
Chapter 27: Chimera Ants - Assault 2

They venture deeper into the NGL, which is a sprawling and untamed land, teeming with life and diversity. It is a sight to behold, but also a challenge to endure. They struggle with the sweltering heat and the sticky humidity, the swarming bugs and the spreading diseases, the ferocious predators and the hidden traps. They rely on their survival skills and knowledge, their senses and wits, their hatsu's and tools. They fight and adapt, as they make their way to the nest of the Chimera Ants.

They face various obstacles and hazards along the way, such as steep hills, raging rivers, thorny vines, and venomous snakes. They use their physical strength and agility, their mental alertness and creativity, their nen abilities and equipment to overcome them.

They venture for four days and three nights, covering a distance of over a hundred kilometers. They camp in the woods, eat what they can find or hunt, and rest when they can. They also keep in touch with their allies, who are also making their way to the nest from different directions.

They also encounter some Chimera Ants along the way, who try to stop them or capture them. The Chimera Ants are different from each other in appearance and ability, depending on what creatures they have consumed and inherited.

Some of them are humanoid, while others are beastly. Some of them have wings, while others have claws. Some of them can use nen, while others can use weapons.

They met a Chimera Ant who looks like a lion, with a mane of fire and a roar of thunder. He can use nen to create blasts of heat and sound, and he can also wield a spear made of metal. He challenges them to a duel, and he fights with pride and ferocity.

They met a Chimera Ant who looks like a spider, with eight legs and eyes and a web of silk. She can use nen to manipulate her web and trap her prey, and she can also use poison to paralyze them. She ambushes them from the shadows, and she fights with cunning and cruelty.

They met a Chimera Ant who looks like a human, with blond hair and blue eyes and a smile of charm. He can use nen to control people's minds and make them his puppets, and he can also use his charisma to persuade them. He approaches them as a friend, and he fights with deception and manipulation.

They fight them with their skills and hatsu's, using their teamwork and coordination. They try to avoid unnecessary fights and casualties, but they also try to gather information and intelligence about the Chimera Ants.

They learn about their strength and weakness, their behavior and personality, their rank and role.

They discover that the lion ant is a squadron leader, who commands a group of soldiers and peons. He is strong and confident, but also arrogant and reckless. He has a weakness for fire and water, which can extinguish his mane and dampen his roar. They use Morel's smoke to create fire and water illusions, and they use Kai's lightning to shock him and knock him out.

The spider ant is a soldier, who serves under a squadron leader. She is cunning and cruel, but also cowardly and greedy. She has a weakness for light and wind, which can expose her web and blow it away. They use Morel's pipe to create light and wind smoke rings, and they use Knuckle's Hakoware to attach his nen beast to her and drain her aura.

The human ant is a spy, who works for the royal guards. He is deceptive and manipulative, but also loyal and devoted. He has a weakness for pain and fear, which can break his concentration and control. They use Meleoron's invisibility to sneak behind him and hit him hard, and they use Kai's dragon eye to see through his lies and tricks.

They engaged in a fierce battle with the lion ant and the spider ant, two of the chimera ants who were guarding the palace. They used their skills and teamwork to overcome their enemies, who were strong and vicious. They managed to land the final blows on the lion ant and the spider ant, killing them instantly. But they spared the human ant, who was a spy for the royal guards. They captured him and tied him up, hoping to interrogate him for information.

They interrogate the human ant spy to spill information about the hierarchy, roles, the layout of the palace and the royal guards. They use Kai's dragon eye to read his aura and emotions, and they use Morel's smoke to create illusions and threats. They managed to get some information about the hierarchy, roles and some layout of the palace, but they failed to get any information about the royal guards.

The human ant spy tells them that the Chimera Ants have a strict hierarchy, based on their power and loyalty. The highest rank is the king, who is the supreme ruler and the ultimate goal of the queen. The second highest rank is the royal guards, who are the closest and most loyal servants of the king. The third highest rank is the squadron leaders, who are the commanders and leaders of the soldiers and peons. The lowest rank is the peons, who are the workers and fodder of the colony.

Each Chimera Ants have different roles, based on their abilities and traits. Some of them are hunters, who hunt for food and prey. Some of them are soldiers, who fight for territory and dominance. Some of them are spies, who gather information and intelligence. Some of them are specialists, who have unique and rare abilities.

The palace is a huge structure, made of dirt and bones. It has many rooms and corridors, where the king and his royal guards reside. It also has a throne room, where the king sits on his throne, made of skulls and flesh. It also has a basement, where the queen lies on her bed, made of blood and organs.

