales that paralyzed anything they touched.

Had it been anyone else in his situation, they would've without a doubt died a thousand times over searching through the labyrinth. None of the monster's abilities could really penetrate his extremely tough magic defense, so he had no reason to worry about their attacks.

He had, of course, eaten both the moth and the frog. In spite of the moth's questionable appearance, Aziel had no reservations in consuming either of them. Surprisingly enough, he was somewhat delighted at the fact that the frog tasted better than all the other monster's he'd eaten so far.

And though he was deep underground, Aziel had gone through a floor that resembled the Amazon jungle. It had been incredibly humid, and the air hung thick around him.

It was by far the worst floor he had traversed.

The monster's he had faced on that floor had been giant centipedes and living trees. Despite his blatant disregard for most things in the labyrinth, even he couldn't help but do a double take at the sight of a giant centipede crashing down from a high up tree branch.

The monster's wriggling and writhing was the most disgusting sight he'd ever laid eyes on. And the centipede had split itself into various segments to attack him as well.

What was once a single enemy split into 30, like an army of cockroaches crawling out of a particularly disgusting kitchen. What followed was a scene of mass destruction.

Aziel had rained down magic from above like a demon sent from hell, massacring the hordes of centipedes as though he had a personal vendetta.

When that 'battle' had finally finished, Aziel cursed like a sailor, spitting out all of his grievances like a disgruntled mob boss. The centipede's disgusting purple blood could be seen flowing like a river.

The Tree monsters of that floor were basically the Treants that were found in a classic RPG. They used their roots to attack from underground, while also flinging their branches around like whips.

Though the real strength of those fake Treants didn't lie in those simple skills. When they were in trouble, they would start shaking their heads wildly, flinging crimson fruit at their enemies.

The fruit they threw didn't hurt, and just to prove his theory, Aziel picked one up and ate it without hesitation. When he had, he realized now that their description was in now way an exaggeration.

The fruit contained no poison. In fact, it tasted delicious, providing a sweet and refreshing consistency like watermelon. Despite expectation, it was nothing close to an apple.

His previous irritation was temporarily washed away by the fruit's inviting taste, kindling an unseen enthusiasm. He consumed every fruit he could find, even going as far as to hunt down all of the fake Treants on that floor to near extinction.

And so, he continued progressing through the floors until he passed 50 of them before he knew it. Even so, the labyrinth continued endlessly downward.

For the record, Aziel's stats now looked like this—


Name: • Aziel Nox •

Age: • 18 •

Gender: • Male •

Race: • Doom Primordial •

Estimated Alignment: • Neutral Evil •

Level: 19

Job: World Nemesis

Strength: 3890

Vitality: 3665

Defense: 3580

Agility: 3825

Magic: 3795

Magic Defense: 3795


Skills: • {Far Sight} • {Hide Presence} • {Detect Magic} • {Ranged Detection} • {Poison Spit}—+Poison Resistance • {Paralysis}—+Paralysis Resistance • {Mental Resistance} • {Elemental Resistance} • {Physical Resistance} • {Cold Resistance} • {Heat Resistance} • {Amplify Sensations} • {Farming Proficiency} • {Animal Affinity} • ...…[EXPAND]


Current Condition: Perfect


Threat Level: Incredibly Dangerous


Potential: Limitless


Overall: Potential World Threat



He spent some time sorting out everything he'd gained so far in the base he had created from this floor, the 50th since the Tar Shark. He had already discovered the stairs leading to the floor below, but chose to stop due to the distinct room he knew all too well about.

An ominous atmosphere seemed to pervade the space around it. At the very end of one of the side passages was the room in question, containing a set of majestic double doors—each 3 meters tall.

On either side of the door was a statue, depicting a cyclops sunk deep into the recesses of the wall. It was a room that chilled one to the bone, seeming as though disaster awaited all who entered.

Standing in front of such a sight, Aziel gazed on with a slightly thoughtful expression, weighing his options. He was aware of what that room held within, but he still had to ponder over whether it was really worth his time.

Just because he had enjoyed the original source material didn't mean he had forgotten that this was now his reality. The world he was living in had characters he'd only seen through a TV screen, but now, they were real.

They breathed and ate just like him, they felt emotions and were susceptible to change just as real people were. He wasn't so thoughtless as to rush in without keeping his wits about him, he wouldn't have survived until now otherwise.

After a few seconds of pondering, his thoughts slowed, ultimately arriving at a decision.

"You know what…"

Aziel tilted his head, squinting.

"I'll give you a chance…"


Hey, Hey, Hey~

This chapter is around 4k words, so give your author a pass this time.

No, as a matter of fact, how about...you give me those power stones, c'mon, there's no use in holding onto em'.

Shovel those sToNes into me.

I need strength, I need pOwEr, I need *help*.

Give me some love and I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible, Deal?

Chapitre suivant