
Chapter 233:- Polarlight Wyvern

"It is going to take us at least one month to reach Emberfall City if we keep walking at this pace." Isabella finally had enough. They have been walking in the forest for over 7 hours now. And till now they had hardly made any progress. 

Firstly, the path through the forest was very narrow and blocked by trees and bushes. They had to deal with all these obstacles. 

The second biggest problem was the constant attacks from the Monsters. Ever since they started their journey to Emberfall, they had been attacked by at least 100 different kinds of monsters. 

All of these monsters have been killed by either Isabella or William. 

Without saying anything, William usually left the weaker monsters to Isabella. If she killed them then it was going to be more helpful to her since her level was lower than his. As for the stronger ones, William eliminated them. Of course, they make sure that their daughter Aimee does not see this. 

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