
Chapter 279: New World!

After a few more hours, we finally transferred all of the valuables to Pandemonium; it would've been faster if Freyja or Sebas had created some slaves, which they actually ended up doing, but I killed them all. After all, I found it more fun forcing them to carry everything, and they definitely didn't like it, seeing as I was forced to fight the two of them afterward, with Mael joining the fray halfway through the fight.

"Tsk, always so fucking heavy-handed. Don't you know it's rude to hit a woman?" Remarked Freyja in annoyance as she dusted her clothes off while spitting blood and a tooth onto the ground before eyeing Diddy.

"By who's moral compass? I'll hit a woman or a child; it makes no difference to me." Remarked Diddy lightly with a faint smirk as he glanced at Freyja while leaning against his bo-staff, his words causing her to scoff.

"I see the elderly isn't exempted from this." Muttered Sebas softly as he gently rubbed his bruised head while looking at Diddy, who chuckled before baring his fangs.

"Why the hell did you beat me up worse than those two? I thought you hated Freyja, not me?" Asked Mael in anger as he propped himself up with his golden axe while eyeing Diddy, his body covered in wounds and bruises.

"Hehe, because I felt like it." Replied Diddy with a laugh, causing Mael to grunt in anger before flapping his wings and flying toward Pandemonium, who was partially within the bubble surrounding Fishman Island.

Watching Mael fly away, I chuckled as I plopped my bo-staff onto my shoulder and headed back towards the throne room, where the royal family had been imprisoned for the past day and a half.

"Return to Pandemonium, I'll be back soon." Ordered Diddy lightly as he waved his tail at Sebas, Freyja, and Scar, his words causing them to nod as they flew back toward Pandemonium.

Destroying a few walls to make a shortcut as I headed towards the throne, I arrived after a few minutes, and along the way, I spotted another axe flying right for Shirahoshi, which greatly annoyed me since I've been dealing with them constantly. Launching a lightning bolt at the axe after transferring it through my bo-staff, causing the weapon to explode, I casually dodged the shrapnel while yawning as I approached the royal family.

"You five look like shit, it's only been like 36 hours since we've imprisoned you." Remarked Diddy lightly as he glanced at the haggard royal family, his words prompting them to glare furiously while Shirahoshi meekly hid behind the King.

"Anyways, we've pretty much emptied the treasury; I hope you don't mind; also, I'm surprised I haven't seen Jinbe. I was actually hoping I'd get to meet him again, but it seems I'll have to wait a little longer." Said Diddy casually as he passed Tamago and Pekom's corpses while glancing at the King, who was glaring at him with hatred, similar to his three sons.

"Are you going to kill us?" Asked Neptune solemnly with concealed hatred as he stared deeply at Diddy, his words causing Shirahoshi to widen her eyes, yet before she could say anything, he shook his head.

"Nope, if I were going to kill you, I would've already done so; I'm not some murderous psychopath." Replied Diddy lightly as he dismissively waved his hand, slightly surprising the four while Shirahoshi sighed in relief.

Approaching the three brothers, I holstered Naga-sa onto my back before slicing their chains with my nails, freeing them as I went ahead and did the same to both the King and Shirahoshi. With them all free, I turned around and walked away, picking up Pekoms corpse with my tail while leaving Tamago. I had no need for his body; after all, what would I do with it?

'I wonder if Minks taste good? Probably, just need enough seasoning.' Mused Diddy lightly as he glanced at Pekom's corpse before shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head.

I wasn't going to eat Pekoms when I'd just killed two sea kings that we could use for food, but it did interest me; though while I exited the throne room, despite sensing their surging hatred for me, none of them foolishly decided to attack me.

"Seeya later." Said Diddy lightly as he waved at the Royal family before exiting the throne room.

Leaving the way I had initially entered from, I leaped into the air and stood atop Nimbus as I flew towards Pandemonium while gazing down at the city below, which looked to be in perfect condition if you exclude the fact there were massive piles of dried husks outside a brothel; besides, that, everything looked good, you would assume a plague had ran amok rather than some pirates.

'Heh, we can't be having that.' Thought Diddy with a feral grin as Nimbus violently rumbled while lightning arced across its body.