The human ant spy was defiant and stubborn, refusing to tell them anything about the royal guards, even under pain and fear. He endured their torture and threats, showing no signs of breaking. He said that they were wasting their time, and that they would never get anything out of him.

"You don't understand. The royal guards are too powerful and too loyal for me to betray. They are my idols and my gods, and I would do anything for them. I would rather die than dishonor them." He said, spitting blood at them.

"Stop lying. You are just a pawn, a tool, a slave. They don't care about you, they don't respect you, they don't love you. They only use you for their own purposes, and they will discard you when you are no longer useful. You are nothing to them." Kai said, trying to shake his resolve.

"You are wrong. You are the ones who are nothing. You are the ones who are doomed. You are the ones who will die. You have no chance against them, no hope, no future. They will crush you like insects, and they will rule the world." The human ant spy said, laughing maniacally.

"Enough. Tell us what we want to know, or we will make you suffer more. Tell us where the king and his guards are, what their abilities are, what their weaknesses are. Tell us now, or we will make you beg for death." Morel said, losing his patience.

"Never. I will never betray them. I will never tell you anything. I will never give up. I will never surrender. I will die with honor, and I will join them in glory." The human ant spy said, making his final decision.

He then bit his tongue hard, severing it from his mouth. He choked on his own blood, and died with a smile on his face, leaving them with no more information

Morel quickly pulled out his phone from his pipe, where he had concealed it from the enemy's detection. He dialed the number of Netero, the chairman of the Hunter Association, and waited for him to answer. He had to report what they had learned from the human ant spy, a crucial piece of intelligence that could change the course of the battle.

"Morel, is that you?" Netero's voice came through the phone.

"Yes, sir. I have some important information for you. We managed to capture and interrogate a human ant spy, who revealed some details about the hierarchy and roles of each Chimera Ant. He also told us about some of the layout of the underground palace, such as the location of the King's throne room and the Royal Guards' quarters. I'm sending you the transcript of the interrogation now." Morel said, attaching the file to his message.

"Good job, Morel. This is very valuable information. It could give us an edge over the enemy. I will study it carefully and share it with the other hunters who are part of the mission. I will also revise our strategy and our roles, based on this new information. I will contact you again when we are ready to launch the attack." Netero said, sounding impressed and grateful.

"Thank you, sir. We are counting on you. We will do our best to fulfill our duty." Morel said, feeling hopeful and determined.

"Likewise, Morel. Stay safe and alert. Netero out." Netero said, ending the call.

Morel hangs up the phone, and puts it back inside his pipe. He looks at Kai and his team, who are waiting for his update.

"Alright, listen up. I just talked to Netero, and I sent him the information we got from the spy. He said he will analyze it and get back to us soon. He will tell us what our next move is, and what our role is in the plan. We have to wait for his call, and follow his instructions." Morel says, speaking in a serious tone.

"What kind of information did you send him?" Kai asks, curious and eager.

"Some details about the Chimera Ants' hierarchy and roles. And some of the layout of the palace, like where the King and his Guards are. It could help us find them faster and easier." Morel answers, hoping that it will make a difference.

"That's good. Maybe we can catch them off guard, or exploit their weaknesses." Kai says, feeling optimistic.

"Maybe. But don't get too cocky. They are still very powerful and dangerous. We have to be ready for anything, and trust each other. We have to work as a team, and support each other." Morel says, reminding them of the stakes.

"Of course. We are all in this together. We won't let you down, Morel." Kai says, nodding with determination.

"Good. Then let's get ready for the final battle. And hope for the best." Morel says, clenching his fist.

They continue their walk and finally reach the peripheral of the ant nest by the time of twilight, which is a massive structure made of dirt and bones. It looms over them like a dark and ominous mountain, casting a long and cold shadow over the land.

It is surrounded by a wall of chimera ants, who patrol and guard it with their lives. They are armed and alert, ready to attack any intruders or threats. It is also emitting a sinister aura, which fills them with dread and awe. They can feel the pressure and the presence of the king and his royal guards, who reside inside the nest. They know that this is where their mission will begin, but they must wait for Netero's call and signal to begin their action.

They see the entrance of the huge underground palace, which is hidden under the nest. It is a large and circular hole, covered by a metal gate. It is guarded by many chimera ants, who stand in front of it and on top of it. They are stronger and smarter than the ones outside, and they have orders to kill anyone who tries to enter or escape. Kai then uses his second hatsu, dragon eye, to map out the layout of the floors, corridors and rooms of the whole underground palace.

