
Breaking the Game

Midas sighed as he looked at the next problem that came to him. So this time it was a self referential quiz, huh…


`Problem 30`

`Solve this Self Referential Quiz. You have 3 Attempts Remaining.`



Self referential quizzes were quizzes whose answers depended on the answer that was chosen by the person who took the quiz. They did not rely on general knowledge or understanding the content, but on logic instead.

Midas mentally clicked on the start button and another panel opened up with the questions.


`Solve this Self Referential Quiz. After selection, click on the Complete Button.`

What is the answer to the next question? - A: E, B: D, C: C, D: B, E: A

Which is the only question whose answer is C? - A: 1, B: 2, C: 3, D: 4, E: 5

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