"Bombard." Muttered Diddy, his words causing Nimbus, which had been charged with lightning, to explode violently as several massive bolts of lighting struck Fishman-island, destroying tens of buildings with each attack.

Only when I neared the edge of Fishman Island did I stop attacking the city, and as I gave it one last look, admiring the destruction I caused, I couldn't help but laugh while leaving the protective bubble.

Flying through the ocean, I headed towards Pandemonium, though since Pandy had already coiled himself around the fortress, I just sat atop his head, which prompted Mony to roar as she started swimming towards the surface, though this time, we'd be emerging on the other side of the Red Line.

'Hehe, New World. I wonder how chaotic it'll be.' Mused Diddy with a ferocious grin as he licked his fangs while looking upwards, observing the seemingly endless sea.

Thankfully, surfacing was much easier than finding a specific location at the bottom of the ocean, so it didn't take long at all before we finally started to see the sky. However, the instant we surfaced, we were hit with a powerful thunderstorm and violent waters, yet that was merely the beginning as in the distance, I spotted several marine battleships, seemingly waiting for new pirates, though to top it all off, I spotted a few other pirate ships, and they were heading right for us.

With Pandy uncoiling himself, I landed on the roof of our fortress beside all of my crew mates as we silently gazed at New World amidst the raging winds and aggressive rain.

"Well, this one fucking welcoming." Said Mael with a slight frown as he gazed at the pirates and marines in the distance, who were both heading for them.

"Hehe, I know right! Isn't it amazing?" Remarked Diddy with a chaotic chuckle as he eagerly gazed at the approaching enemies.

"Yes, it is." Repled Chala with a nod as she stood beside him, she and Diddy sporting feral grins as they stared out at sea.

"Haa, why are they both coming for us? Shouldn't the Marines be dealing with those other pirates?" Asked Trenza in annoyance as she held Sunaipu while eyeing the numerous enemy ships.

"I don't know, but after that war, the Marines lost a lot of manpower, so maybe they're temporarily working with pirates?" Said Janet lightly as she took pictures and shrugged her shoulders.

"Haa, we're too injured for this." "That's not going to stop me!" Remarked Scar and Grand, respectively.

"So, who shall we attack first, Captain?" Asked Sebas curiously as he glanced at Diddy, only for Freyja to grunt while transforming into her Satan's Soul.

"Duh, it's everyone. You should already know that, Sebas." Remarked Freyja softly as she folded her arms while glancing between Diddy and Sebas, causing the former to grin.

"Hehe, you know me so well, Freyja." Said Diddy while grinning, his words causing Freyja to scoff.

I didn't even need to say anything as Pandemonium charged head first towards our enemies with a mighty roar and hiss, their voices causing the pirates and marines to simultaneously attack us with cannon fire, which did nothing to Pandemonium, their bodies being far too tough to be injured by mear cannon balls, while Sebas protected the fortress.

When we got close, the instant Trenza fired Sunaipu, we all lunged towards our two enemies; kicking the air alongside Scar, we headed towards the marines while Chala ran across the water, freezing it before it ever touched her. Mael, Sebas, Freyja, and Grand headed towards the pirates, leaving Trenza and Janet to attack from a distance.

Grabbing Naga-sa and infusing it with Nimbus, I twirled it above my head before aggressively slamming it down at the first ship, only for someone clad in haki to stop my initial attack, causing me to wildly grin as I eyed the marine.

"I'll take the two ships to the left. Don't steal them from me, Chala." Remarked Scar as he eyed Chala while slightly shifting towards the left, flying past Diddy.

"Then you better kill them all, which you probably won't, given your injuries." Stated Chala with a feral smirk as she glanced at Scar, who rolled his eyes while heading towards Diddy's right.

Pushing my opponent back on the ship, I raised my bo-staff, using it as a lightning rod as I summoned lightning from the thunderstorm up above before swinging Naga-sa down onto the ship, causing it to violently explode in a fiery eruption; not even a few seconds later, the same happened on the pirate's side as I saw Mael, Freyja, and Sebas causing carnage.

'Hehe, I can't wait to explore the New World!' Thought Diddy with a ferocious grin while licking his lips, anticipating what was in store for his future.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 285: Rebirth Dimension) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 167: Roswald or Blacy Kingdom?) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 289: Marines Get Word!?)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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