

Geometry has always been a subject I rather enjoyed. Everytime Anderson arranged for a suprise test, I was sure I could 'A' ce it. My confidence would be over the roof but when the results came out, the marks are sometimes not what I expected which made me angry. That is why I loved it. The chase, the confidence, all the excitment only for me to be disappointed but I'd go back again. I zoned out from the lesson thinking about her, there's just something about the way she looked at me at the party. The way she tensed when I brushed my lips against her cheek, it couldn't have been lust. She's far in her head to even have such thoughts, she is the epitome of innocent. I grew irritated at the fact that she couldn't hold eye contact with me for long, it's going to be difficult for me to have my way with her if she won't look at me. I chuckled at the thought earning a weird look from Jake. The bell rang interrupting my thoughts. I grabbed my bag and walked out.

"There's something weird about you today, either you ran over Derrick or you knocked you're head while you were in New York." Jake, my somewhat close friend said, looking me over as though that'll answer his question.

"Can't a man be happy in peace!" I chuckled whilst going to my locker. Hopefully I'll be able to see and talk to her.

"Yeah sure, if that man's name is not Damon and you're not happy. More like uh..:-" He trailed off giving me a side glance.

"Excited! but it's definetely suspicious." I ignored him when I reached my locker. He went to his to get his books.

"Since when do you use you're locker!" He asked, coming to stand beside me.

"Since when do you care." He scoffed and pushed his wavy black hair back, exposing his right earring.

"Oh uhm... I don't know! Maybe because I'm you're BEST FRIEND." I gringed at the word but brushed it off. He rolled his eyes and leaned against her locker.

"Get off." I said in gritted teeth. He glared at me confused but did as I said.

"Whatever it is you're planning, do not get expelled for it."

I chuckled and shook my head. "As if that can happen."

"True. I have to get to class, unlike someone I actually need to graduate this year." He pat my shoulder and walked away before disappearing in the crowd of kids.

"Hey baby." I gritted my teeth agitated and turned to look at Jennifer. She flashed me a smile, her pearly whites coming on display. She held her little fancy purse closer taking baby steps towards me. Her overly short skirt not helping with her movement. She hugged me and pulled back once she realised I didn't reciprocate.

"I missed you, why didn't you tell me you left for New York on Friday night!" She pouted, her red lipstick so bright it was almost blinding. I looked at her like she had grown two heads and brushed her off.

"Who the fuck do you think you are! I don't have to tell you anything Jennifer." I spit every word in her face like venom. She frowned before letting the crocodile tears fall.

"Why do you treat me like this, I thought we we're good." She mumbled wrapping her hands around my torso. I glared at all the students looking on and like little ants, they dispersed to their designated classes. I gently got her off and sighed.

"We're, as in past tense. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that just because we fucked, it doesn't make you special to me." She glared at me, her face red in anger.

"Is this because of that black bamboon!" She yelled throwing her hands in the air. I frowned looking her over.

"That's right asshole, I saw you dancing with her." I grabbed her chin and brought her face closer to mine.

"Call me an asshole, one more time." I said. She whimpered and quickly apologised, I dropped her pathetic face and she was quick to scurry away from me.

"Don't come begging for this when you're bored Damon." I chuckled at her little confidence which only angered her more. She scoffed and walked away. I noticed that the hallway was empty and sighed. I turned towards her locker and low and behold. Blossom was standing there seemingly watching Jennifer's retreating back.

I cleared my throat which gained her attention. "Hi." She approached her locker a little timidly and opened it.

"Hello." She mumbled, hiding behind the now open locker.

"How was your first period!"

"It was good, thank you." She shuffled and got her stuff before slamming it shut.

"'how was yours Damon!' Oh! it was boring being stuck in Geometry for God-knows how long'" She looked at me a little buffled making me scoff.

"That's how conversations usually flow in America." I snapped a little irritated at her. She frowned and looked away.

"And would you look at me. I'm not that ugly.. or at all." She looked up and frowned

"I don't sound like that." She mumbled under her breath but I heard it well and clear.


She sighed and closed her eyes, as if reminiscing about something, and opened them up again with determination and damn me if it wasn't sexy.

"I said, I don't sound like that." She said a little louder for me to hear.

"Yes, you do."

"No I don't." She frowned, irritation clear in her voice. She looked so cute but I'd never tell her that...not now anyway.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." I shrugged and leaned against my locker. She scoffed and turned away from me, I panicked. I didn't want her to leave, as stupid as it may sound, I wanted her to continue talking...to me.

"Walking away must be the only thing you're little self is good at." I chuckled darkly, referring to the events of last night. I'd be lying if I said it didn't irk me how she was so quick to push me away. No one has ever rejected me.

"Only if it's most convenient." She said turning around to face me. She remembered, ofcourse she did. Her facial expression said it all.

"Which is all the time."

"No, only when I'm around perverts." I laughed. She scoffed a little embarassed but I continued to laugh anyway.

"And what does that say about you princess." I smirked, happy she got out of her shell.

She folded her arms over her chest protectively and glared at me. "That's different, I didn't know who y:-"

":-and yet you we're still so eager to jump in my arms the first chance you got." I took a step towards her and she took one back.

"You insisted that I:-"

":-all you had to do was say no and I would've left you alone." I cornered her on one of the lockers and looked down at her.

"Tell me Blossom:-" I caressed her cheek making her look up at me. Her lips parted, breathing a little too fast.

"-why didn't you say no." I let go of her chin relenctantly, afraid she'd look away but she didn't. I saw her visibly gulp and look at my lips. I smirked to myself, knowing I had her exactly where I wanted. I leaned in an-

"Aren't you two supposed to be in class!" At the sound of one of the old cranky teachers, she jumped away from me in fright. I turned to glare at the old man in resentment.

"Obviously not. Don't you see you just interrupted something important!" I spoke calmly despite my anger. I stood infront of Blossom protectively so she's not seen but she was quick to push past my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry sir... I.. uhm. He didn't mean it.. he's just rude, I'm really sorry." She mumbled hysterically. Her eyes wide in terror.

"First day in school and you're already skipping classes! I wonder what Miss Lydia would say about that." Blossom's face paled at the mention of Lydia. She apologised even more but the ol' man wasn't hearing it, he looked down at her in mild disgust. The same look Jennifer had when she mentioned Blossom. I wanted to punch the life out of him.

"Detention after class. You too Mr Stone." He walked away, leaving a distressed Blossom behind.


She turned to face me with a pained look. "Stay away from me Damon." She ran away to her class.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled to no one, surpising myself.

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