He activates his nen ability, which allows him to increase his perception and see aura and nen, to create a mental map of his surroundings. He combines it with the layout information that they got from the human ant spy, so they can have a complete and accurate picture of the palace.

Morel quickly used his smoke to create a smoke screen, where he traced the map of the palace with his finger. He memorized the layout and the locations of the king and his guards, as well as the possible routes and exits. He then took a picture of the smoke screen with his phone, and sent it to the hunter headquarters. He hid his phone inside his pipe again, and hoped that the map would help them achieve maximum efficiency and results.

Netero received the map from Morel, and he was impressed by their work. He opened the file and studied the map carefully, noting every detail and marking every point of interest. He praised them for their skills and intelligence, and he thanked them for their contribution.

"Morel, Kai, and the rest of your team, you have done a great job. This map is very valuable for our plan. It will help us locate and target the enemy more easily and effectively. I will share it with the other hunters who are part of the mission. I will use it to update our strategy and our roles, and to coordinate our movements and actions. I will contact you again when we are ready to launch the attack." Netero said, speaking in a confident and grateful tone.

"Thank you, sir. We are glad to be of service. We are waiting for your instructions." Morel said, feeling proud and hopeful.

"Good. But be careful and alert. The palace is full of dangers and traps. The chimera ants are not to be underestimated. They are cunning and ruthless, and they will fight to the death. You have to be prepared for anything, and trust your instincts." Netero said, warning them of the risks.

"We understand, sir. We will be cautious and vigilant. We will not let our guard down." Morel said, nodding with determination.

"Good. And remember, the king and his royal guards are the most powerful and dangerous enemies you will ever face. They are monsters beyond human comprehension. You have to be ready to give your all, and to sacrifice everything if necessary. This is not a game, this is a war." Netero said, emphasizing the stakes.

"We know, sir. We are ready to fight for our cause, and for humanity. We will not back down, or give up." Morel said, feeling brave and resolute.

"Good. I believe in you and your abilities. You are some of the best hunters in the world. You have what it takes to succeed in this mission. I hope you will make it out alive, and victorious." Netero said, expressing his faith and hope.

"Thank you, sir. We appreciate your trust and support. We will do our best to live up to your expectations." Morel said, feeling honored and grateful.

"Good luck, Morel, Kai, and the rest of your team. I will see you soon." Netero said, ending the call.

Kai and his team endured a nerve-wracking three-day wait for the response of Hunter headquarters, hoping for the additional input for the revised plan would be approved. They spent the time training, resting, and preparing for the mission, but they could not shake off the anxiety and anticipation. Finally, they received the green light and a message of good luck from their superiors.

"Attention, Kai and team. This is Netero, the chairman of the Hunter Association. I have reviewed the revised plan, and I have approved it. It is a well-thought-out and feasible strategy, and I commend you for your input creativity and initiative. You have my permission to proceed with the mission, as soon as possible." Netero's voice came through their earpieces.

"Thank you, sir. We are ready to go." Kai said, feeling relieved and excited.

"Good. The revised plan involves a coordinated attack on the palace, with each team member assigned a specific target. The plan explain your roles and objectives in detail." Netero said.

They approached the underground palace with utmost caution, avoiding the keen eyes of the Chimera Ants who patrolled the entrance gate. Morel activated his hatsu, a powerful Nen ability that allowed him to manipulate smoke. He dispersed the smoke in a thin layer, barely visible but enough to scan the surroundings. He spotted a small crack in the wall, just large enough for them to squeeze through.

The palace loomed before them, a dark and gloomy fortress that hid countless secrets and dangers. Kai and his team ventured inside, following the twisting tunnels and chambers that branched off in different directions. The palace was also saturated with a sinister aura, a palpable pressure that made Kai and his team shiver and tense up.

They split up to search for their targets, communicating through earpieces. Kai ran along a corridor, his eyes scanning for any signs of Chimera Ants. Suddenly, he felt the ground give way beneath him. He had stepped on a camouflage and hidden pitfall trap.

He managed to land on his feet, but he was not alone. He looked up and saw Zazan, one of the Royal Guards of the Chimera Ant King. She was a scorpion-like Chimera Ant, with a long tail that ended in a sharp stinger. She grinned wickedly, showing her fangs. Her stinger dripped with venom, a deadly weapon that could paralyze or kill with a single touch.

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