
Here we go again

In the midst of this fiery chaos, fragments of scorched earth were catapulted into the air, propelled by the explosive energy of the dragon's attack. These burning fragments arced through the sky before plummeting back to the ground, leaving smoldering embers in their wake.

However, as the ground continued to smolder and smolder, the fire dragon's assault abruptly ceased. Its attention had been captured by a new threat—Rain. Emerging from concealment, Rain sprinted toward the dragon's territory, desperate to escape. The dragon, momentarily redirecting its fury, fixated on the audacious human as he fled.

The fire dragon began to chase him and so tried the earth dragon. Still, then numerous fire tornadoes enveloped the creature and forced the monster to stop and focus on them instead.

"It seemed that they took the hint," Rain thought while looking over his shoulder.

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